You can't refute it


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Why should I?

Yakuza is that series everyone goes "I'll play it one of these days" but they've been saying it for years.

You got me

Fair enough. But so are 90% of other games on the market. RPG is sort of a meaningless label like that.

I said it for years and started in mid-2016. I haven't gone more than 6 months without a new Yakuza game to play now. It's a ride that never ends, and I don't want to get off.

That's me. I also have another couple dozen or so series under that list.

Nice facebook meme.

Its one of my favorite series but I got really mad at the final fight for 5 back when I still drank heavily and haven't gone back to finish it since I don't remember the plot due to aforementioned drinking.

its set in japan so its a jrpg

fuck you

This is a facebook meme? Guess you'd know, since you just admitted to using it. (Otherwise, you wouldn't know.)

>made in Japan so it's a JRPG

Fixed that for you.

close but it's shenmue for me

I've never said I would play a Yakuza game, though
Because I never will

Literally me but then I got off my ass and started it a few months ago.
Loved 1 and 2, even 3 that seems to be shit on. It was devoid of content but I enjoyed the characters it had. Really carried the otherwise boring story.
Currently playing 4 and I'm having fun but I think I'm starting to get burnt out.

I wish I could change my character's appearance.

>Implying nips are able to create an actual RPG

>tfw just bought kiwami today on sale for 20 bucks

i finally started

That's most games, though.

If you're a complete retard, sure.

That's because most of them are PC fags and are low key saying "I'll play it if they port it". Fucking hell they've even been spamming this fucking petition in every vaguely relevant thread.

>still no supporters

As it should be.

lol "got off your ass" to play a video game
What has your life come to?

back to /r9k/ with you, virgin

I actually just started playing Shenmue recently. I think it's about time for disc 3 and I've been pretty underwhelmed by it. I can see how it was probably amazing 20 years ago but it's not anything to pop a boner over anymore.

I'm curious if I should even bother with the second one if I don't find the first that interesting.

Nah, just play Yakuza instead. Better series by the same creators.

Literally me. I own them all even I just need to start..

The first one is great for setting and atmosphere. I used to spend time in it just walking around the city, spending money on gachapon, hanging out in the arcade, etc. First game is basically a long prologue to the action of the second game.

Is there a template for this?
Or at least make it say
The Elders Scrolls was never good

It's true and I own most of them

Actually playing through Yakuza got me interested in Shenmue and since I was looking for something to play before 6 came out I started it. Unfortunately for Shenmue I got the leak and have spent all my free time playing that.

That's the problem I'm having with it actually, I've seen and done better since so while it's impressive for how old it is it's still nothing special anymore. Luckily it's rather short so I'll probably get around to finishing it eventually.


If I ran for office this would be my platform and I'm positive I would win.