has the pope beat genocide?
Has the pope beat genocide?
Will they bone?
>that nose
it's in the cards
was this necessary
did he actually play it?
Monsters are demons
Of course he didn't fucking play it. After getting it he urged young people to stop playing video games.
Are Undertale fans the new bronies?
>the leader of one of the largest world religions
>his mission is to save humanity's souls from hell
>"yeah, let me just play that video game a random dude gave me"
He probably appreciated the gesture but of course he didn't fucking play it.
Give some context. I ignored everything having to do with undertale until I played it recently.
theory man bestowed undertale upon le pope
Only if you let them be
Don't get assmad at undertale posts and you'll be fine
Reminder that Chara did LITERALLY nothing wrong!
Imagine the Pope asking one of his secretaries to tell him what's the game about (because he obviously have more important things to do than play vidya), and he's like "Well, I did some research, and it's about humans and monsters, and the humans drove monsters underground, but monsters aren't really bad, and yeah, there's gays there". And then Pope Francis sighs heavily; he's dead tired of discussing gay people and tolerance and shit, but he's a Christian, so he forgives people for bringing it up over and over again. He nods, smiles politely, and asks the secretary to put it on the shelf somewhere.
pope francis is a fucking kike
I'm pretty sure it was just a printout of a steam code.
>tfw you want to give pope a game, but it's vaporware
all christfags are kikes
he's argentinian.
the pope is a fucking fraud anyways lmao
The whitest
Matpat gave the Pope a download code for undertale and he doesn't even have a computer, let alone a fucking steam account
so obviously no
t. nu-Jew
Truth is bulletproof, you can't hurt me.
does the pope browse Sup Forums?
Which vidya would you guys give to the pope? I'd probably gift him a SMT game.
>because he obviously have more important things to do than play vidya
the pope is actually forbidden from such things, technology in general he's not allowed to touch
>he's a Christian
He's Catholic. The Pope is literally the head of the Roman CATHOLIC Church.
Sorry user, this ain't the sandbox anymore; you're fucking dead, kiddo.
I do.
oh no its retarded
does the pope shit in the woods?
Same shit, different name.
*wheezing laughter intensifies*
Why do people attack homeless people? It's disgusting.
jesus christ now that's fucking autism
Paedophiles = Genocide.
Judaism 100%
0/10 would not trust with children
Believes in bulletproof glass, weapons, slavery and money
so who tops?
Current pope is literally a heretic so it wouldn't be that much of a surprise
sans is a little slut tho
these people need to die
forget sans
why is flowey so thirsty
Pete save me from this hell hole