Losing 0-2

>losing 0-2
>sorry bro my internets messing up

>my controller is broken

>demolished some fag
>he says, "gg"

>complementing you on your skill is a bad thing

>barely win few games in a row from a guy who usually 1-10 me
>immediately disconnect
>"brb milk man" never come back

Jesus Christ Rihanna is so fucking hot. Chris browns a nigger faggot

If he was sore from losing why would he return to keep playing?

Why do you believe every human interaction you have must mean you've made the other person upset?

Amen to that.

>single-handedly carrying my team
>just wiped out the entire enemy team
>all of my team is at the objective with me at full health
>there's no way we can fuck this up now
>plant the bomb
>now all I have to do is defend the bo...
>no matter I'll just rejoin


>on the attacking team
>my entire team is funneling into a meatgrinder bottleneck
>decide to flank enemies and wipe them out
>"ok now my team can move and complete the objective"
>mfw they're just sitting there in the bottleneck waiting for the enemy to respawn

We all looked like shit as teenagers

literally me

Uh-huh. Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.


Speak for yourself I was a chad then Every thing went down hill


He was already famous when this was taken. The picture of rhi was before she was.

>Doesnt count. My A button wasnt working

>.gif with 4 frames that barely move
>that filename

I'm sure young dicaprio would look a whole lot different without his make-up in the picture posted above. You're missing the point here einstein.

The difference is that Rhianna is an ugly nigger. You can paint her with make-up and style her hair in a white fashion, but when you take that all away, she's just another ugly nigger.


You just gonna have to make room for the new crew sweetie.

The point is her picture isn't some touched up professionally taken picture.

you also forgot the dimensions of the gif.