ITT: Scenes in games women will never understand.
ITT: Scenes in games women will never understand
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so this is another "Sup Forums soyboys hates women" episode
Women praise whenever men are brutally murdered.
>hating women
Has anyone ever tried hacking this scene so you can kill everyone? Does it have any effect on how many guns go off or what?
you only get a couple of shots off before being interrupted anyway iirc
The dog is hard as fuck, I beat it once by luck but then was immediately cut down by you know who
this shit right here
>mfw they drug eachother up for one last battle
That's why I said hack the scene so you can get more off or if you can set all enemies to be dead or some shit
>the world is your bitch
>as am I
Someone actually thought that game was a good idea
Literally every scene in every video game ever made.
Do they?
what if a woman gets that specific scene and fight, but just doesn't get the rest of the metal gear plotline?
Aard that shit.
Bitchs gets knocked down easier than 90yo with osteoporosis.
If you're going to rewrite the entire scene then the result's going to be what you wrote
Are you implying women can't understand video games? If so, please explain as to why is that?
Fuck, man. This scene knocked my dick in the dirt. So well done.
Any scene where a man forgives someone evil, like when metal face died in Xenoblade
yeah, specially their husbands
He never stays down for me, only the green dogs
I came here to post
Yes. They will phrase it differently, and will rationalize it in whatever way they can get away with, but ultimately, that's all they want to see happening to men.
this scene wouldnt work at all if the last few missions were of him working on his farm with his wife and building his life
t. Angry woman
I had a friend who stopped playing during the farm missions and didn't know what happened. I can't decide if he's better off or not.
It's like watching your son go from crybaby to a manly stud
weird I beat it on my first try and I didn't use aard
Because understanding something requires you to actually think about it. And we all know women are incapable of anything but the most basic though processes.
The entirety of Metal Gear Rising
I'm on hard difficulty, sometimes even just 2 of the ghost dogs that spawn at night in chapter 1 could kill me if I wasn't careful.
Basically every video game ever made. Ever.
Unironically my girlfriend's favorite franchises.
Hard difficulty REQUIRES you to prepare for fights and be well equiped. Oils and everything. It actually gets easier as you level up, since you get used to being well stocked and prepare for each fights
She's pretty cute actually and I love her
I don't how that's possible
t. Woman who doesnt understand
Because women are fucking brainlets.
I hope you pressed yes, Sup Forums.
>women don't understand retarded concepts of "honor" and pointless sacrifice
alright i guess lmao
t. woman
>Any scene
And loyalty, you forgot loyalty
What this game is about? And would my calculator run it? It's not even i3, dual core or something.
the whole game
but what are some games men will never understand?
>tfw it got banned because it technically had cp in it
the evangelion of anime, dark souls that would be
I would say otome games but dudes play those too.
puyo puyo tetris and puzzle games in general.
>inb4 "I'm a man and i'm good at puyo"
you're a woman, stop lying and start your hrt.
Animal Crossing.
I image women could get that. Nier's themes aren't particularly masculine.
fuck man
Then why don't women like the RTS genre?
You must be a woman because you're trying to infer women are better at logic.
My Fiancee actually played through all of Red Dead and she fucking loved it
The entire game
Fucking 18th century kino is top
>Tis but vain
>I mean not to upbraid you boys
>Tis but vain
>For a soldier to complain
I mean, when Bubba fucks you in the ass and you get a boner, that isn't rape either I guess.
this whole scene
only good answer here
Animal Crossing, Resident Evil, Klonoa
post more recommendations
What the fuck?
I thought CIA had good posture
>"I gotta try..."
>"I know"
Honestly would be badass if it was pulled off right.
Incidentally, what's the best ace combat game? Heard it was 5.
Been looking to get into the series.
>why is he trying to shoot this guy who has superpowers
>weren't they friends?
>does he really think a gun is going to work is he stupid?
>has to try? he's completely outmatched that's retarded
existentialism is masculine though
women are way too well socialized and too social in fact to reach the sense of dread and irreality required for existentialism to appear
t. roastie toastie
not enough trolling but thats sounds like stuff my sister said when she watched me play this
maybe because it's a dead genre. Back when broodwar was hot, i met a lot of female players online and at lan parties. Most of the good female players were harassed out of the scene by jealous edgelords. Same story with some fps games like Quake 3 and Counter Strike.
I play fighting games at my local arcade, i've seen some girls doing really good but the scene is so full of retarded manchildren they leave and never return. I guess women don't like the smell of showerless fatties. There's also the guys who start hitting on the girls just because "HOLY SHIT SHE'S GOOD AT KOF".
because you qualify yourself as a man? AAA
What the fuck, isn't the meme that men's brains are hardwired like a puzzle game because they like to process chunks of information at a time
5 is usually considered the best, but for many (myself included) Zero holds a special place because of its badassery and focus on fighting for fightings sake.
5 is by far the lengthiest entry but you'll be hearing radio chatter every time you listen to a track. Definitely worth it
If you have to time you can go 4 > 5 > Zero > 6