So was there a reason this game never get much love on Sup Forums?

So was there a reason this game never get much love on Sup Forums?

Picked it up on sale and having a blast with it; not as fluid as Mirror's Edge, but the concept is enjoyable and the combat is miles ahead of something like Skyrim.


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Fuck this game was spooky the first time I played it.

>me and 3 other friends decide to do a co-op lobby
>night comes
>get invaded
>try to run back to the safe zone, too far away, that abomination is on our heels
>meanwhile getting swarmed with infected
>managed to find an apartment with two windows, infected can’t get in except for the person playing as the main invader
>literally had to wait 3 hours in game as it was just back and forth shooting (zombie shoots his bombs at us, we shoot our guns back at him)
>during the 3rd hour he finally decides to push, killing three of us, friend finishes him off

Fucking tense game, as I hate horror elements.

i hated durability mechanic in this game, weapons broke too easily
also i was too spooked of the night

What are you talking about? Sup Forums fucking loves this game to the point that they think they're qualified to talk shit about Dead Island. Also there isn't much to discuss in the first place.

>First night time
'Oh, so I just run back home as quick as I can?'

It was extremely generic
Had a tendency to crash
Had a fucking terrible durability system
Fucking crafting bullshit

I have no idea why this game was popular in the first place, it was Dead Island with better movement and worse combat.

Because Sup Forumseddit is 50% weeb faggots 25% poltards and 20% underage kiddies

i dropped it after a couple of hours, too tense and boring

>too tense and boring
how did you manage to put those two words with an "and"?
you amaze me.

Towards the end of the game I had the opposite problem; too many strong weapons that wouldn't break fast enough. It's really only an issue at the start when you're meant to be running and leveling through that.

>It was extremely generic
This is why I liked it though. It was the peak of the zombie survival horror genre. It's generally been full of trash, but this took all the half baked ideas and wrapped them in a big decent package. It's a nice sendoff to something that really needs to end already.

>So was there a reason this game never get much love on Sup Forums?

Literally every thread on it has hordes of people defending this game to no end. It has more people defending on Sup Forums than I've seen anywhere else.

It didn't get much love in general, but it certainly did here.

I had a fantastic time with it jjust recently. It just never went down in price for the longest time so I JUST played it. but yes, everyone was tired of survival zombies already. It is one of the BEST survival zombies game you will play though. The only downside is the stupid companion phone game that is used to farm king mods. but AT END GAME... I was able to find plenty of king mods to keep me going. Also the base game last boss fight is a QTE, so that's a disappointment. No one played that for the story or a boss fight though.

Bought it on sale as well. I’m also happy that it runs great on my 970 as rumors sayin’

not rewarding enough to go through the horror. also bashing a zombie's head 50 times to kill is not too fun



>too tense and boring

I loved the hell out of this game
- until I got the mother fucking grapplinghook
it essentially ruined the entire gimmick of the game

>not rewarding enough to go through the horror
I see your autism knows no bounds.
also you do not need to bash zombies 50 times, and you know it, specially mid game when you cab slice hundreds in minutes

I haven't eaten in three days, I'm completely malnourished and stressed out from adrenaline but I've got PLENTY OF ENERGY FOR PARKOUR!! woo hooooo no zombies can catch me when I'm jumping on top of stuff and swinging along rooftops!! weeeeee the zambo apocalypse is so wicked fun!!

Be The Zombie for all its flaws is a pretty neat take on assymetrical pvp.

you can only insult because you can't argue with my strong arguments

Oh this guy again. Good luck not getting pounced on map 2 without that by the Night Hunter. Or y'know not hating yourself trying to traverse map 2

you can play without it in old city
also old city should've been twice larger and slums twice smaller portions of the game.

>the end boss is a QTE
The whole segment from you enter the tower till you get to the QTE IS the boss-fight.

I thought Dying Light had the reputation as being one of the best '7/10' games there was, in that there's nothing remarkable about any of it but the whole product is overall very enjoyable.

what do you mean "this guy again"?
Literally first time I've mentioned this after release

I wasn't much for the pvp of this game, but in regular roaming, that shitty hook made parkour completely pointless and obsolete

It was a bad for the gameplay, plain and simple
You turn in to a fucking spiderman once you get it, zombies on streetlevel mean nothing and escaping any special zombie is absolutely riskless, day or night

Implying you won’t do same shit if that was happening irl

How dare video games be video gamey!

Metal Gear Solid is video gamey

Dying Light is more dude420 pothead-paradise gaming

you sound like a faggot

>kojimbo drones are retarded
well colour me surprised.

Dropkick simulator
Very fun but don't take the insta kill zombie perks

With only 2 hooks (unless your survivor rank is maxed) before cooldown you can get fuckled pretty easily, especially with the obnoxious armored Volatiles they added in The Following. I am not entirely disagreeing with you, but optional gear added to the game isn't terrible. I usually used the hook for when I missed jumps or to get to areas I could not without it being a chore. Until y'know, you get 5 grapples till cooldown, then yes you are spiderman.

What's techland working on now? This game came out 6 years ago.

Are you seriously implying that Metal Gear is any less preposterous than Dying Light?

>dude I got blown up by a Hind D rocket but that's fine because I can chow down on a ration lmao

>game is all about parkour
>add empty countryside dlc
dont if dumb or lazy. probally lazy, just like plains of eidolon for waframe
Much easier do "design" an empty plain than a full map.

It was a fantastic game that stopped dead once the story ended, I wanted to keep on playing in a sandbox but there was nothing to really do.

apparently on updates for this dead game
I still keep hope for that 1st person diablo they showed twice and then canned the thing.


it's not a sandbox game though

The Following is real good if you haven't blown through that yet. The bounties that give unique weapons are amusing, honestly just wandering aimlessly was amusing to me so don't take my word for it too much. But yeah, The Following adds another Map, really real expansion not just the us' DLC trite.

It's a great game, but because it's open world/zombie/crafting it gets lost in a sea of shit early access titles with similar tags and over looked.

I liked what they showed, it needed work sure
combat was a bit flat,my bet they stopped working on it due to initial response to combat

steam got out of hand, the fuck valve is doing

>the fuck valve is doing

Early Access was clearly a failed experiment.
I'm guessing they're assessing the damage.

I don't think early access is the worst thing, the problem is shovelware on front page
you can't tell actual game from garbage anymore

>actual game from garbage anymore
actually not this, you have to spend 5 times more time to find something worthwhile than before if you want to even bother with the platform

Didn't have an anime artstyle

It's pretty much considered the best open world zombie/crafting survival game on Sup Forums so I don't know why you would get the impression that it's not getting much love.

The thing is, there's not much reason to play through it more than once. You can come back to it sometime to goof around but generally speaking there's nothing more to be said and people have moved on to other games.

Every game is now some new genre designed by a mega indie company when its just recycled trash copying the FOTM for steam

It was a really mixed bag in terms of quality.

>great movement
>weapons had good weight, combat didn't feel weak or floaty
>gore was nice
>map was overall well designed
>story starts off pretty strong
>fantastic expansion pack

>horrible color pallete that hurts the atmosphere
>damage felt wildly inconsistent
>writing falls apart after 10 hours
>some perks trivialize aspects of the game
>you go from weapons breaking too much to not enough

It's not exactly a bad game, but it's not really much to write home about.

I actually love it, I find it much more enjoyable than the likes of Dead by Daylight or any other popular asymmetrical PVP game made recently.

>>writing falls apart after 10 hours
Pretty sure you burn the antidote at like 3 hours into the game or something.

>writing falls apart after 10 hours
it was B horror movie from start to finish, writing nails B movie style perfectly

>you do not need to bash zombies 50 times
If you play on hard you actually have to before you learn the one-shot-KO skills. I managed to break a whole 50 durability weapon to kill one worker zombie while smashing it on the head in one of the early quests.

kicking them into spikes works even on hard and requires no skills

game balance is pretty bad on normal hard
that thing they added with the following is somewhat better as far as I remember
it's kill fast/die fast kind of balance which is the best way to handle hard difficulty imo

Yes, try to position yourself next to the spikes when 2 hits kill you. Stop being a smart ass, I've proven you that you need ~50 hits to kill a zombie with a weapon on low level quests on hard mode.

>you get 5 grapples till cooldown
Did they change something?

>write a shitty story
>"i-it was on purpose guys! believe me..."

People were pleasantly surprised by it at release, because everyone expected it to be shit while it was actually decent fun
It did have some design flaws though, I remember the difficulty tanking hard after a point when your mobility and damage goes through the roof

of course it was? did you play DLC with only the bad endings available? vanilla isn't good ending either

I mean, that's it really.
You play it, you have plenty of fun, but nothing really sticks out in a way that lets you talk about it all the time either negatively or positively.

It was just a good game. But it wasn't anything that would blow you away.

>I've proven you
You actually just made a claim, proof would be a video or a raw number comparison

I did. I killed all the zombies around the fenced-off playfield right outside the safe building just for fun.

Can't remember how I dealt with the construction worker you're referring to. I believe that area had explosive barrles you could throw at him?

you have proven nothing
stay btfo nerd

>that feeling of terror when you hear them right behind you
>that feeling of relief when you make it past the UV lights into a safe zone

Is this what intercourse is like?

>I believe that area had explosive barrles you could throw at him?
There's like 3 or 4 explosive canisters in case you fuck up a lot.
The game is teaching you to use the environment, but retards like still fail.

Oh yeah, forgot to apply the fact that I spent a lot of time doing side quests, my bad.

>surely I don't have to take this night fall business serioOH MY GOD RUN RUN RUN
It's pretty well done

You max your survivor rank it increases your grapple till cooldown

>believe that area had explosive barrles you could throw at him?

You ain't seen nothing yet boy.

Yeah, though that's also where the enemies that just aren't fun to fight start showing up.

Like the Firefighter variant of the sledge zombie who's immune to burning.

Or the armored assholes that were a boss earlier.

I loved the night system and I loved how running from enemies wa encouraged, but I felt like the combat was dogshit.

those are fun to fight though, or you didn't find their weak spots and bashed them to death?

>he doesn't like dropkicking for days

I put the game on hard so by the time I was about 15 hours in I had gotten entirely bored by combat because I had to hit a zombie in the head 10 times to kill it.

>not vaulting over zombies and using the drop attack
>30 times in a row, clearing the entire area without taking a scratch

>game doesn't pause in the inventory and map menu

I liked the parkour mechanics, but the breaking mechanic was shit, it would not be a problem when you are in the open world and have somewhere to run, but the game had a tendency to make almost all mid-late game missions in "dungeons", where you would not have a height advantage and had to deal with a lot of zombies/special zombies. It becomes less of a problem playing multiplayer tho

There's like 5 different skills that instantly kill a zombie by smashing their head, no weapon required.

It was bretty gud. Some issues here and there, and I hate that the "final boss" was a fucking QTE, but I had an enjoyable time with it overall.

The final "Boss" is the entire segment.

Any news on Dead Island 2? I remember seeing some actual gameplay footage few years back, so I know it was in development, but haven't heard about it since.

Welp, at least The Following had a proper final boss fight.

Also an asshole who only continues to draw breath because the game strips your character of ranged weapons every time he shows up.

Which kinda deflates everything after the arena fight. Since this asshole keeps showing up just to taunt you in ways that should get him shot, but no the game took away my gun for the cutscene, even though it makes no damn sense.

It's in development hell.

>In July 2015, Deep Silver announced that Yager has been dropped from developing the game and development will be moved to another unnamed developer.[7] The managing director of Yager Development, Timo Ullmann, later stated that the company's departure from the project occurred because "Yager and Deep Silver's respective visions of the project fell out of alignment".[8] As a result, the game's separate development team, Yager Productions GmbH, filed for insolvency in July 2015.[9] In March 2016, UK-based studio Sumo Digital announced that it took over the development.

>Had a tendency to crash

What, I've put two playthroughs into and never had it crash. Was this at release ?

>Sumo Digital

I like those guys, but I can't really see them developing a game like Dead Island 2.

It suffered from some major powercreep. Starting out your weapons are weak and night time is genuinely threatening if you're caught outside. But then you start to level shit up and suddenly become some Rambo Parkour Master. And cranking up the difficulty just encourages more camo and neck breaking cheese because gold weapons do fuck all now. Still a great game.

God, I hate waifu bait.

Tell me about it.

>cute goth teen waifu
>turns out to be a carpet muncher

aleast she made it out alive


Did she? Can you see her somewhere in Haran?


Are you not aware what the end of The Following is?

>implying turning in to a Volatile is a bad ending

This, in addition to it being extremely repetitive and boring after the first couple of hours

Combat is horrendous. It isn't better than Skyrim at all. The reason is obvious if you spend a few minutes actually playing it.

Weapons degrade too fast including late game weapons, enemies "dodge" when you don't ADS or when you swing a weapon RIGHT THROUGH THEM, the range of zombies is inconsistent when they are not in view (they can hit you from 10 feet away or grab you from 10 feet if you aren't looking at them), throwing weapons tossed at you can go through anything to reach you if the decides it so, etc.

Game was fun with 3 others trying to speedrun it. DLC was interesting. It just needed less rng based combat.