What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


His wife was cold dead.

Vitamin D deficiency

Why didn't A2 just tell him that 2B was infected and wanted her to kill her?
I hate stupid shit like this that could easily be resolved.

Horny, he could have easily got to fuck A2

He wouldn't have cared. He'd have insisted he could have fixed her and then we would be right back where we started. A2 didn't care about 9S's feelings until after a while off inheriting Virtuous Treaty as she kind of tried after 21O. By the time they had more than half a minute to talk to each other at the top of the tower, 9S was too far gone from N2's mindgames.

He didn't give a fuck about that you retard

This is a great explanation

This conveys the same message, yet more succinctly.

He was too far gone to be able to think rationally when they actually got a chance to talk for a minute, the virus was destroying his mind

nothing would be resolved
she killed his reason for living
context or her motivation doesn't matter

thx, makes sense, I guess

I want to fuck A2.

looks like a grill

cos japanese dont talk about their problems cos it is an inconvenience to other people and that reflects on their games... yes its stupid.
also, this

I'd imagine he was also pretty assblasted about the whole "his entire life revolves around a huge lie" thing too. Probably wouldn't have mattered by that point.

He was basically a child who just wanted to play with his brother, and you went and killed him for your SUPER SERIOUS mission. So he lashed out. Because child

I mean N2.

He didn't care about the reasoning behind it. "You killed 2B, that's enough for us to kill each other"

>his entire life revolves around a huge lie
That was pretty dumb anyway. He was active for like a week and he went mental. Some state of the art tech 9S was.

His face looks very sad.


He's like 100 years old but still got the babyface going on, he probably gets bullied a lot. Imagine being unable to grow a beard and looking like an 8 year old forever. You'd turn into an angstlord as well.

Don't thank me, fuck you. I fucking hate people like you.

Or the more sensible: "I AM 2B as well now, you fucking cuntrag."

Its not a japanese game if somebody doesn't go full edge retard.



I see.
Thx for the reply.

What were the point of these characters, again? This shitty game never explained anything.

The point is very easy to understand, actually: you are a faggot