Go on your local craiglist and post interesting or funny shit.
Craiglist Thread
i had that exact sidewinder controller as a kid, the dpad is angled, like up is about 25 degrees right, and it makes for some of the most awkward gaming ever because you just never get used to it
I beat tie fighter with that sidewinder back in the day.
>host a gloryhole
>Actually picky about appearance
the fuck is the point
Dont wanna suck some gross uncut cock with dick cheese.
>Nassau County
I moved the FUCK outta there to Suffolk.
Less spics.
Now I moved the FUCK outta Long Island.
>selling WOW account
Is this a thing? Do people really do this?
holy fuck I just npticed the price hes asking. WTF!?!?!?
I sold my Runescape Account for £200 when I quit as most of the non-combat skills were in the 70s. Someone happily bought it
people have been selling MMO accounts since the 90s dude. a fully decked out everquest account was easily worth hundreds
i would have
Does he have a feminine body?
That account is worth AT LEAST $500, $5000 is retarded you can only get that if you have legit every Trading Card Game mount along with almost every raid mount and a shit ton of gold. Its probably worth like $1000-$1500.
I'm always afraid of glory holes because of the potential guillotine.
Is it even legal to play vidya under sharia law?
I have that sidewinder. What a shit controller. I can’t believe they showed of the original Xbox with it
Took me a second
Why tho?
Found this a few months ago
>Fire Emblem SoV Limited Edition for $55
>a couple of LED monitors that may or may not be stolen
>a ton of fucking GPUs that people are selling for crypto mining or were used for cryptos
I think I'll become the new craigslist killer except with cryptofaggots
That marvel vs capcom 2 is worth at least $20, the metal gear solid 1 would be worth over $50 if it wasnt the ugly green greatest hits version
Learn to read retard.
always makes me laugh
didn't this guy make a follow up post on Sup Forums?
What happens to a GPU after it's been used for crypto mining? I'm guessing that shit is partially melted from being on for such long periods, but I don't know for sure.
Not if the miner knows what he's doing. You should undervolt/underclock to save energy and it also keeps the GPU much cooler.
If I was in the business piecing game sets together (box+game+manual) I would try to low ball this guy with an 85 dollar offer and hope he comes to about 110 or even 100 dollars. 200 dollars is really no room to make a profit imo.
dude i was selling fucking astroempires accounts back then when i got bored of my 10 bases in 1 week smurf accounts, also more for the low account ID which some people really liked to get with new servers. WoW is far from niche so it'd be far easier to get a few bucks off your accounts
Fuck off with your disinfo. Yes, cryptoniggers like you might preserve the GPU by undervolting but what you've conveniently chosen to omit is how mining absolutely thrashes the DRAM - if you're going to get any sort of failure, that'll be the reason.
Is this one worth $25 dollars?
The seller says it only needs some adjustment to the cd laser
i'd worry about teeth or needles more
like a big old fucking chomp or stick with a herpes needle
>mining absolutely thrashes the DRAM
Yes user, Im talking about the manuals, those are pretty hard to find on copies of the game, most kids just lost them
If the seller is a nigger you could give him $30 and a fried chicken leg for everything
>Live in australia
>Craigslist isn't used at all here
>To gumtree I guess
>Sega Le Mans twin drive arcade system
>Original xbox CD drives
>MAME machine
>A dozen other arcade cabinets
>3DS for $50
>Uncharted 4 drake fig
Only thing in the video game category in my area. This fucking ghetto I swear to god.
Anyone fix these things? I feel like it would be easy enough, but any way to tell if it really is just the monitor?
I don't know a lick of moon tongue but I sort of want these in my life:
Not sure why this is in the video games section
What the fuck
You're buying the time he's wasted into that account!!!!
>drinks: mtn dew
>smokes: cock
> this may or may not be a sex ad
>you must be no older than 29 because kiler 7 is the voice of our generation
I'm fucking dying over here
I feel like I could make money off of this.
If you ever make some sort of low profile kid friendly restaurant/play thing this would be neat.
I've heard it's not hard to get in there with a little screwdriver and fix the laser issues. Also useful while you're in there to make it able to read burned game discs. Grain of salt, I've never owned one.
Is it cheating if we pull from the classifieds?
looks legit
thanks user
I mean you can go online and verify the balance
You can launder trade in credit to egift cards
protip: if your vidya section is boring shit try toys & games
never heard of this, looks interesting though
God damn I need that.
then you're stupid
Fuck, it has a frame buffer? I've been looking for one of those.
I live like 20 minutes from here should I do it?
Dentist offices commonly get shit like this.
They're just computers hidden behind plastic so yeah you can, arcade techs are a real thing. I worked with an arcade tech when I was doing the network design for a dave and buster's type business and was surprised how simple everything was.
I'm pretty sure I saw this exact same listing when I did a skim
>wants a "straight" guy to cum in his mouth
Go to the thrift store and grab a similarly sized CRT TV. Rip out the tube and the video converter board and stick it in.
If I had the money, I'd buy that in a heartbeat.
I swear asking for these shameless prices is an american thing only. People are either delusional or sarcastic as fuck over there.
It's like: I'm going to list this item and ask an absolute over-the-top price for it and if by chance some idiot buys it, he deserves to be ripped off.
>people wanting market price on open used games
>people wanting market price on opened used console
These niggers need to be hung
i was just looking it up. a 360 goes for like 50 bucks. 4 360's would be 200. building the actual thing, idk how much but i also looked up shitty monitors that you can buy for like 20-40 bucks. so 4 of those would be less than 200. So 400 and plus maybe 100 for the plastic to make the structure? how much do you think it would sell for once made?
>Six pictures.
>So 400 and plus maybe 100 for the plastic to make the structure?
The custom plastic will probably be the weirdest part but I work in a different field now days and giant custom cuts (and I mean to any size and shape I want) of sheet metal from a sheet metal shop only costs 5 bucks a cut so may be even less than 100 bucks.
>how much do you think it would sell for once made?
Depends on the area, can easily sell for a few thousand around here but getting a buyer requires you know who to market to and aren't afraid to pursue sales.
dayum thats worth it for the controller alone imo
im a broke college student and maybe have just enough money to make this thing. Should I go for it, if I can sell it for at least 2000$ it will be worth it. especially if production is under 600$. do you think I can ask for $3000 if the dentist is old and doesnt really know what he's looking at?
which one of you jews is this
fucking kek
>gross uncut cock with dick cheese
But that's hot though.
I just like the idea of making girls suck smelly dicks desu
I'd contact the office before hand and just ask to speak to the owner. I know when I was growing up (I'm going on 27) a lot of offices had cabinets that just housed n64s and a game and when I talked to the arcade tech I met way later he said those were worth a few grand a piece. It may even be better to just walk into some kid centered dentist offices and especially orthodontist offices (since kids are the prime target for them) and see what they have. You can easily make money doing this but you need a salesman approach more than anything.
I tried selling one of these. I sold my wii but forgot to give this to the guy so itrs pretty much useless.
You mean speak to the owner to see if he's willing to buy? Or to see what they have in the back? I'm not quite sure what the purpose would be, not saying you're wrong, im 19 and really dont know what the fuck im doing.
I mean speak to the owners or if you really want to be efficient make sure the shop has game cabinets and such. It's about feeling out the customer and if you can meet their needs. I guess it's hard to explain if you aren't trained in commercial sales. Before you do this you might want to get a sales job for a few months so you can understand how to sell shit to businesses, there's way to much for me to cover just on an anonymous Mongolian throat singing forum.
t. guy who even as a network admin had to sell excess inventory PoS equipment to restaurants and later became a tradesman whose trade required daily sales training.
Most interesting one I found, whole thing was super depressing though.
My boss admins a emulator website for old arcade machines. He also built an old arcade cabinet and had me open the back to replace the PSU. Was kind spooked but it's literally an old ass computer loaded with the Emulator and Roms
The real worth is programming all the inputs for the games
thats what im confused about, if they already have game cabinets why would i try bother selling to them? unless I somehow convince them that their systems are way outdated (seems hard since i plan on using outdated systems myself). wouldnt I want to sell to ones that dont have any game cabinets yet?
If you're hoping to make any sort of business out of this you're going to be fucked since you'll be on the hook for tech support. Unless you draw up some contract or some shit. That's my biggest fear with this shit.
>Stray Demon
i was thinking about that. couldn't i just refer them to an arcade tech?
>The real worth is programming all the inputs for the games
Very basic task but yeah lol like I said it really is just an old ass computer sitting in there which surprised me too.
>thats what im confused about, if they already have game cabinets why would i try bother selling to them?
That means they already see the product as having value.
>unless I somehow convince them that their systems are way outdated
Usually they are, that's certainly an approach you can use.
>wouldnt I want to sell to ones that dont have any game cabinets yet?
Are you a good salesman? Your best bet there is just to put your product up on ebay or some shit and hope people looking to invest in this kind of thing bite but you will be taking a lot of calls as very few people buy this kind of shit without you making a phone sale (the hardest kind).
>If you're hoping to make any sort of business out of this you're going to be fucked since you'll be on the hook for tech support. Unless you draw up some contract or some shit. That's my biggest fear with this shit.
That's how a lot of * server makers make their money. It's not a big deal to be honest but even then you're dealing with way simpler shit that's not really time critical even if you have to include years of tech support to make the sale.
>lean feet
>thunder, lightning, and hail storm thighs
>'merican made
ffs my dick just inverted itself
well like i said. im a student. jobless. I have enough to make this thing. If I can really sell it for a couple thousand then fuck it, it could be a good summer project
A lot of faggots out there that get off on the idea that they could "turn" a straight guy.
I want that fucking CTR.
Wont work. Arcade cabinets use RGB monitors with a different resolution and often different refresh rates.
That's true but then that's extra leg work for you finding someone who could work one these machines that you built. Additionally your sale looks less safe for the buyer
I knew a kid in high school that would mod 360's, jailbreak phones, and fix phone screens for cash. It was easy making money off of kids that didn't want to put in the effort to learn how to do things themselves.