Has never won a console generation

>has never won a console generation
>still in the console market

I think it has a strong place in second when it comes to console quality and game libraries.
While other companies try new things and either make gangbusters or completely flop. Microsoft always seems to play it safe with a low variance in quality.

Because these days you only need to get about 30 million users then you just print money with paid online

PleaseFixMe was better than the Pii and the NoGaemzstation.

Xbox360 beat the PS3. It's eating dust this generation, though.

>Owned all four gen 6 consoles
>Xbox was my favorite

the first xbox was ridiculously hackable

only early on
PS3 outsold it eventually


Best 6th & 7th gen.
Money, idiot.

Microsoft is a rich ass company

Two main things.

>consistently better network and social features than Sony
>halo CE to reach

The only things that kept MS afloat in Generation 7.

Rich and stubborn.

360 was better than ps3 for online games

Xbox is from Microsoft the biggest monopoly in desktop OS since 25+ years ago


im an xbox faggot but I feel like microsoft in general is really struggling with their identity. They took a huge hit by not entering the smartphone market fast enough and all of their platforms and services are spaced out and the branding is gay AF. I feel like they should borrow some things from how apple operates but you know... actually make computers that can run a video game. As far as the Xbox it's self its not that bad with games with gold etc. Its turned me on to a few games and EVERYTHING is turning into a subscription service. It sucks donkeys keep paying for it. Like Adobe going full subscription service was retarded cause now its hard to crack their programs. But whatever.

watch me whip
now watch me 4k


because they profit from their product?

360 won the 7th gen, but you won't see people admit this on Sup Forums.

so where's your source



Nah, v = ps3 has no games

Nintendo Police Department ?

360 literally BTFO ps3 in the west. And that's even with them jewing us monthly.

Xbone only lost because it but it's focus on being a family thing and utility instead of just an actual console. I'm sure they'll learn next time and BTFO japanophiles and their shitty games again.

Xbone lost because they shot themselves in the foot with that DRM announcement and became a laughingstock.

Xbox3 lost because it had 60% of PS4's specs and cost $100 more.

>being this mad that VGChartz can no longer be used as a source.

>has never won a generation

Xbox 360

for the rest
pic related
In fact, Xbox one is profitable just with the Xbox live gold (Paid online + gold games & sales subscription) alone without couting the rest.

Wii outsold it, but 360 was the best console in the 7th gen despite turning into garbage when Kinect released

someone has to keep Sony in check.
Microsoft has turn its self around from its anti consumerists practices.
if it had games, it would be ok
Sony is only successful because the competition fucked up and hard. They've gotten too cocky and started fucking over their customers because there was no better alternative than PC.
Which most normalfags don't bother with
Nintendo isn't even competing and hasn't for a long time.

This. They're making a lot of money with the X1 and the X1X is beating the Pro in terms of sales. It does have the best features between the three consoles and will probably have the best E3 again this year. I bet MS is very happy with were they're at with the X1.

Let's also consider that 30+ million consoles sold the xone is far from beign a flol, it's just a worst result than Sony, but MS compensate in more active player with Gold


Because it's not about winning. Only fandrones and shitposters care about who "wins."

It's about turning a profit. As long as the XBOX brand remains profitable, Microsoft will stay in the race. They've got far deeper pockets than the competition anyway so they have nothing to lose by not being #1. For Nintendo it's their core business and for Sony it's one of their few profitable branches, but Microsoft is rolling in the cash even if they publish flops.

>has never won a car generation
>still in the car market

>Nintendo isn't even competing and hasn't for a long time.
The Wii outsold everything and the Switch is selling faster than either of its competitors. The Wii U was the only misstep.


PS3 might have outsold it eventually, but they lost a shitton of money early on

doesn't even matter when the wii sold more

>Oh no muh grafix ahhhhh the game doesn't look as good as it used to oh no ahhhhh

you don't need to win if you consistently come second every time

>360 winning the generation when the wii blatantly sold more and the ps3 about as much as it

>muh sales
Who fucking cares? The PS3 was objectively worse than the 360 in every single way. It had no games, it had dogshit hardware, and the online was dreadfully bad. It only outsold the 360 towards the end because the Xbox brand doesn’t exist in Japan, so that’s free sales for Sony and Ninty


That's funny considering toxic gamers make up like 90% of the Xbox playerbase.


I still can't believe how MS stole the market from Sony for all those years and it was only their second console. Granted, Sony shot themselves in the foot with the PS3, so that certainly helped. It kind of reminds me of this gen and how roles were reversed.

The 360 was, like every single Microsoft console, not worth buying.

3 gens and they still haven't managed to release a single good exclusive worth playing.

>no games
maybe for the first half of its life. The ps3 had actual exclusives in its second half whereas the 360 just lost them all to PC/ps3

Nintendo has always been the supplementary console. While Microsoft and Sony were the big consoles. People by Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games not third party. Sales has nothing to do with it.

Is there a better looking game than Horizon 3 an any other console?

hey, the first xbox was worth buying

360/bone are pure trash though, 360 was alright for the first few years then they fucked it up

Yeah, just like ps and xbox are supplemental to PC. Well, ps is at least

Sega went through three generations of solid losses and one contested generation before they went bust. Microsoft, by comparison, is doing better than Sega was for most of its console history.

Lmao imagine being this much of a delusional fanboy. Xbox has no exclusives now because they all went to Win10, but back in the 360 days when you couldn’t play them on PC, Xbox had way better exclusives than So(n)y. You’re straight up fanboying if you don’t think Gears 1/2 or Halo 2/3 were good exclusives.

NPD only collects American numbers, idiot.

Doesn’t even account for the first 4 years of 360s having an almost 100% failure rate. I wonder how many 360 sales were just replacements.

Of course, from a perspective such as yours.
but normalfags don't care, consoles are still more accessible and user friendly to them, which is why they are still alive and in production.

>Xbox had way better exclusives than So(n)y
no, they didn't

>halo and gears
all they had. Gears 1 is on PC by the way

>businesses can only exist if they dominate their market
I want brainlets out.

to keep soynyponies angry

>gears and halo
Plz leave normal fag.

Soynematic garbage like Unsharted and Last of Us aren’t games. The best PS3 exclusive was Demons Souls which nobody played. Gears 1 wasn’t on PC back then idiot, I’m not talking about today’s Win10 library.

Spotted the nu-gamer who likes weeb garbage and cinematic experiences over games with actual gameplay. Yikes that’s embarrassing.

White trash buy Microsoft products for the same reason they buy "American" cars.

>1.7 million sales
>no one played
Its no dark souls, but it was pretty popular for what it was.

At this point xbox is just a low tier PC since any windows game will be playable on xbox soon enough. Plus halo.

>but they lost a shitton of money early on
So did Microsoft, you don't think the RROD warranty program was free, do you?

>muh rootie tootie aim and shooty
Yikes that's embarrassing.

>back then
came out a year after 360, like I said 360 lost all its games

>unsharted and last of us
-valkyrie chronicles
-killzone 2
-demon's souls

off the top of my head

no matter how you look at it, 360's library was trash compared to ps3's by the end of their life cycles. Now fuck off

And VGChartz makes shit up as they go, they only have Japanese numbers because Japanese always post their numbers.

An xbox is currently what steam machines wish they could be tbqh
All that's really missing in this equation is pc->xbox official streaming.

1.7 mil is small change compared to the entire userbase of the PS3. Look how many copies the heavy hitters like Uncharted and Last of Us sold. Demon’s Souls was incredibly niche, and a lot of people only found out about it after Dark Souls took off.

I like how people keep bringing up exclusives but outside of nintendo platforms quite literally the only games that get bought are multiplats LOL

It won the first half of the 7th gen, by a very large margin.

That's because of normalfags who can't seem to into pc gaming for whatever reason.

>second out of two

Let's face it, Nintendo is its own thing.

What's there to get into? Just get a laptop and hook it up to your TV and you're able to play all the PC games that are worth playing. No need to spend $2,000 on a rig these days.

Cuhrayzee combat is low iq button mashing cancer for ADHD children, I bet you think Bayonetta and Nier Tomato are good games too
Hasn’t had a good game since the PS2. The PS4 game was pretty good I guess.
You’re really putting this on here? Second Son was better anyway
-valkyrie chronicles
-killzone 2
Killzone has always been shit dude, I’d sooner put Resistance on this list
-demon's souls

you should stop trying to fit in, it just makes you look like a retard
>one of the most popular sites
>on one of the most popular boards
>discussing shit even 12 year olds discuss

because majority of Sup Forums is fucking retarded and still think exclusives is what sells and that nobody plays third party games

literally the only reason why exclusives matters to nintendo is because they have shitty third party support.

>PS3 outsold it eventually
It actually didn't.

How is this different to ps3 failrates remaining moderately high over the lifecycle of the console

>It had no games
this meme is still being parroted? christ

of course it is, its been carried over to the ps4.

>Hasn’t had a good game since the PS2. The PS4 game was pretty good I guess.
>PS4 game better than any of the non-spinoff PS3 games
Jesus christ this fucking terrible taste

Right exactly, and their relatively unique form factors has its own pull (ie all those people who bought a wii for like wii sports and that's it).

So it's weird to see exclusives held in such high regard on Sup Forums, like I totally get enjoying them personally, but they don't sell systems. How Sony handled E3 sold systems. How Xbox's marketing was tone deaf during launch year sold PS4's. Exclusives? Tiny sliver.

I don't think people cared enough about the PS3 for that to matter.

Fuck off newfag
A lot of normies only buy a console every six or seven years or so. I have a lot of normie friends who only own an xbone, some own ps4's and most don't game on pc. I think it's just easier for them instead of building a pc.

waifu shovelware for weeb virgins isn’t games

I literally just fucking said it was pretty good you autistic moron, it wasn’t better than the PS2 games and that’s a fact

>halo and gears fan calling anything else low IQ
stopped reading, your consoles are trash

>I have a lot of normie friends
>Fuck off newfag
Hmm, it's almost as if I was right all this time.

I apologize for not having autism like yourself. :^)

I think Bloodborne is a better representation since it actually had marketing, but yeah, its a pretty niche series. Makes me abit sad


hilariously even with your shitpost, you admit sony the ps3 has more games. also Hilarious how you call anything low IQ while calling Halo and gears good. the xbox is a trash brand that's only gotten worse and worse since it arrived

>think Bloodborne is a better representation since it actually had marketing,
funny because despite that, it sold roughly the same.