Original is a 7.8/10

Original is a 7.8/10
Sequel is a 9.8/10


Dead Space 1 was the better game.

You dont understand game design nor do you understand art

Dead Space 1 had legitimate atmosphere, 2 was a good game but felt more like a typical zombie apocalypse game.

Fuck you and your marker.

this is now a "OP is objectively wrong and stupid" thread

DS1 - 9.5/10
DS2 - 9.0/10
DS3 - 6.5/10

I will never forget that eye scene in dead space 2. It’s rarely brought up, not just here but anywhere else.

1 was a snooze felt and each mission felt like a chore

2 had more emotion and was an extreme thrill ride with amazing places to visit

>admitting you need to be beaten over the head with story to enjoy a game

1 you actually felt like a damn engineer.

Youre either 14 or a retarded nostalgiafag, I just beat DS1 in impossible again last night and if anything with each playthrough/ me getting older simply highlights just how lackluster the original is regardless of the good things in it

it has two extremely clashing design philosophies which both cancel eachother out, its like they designed the gameplay systems and environments for a shock/resident evil-lite horror game but got told by EA to casualize it to make it exactly like RE4. The one thing that shines through is the combat system that was outright improved in the sequel

Having a silent protagonist doesnt work when the game gives Isaac a personal drive that he has no reason not to react to ingame (Nicole apparitions for example). Meanwhile DS2 handles this extremely organically and well, smoothly transitioning into little ingame cutscenes and giving Isaac the perfect voice actor and personality, playing off of the this time actually good cast (Stross and Ellie) while Kendras and Captain Coons entire personalities were spouting exposition and bickering with eachother

DS2 improves the gunplay/weapon selection, the general gamefeel of unnecessary clunkiness and delay that was always present in DS1 when doing things like using stasis, kinesis, meleeing or interacting with items. Both games have you following a straight blue line but DS2 actually accepts this and makes the line jampacked with nothing but memorable setpieces one after another, transitioning smoothly from one encounter to the next while filling the gaps with the characters interacting and new and improved hacking minigames etc. The general plot happens to be much more interesting and personal too

DS1 starts off strong and becomes insanely repetitive halfway in, DS2 is quality until the end

Fucking retarded kid, go play system shock. "Engineering" in dead space 1 is press kinesis or X to interact with this qte

>it's another my opinion is fact episode

I did play System Shock 1 and 2 faggot, you weren't an engineer in either game. Going into cyberspace isn't engineering. Also the pacing in DS2 is awful near the end and becomes a blatant action fest.

is DS3 worth playing? it's been in my library forever but I haven't played it.

demon's/dark souls
also dead space 2 is RE4 levels of great and 1, while definitely enjoyable, has awful level variety. the combat mechanics keep it going tho. neither game comes close to being horror and i don't see why people meme them as horror games
3 is also really good, the only problem with it is the microtransactions and anyone who complains about "it's not scary anymore!!!" can stop posting now thanks

>enjoying them

I can tell you're the 14 year old here who grew up on cinematic bullshit.

original is a great horror game
sequal is a great action-horror game

No 3 is pretty terrible. Only cool thing were the weapon mods which actually break the game.

DS1 is Alien
DS2 is Aliens

>here are some giant paragraphs of facts
>durr muh opinions are fagctsss episode

pic very related

Yes, in the original you were a hacker and it was actually communicated in a genius way by mechanics like cyberspace, with software being a huge part of the gameplay, with the story starting and ending by the hacker modifying shodans AI etc etc. Tell me what the fuck makes you feel like an "engineer" in Dead Space 1 when the entire story is the other characters telling isaac to walk into X place where you press X once or use stasis+kinesis on X malfunctioning object just like any other clown with the same tools could (tools that isaac fucking found on ishimura, so not engineering tools)

Dead Space 1 is nothing but setpieces too you fucking child, the difference is that it forces you to walk them backwards onto the tram again rather than constantly throwing you new ones when the only gameplay element the game really has in the first place is the combat, meaning that encounter and enemy design is extremely important

How many retarded cucks will keep spouting this memeddit tier opinion? Dead Space 1 was literally just as much of a fucking action game as the sequel, simply not as good at that

Resident evil

Isaac having a voice. That alone is what makes the second game worse especially since the only character he gets from it is saying fuck a lot.

>Not in the sense that videogames aren't art

2 was badass
1 was not

Hence 2 is better in every way

2 was more action oriented, like what re5 is to re4
this is the correct rating

can we just ban anyone who's only argument consists of "UNDERAGE! UNDERAGE!!!" thanks
yes, it's basically DS2 again but with some things improved and other made shittier
universal ammo sucks ass but weapon upgrades are cool
co-op sucks ass but it's not forced like RE5/6
the planet is kind of boring but there's a lot of interesting locations earlier/later in the game and the art design is probably the best in the series
overall it's still a great game that people like to meme about. it came out around the time when people were still pretending that survival horror games ever actually had horror in them so 14 year olds got upset that it wasn't scary
its a little like how RE6 is one of the best games in the series but people who played 1/2/3/4 got scared by the pixel zombies and "master of unlocking" when they were kids so they were really really upset that 6 wasn't trying to be spooky

I actually really love the series and wish we would get another Dead Space game

DS1 had better atmosphere, larger environments and Isaac being silent was much better. However DS2's gameplay was a big improvement. Better weapon balance with all weapons being powerful and the new weapons being great as well along with the overhauled TK system that felt so much better and fun to use.

Well EA killed dead space and it wont ever come back since the only thing they care is money.

3 is easily an 8

yeah, also don't forget it came out at the time where game devs and publishers were starting to implement more and more dlc and micro transactions so it got a lot of negativity from its buyable ingame currency despite being a single player game pretty much

Better story, better characters, better presentation.

They were all kinda fun games, even 3. DS1 did a better job of being a 'horror' game while DS2 smoothed out a lot of the rough edges with the gameplay. Shame that Isaac now had a voice. DS3 is a halfways okay co-op shooter but a really fucking lame attempt at any kind of horror. Add in some rather annoying facebook tier bullshit in the form of drones and the hilarious but often worthless weapon mods the game no longer resembled its borrowed roots.

yeah that other paragraph meme spouting fucktard needs to understand that the protag being quiet added to the mysteriousness and subtlety to the character and to the overall gameplay
made it much more enjoyable

This is why I didn't enjoy DS2. Isaac grew to be irritating after awhile and Ellie was a bitch. People just like to excuse her behavior because she was attractive

DS1 - 9
DS2 - 10
DS3 - 0

>the protag being quiet added to the mysteriousness and subtlety to the character and to the overall gameplay
i genuinely can't tell if you're being ironic or not
this reads like one of those threads about a game remake where they talk about how the lighting being slightly different destroys the mood and tone of the game
are you being ironic user?

post yfw - going in for the armour upgrade and the music drops

You're patently wrong about 6, since you seem to forget that both 4 and 5 suffered the same ridicule. As well as 3. And CV. And practically any of the games that came after 2 barring 0 and REmake since epic graphics.

Sounds about right.
I'd rate 1, 2 and 3 as 8/10, 9/10, and 7/10 respectively.
1 was a good survival horror game
2 was a great action-horror game
3 was a good action game

thats literally a thing
in fact deadspace has the best lighting work done which made it more visually apealling and atmospheric
and yes good lighting effects etc can make a lot of difference you fag

ive always wanted to like these games but the enemy placement is so horribly predictable that i spend most of my time in the game trying to quickly hit triggers and ensure that im in the best place to kill the necromorphs. Like in dead space 2 the roof tiles that spawn necros have a slighly darker texture to them, so i just juke back and forth until it spawns.

Ah yes, it's a lot like "Star Trek: The Next Generation". In many ways it's superior but will never be as recognized as the original.

>ever giving any game a 10
A 10 is a game that has nearly no flaws and caters to my personal tastes in a special way.

Op here, I would agree with the dead space 1 score if it wasnt for the turret segments and the leviathan fight bringing it down at least one full point

dead space 2 could be argued to be a 10 because it does everything it seeks out to do absolutely perfectly and its probably in the top 3 third person shooters of all time

DS3 is more like a 7/10

What are you, a t-shirt?
