>Want to replay game with romance in it
>Realize you'd inevitably romance the same girl no matter how hard you try
What's her name Sup Forums
Want to replay game with romance in it
I love Reisen!
Hips too side.
Rune Factory
Is Tharja now the most popular fire emblem character ever?
I'll just go ahead and post the correct answer for Persona 4.
>10th place
No. Discounting flavour of the month shitters like Celica, the most popular are Lyn and Lucina followed by Eirika and Camilla.
Tharja is waifubait
People who waifu her are the same guys who are into more than 25 fetishes
Also trip back on
Let me just customize mine
waifing Tharja is not instantly a deal breaker, but it might be a sign of bad taste.
>People who waifu her are the same guys who are into more than 25 fetishes
Makoto's subdued anger issues just make it too hard to say no to her.
Ann. She is too perfect mane
Tharja a shit
This one armed bitch is getting bisected by a glass square
Trip back on
I love you Reisenfag
My man.
>ignoring Ike
the FE fanbase is so gay that no waifu can beat their collective husbando.
Sorry, I'm taken!
>about to be 5 years since I first got Awakening and found my waifu in a few weeks
I love Tharja so much I can't handle it
Definitely not the most popular, but definitely up there. If you were to ask for at least the two most popular male and females of just Awakening, you'd likely get Lucina and Tharja, and Chrom and Robin
Mod her into my female exile runs as well.
Lissa from FE: Awakening, actually. Only game to ever do this.
Sara Valestein
I’m a sucker for Christmas cakes/teachers.
Why the fuck is Tharja so popular? She's fucking autistic, creepy and annoying. It's just cause her outfit looks "hot", isn't it?
Just more proof that FE playthrough threads helped Awakening ruin the franchise.
i love fuuka !
Yukiko and Tharja
She isn't even the most popular girl in her own game.
People really unironically like yandere girls? Why would you want a possessive, clingy and batshit crazy waifu?
Also Tharja is not really yandere. She's just fuckin weird
I haven't been to any of these "Have you ever fallen in love with a video game girl" type threads in a while, good to see these dudes are still alive.
Main reasons are her looks and outfit, then the fact that she has pretty much zero backstory other than being obsessed with the player. Even when she marries other characters, she talks about the player's avatar. I think it's dumb, but it sucks a lot of people in.
My wife
What kind of attention-starved virgin wants a girl that obsesses about him? There's zero appeal in that in a real relationship, but I guess you wouldn't know that if you never had a real girl like you
Slut that drools over the self insert's dick.
She's a snarky antisocial weirdo. I always have to wonder if people who only see her as a Robin obsessed bodysock even did any of her non-Robin supports.
I find it hard to believe EIrika is more popular than Camilla, you have to keep in mind that the vote wasn't exactly balanced, people had 7 votes so you have to consider people putting multiple votes into some characters over others.
Dragon Age: Origins. Morrigan's not that great but I just don't see the appeal in the other options.
Why is Tharja so popular with the spics/mexicans?
>Want to marry Tiki this time
>But I can't stand NTR so I don't want to let anyone with my Tharja
>And if I don't marry Lucina she gets a sad ending, Lucina deserves to be happy
In the end Lucina got married, with Tharja and Tiki single, at A ranks, with S unlocked. Which is probably the closest to everyone being happy. Still, better than goddamn Stella Glow at least
>No harem route, even on NG+
>All the girls are basically relying on you, not choosing any of them would crush them
>Not choosing Hilda means you don't prevent her from fucking killing herself!
Japs have a huge fascination with armor everywhere but around the boobs and vajayjay. Not even chainmail bikini or slutplate, but always cloth in those areas.
I guess this is a carry-over from the classic stock panties they have an obsession with.
But then Owain can't marry Morgan. Who else is gonna treat your baby girl right like him?
I never did, either. Plus it was incredibly easy to romance her.
They like gassy girls that abuse their children.
Chad Thundercock here bringing in the heat
I impregnated your wife
Was trying to go for Shogi Princess in my NG+ run but I ended up dating both. Feels bad man
Objectively false. I recommend you delete this post, bucko.
If you actually do her supports she's kind and sweet, she's just incredibly antisocial and shy.
She barely qualifies as Yandere really. Unless you'd consider Frederick Yandere, she's the same as him.
Actually she's got a pretty sweet backstory if you marry her in Fates too. She and Robin are literally together across time and space. Slightly similar to Fei and Elly.
You're thinking of Aversa. Tharja says she's never had a lover and she's both shy and crazy socially awkward. She's not a slut.
She's a slut.
Fuck off, spic.
Don't be mean
Christmas Tharja should be tried by an international court for torturing my dick
making a self-insert and an anime girl kiss is not romance
I don't know who's rarer: Lissafags or Sullyfags
That reminds me of True Love.
>one girl will be depressed for the rest of her life if you don't complete all her events
>one girl suffers from anemia and will probably die alone because she is too dumb to live
>two girls will get raped if you don't do their final events before shit hits the fan
>one of them will stay cursed forever if you don't choose her ending
>they all have ridiculous stat requirements and time/money is very limited (some of the rape victims' events can't be completed together because one of them wants a dumbfuck and the other one wants a fucking nerd, so one of them will always get raped unless you become a math wizard/resource management master)
>even if you fuck all of them you can only choose one in the end
There are other girls too but I forgot their issues. Shit sucks.
Tharja is my wife.
Why is she so perfect?
Super slutty design
Obsesses over your character
A lot of people like the crazy goth archetype
not even close
Some people like me are into the obsessive stalker types.
>play game with romance in it
>don't romance anyone
My first run through katawa shojou.
My wife you mean
It doesn't help that she's still available when I play femshep.
This never happened to me especially in Awakening and Fates since eugenics for kids and wanting to see different confessions/skinship lines.
What if I told you I preferred Flavia?
best version of tharja, worst art
Same here
>Plan to complete all the routes on Akiba's Trip
>Realize it would mean not going for Shion on the second playthrough
>Give up and only play it once
I only have eyes for Fuuka!
Alright, i've never touched fire emblem in my life, but i heard that units die permanently and it got my attantion, which one should i play to see if the series is worth it or no?
Gutter eater taste.
Disgusting blue parasite that doesn't see gender with little tentacles in its head, they actually make me sick when I look at them. So fucking disgusting. It goes beyond me why would anyone even breath the same air as these disgusting beings. My only regret in the ME Trilogy is that I could not rid my ship of this abomination. While I did everything in my power to prevent talking to it, the game it forced my hand at some times, even making an entire DLC about it. That sweet-sour voice that makes me want to slice it in half. Emperor grant me strength I hate these things.
Damn, dude. That's bad*ss!
>tfw no porn and no good lewds either for this game
it's not fucking fair
You're my hero user
Awakening is the best entry point bar none.
If you don't have a 3DS then 9 or 8 are also good.
you can start with awakening, it's the most accessible for starters, or the GBA games
It's Tali
it'll always be Tali
nothing else feels right
Fire Emblem 7 known as the Blazing Blade or maybe 8 if you want to grind like a bitch. It has a annoying force tutorial unless you download a completed save. Awakening isn't a good starting point don't listen to anyone who tells you that since it teaches you bad habits, and isn't about strategy.
Camilla! I got a Cherrycrush pic that looks similar to Camilla.
Best FE games are, in order:
Tokyo Mirage Seasons > Smash Bros > FE Heroes > FE Warriors > 2 > 6 > 4 > 11 > Anything else.
>Unironocally recommending "Fire Emblem the Saturday Morning Cartoon" as an entry point
>Someone's first FE should be one where every single boss defeats the heroes and decides not to kill them, because they're no threat. Over and over. Meanwhile the heroine just lost her memory for the third time, this time because she was sad.
This is why GBAbbies are a cancer.
At least have some self respect and recommend 6 or 9.
If Fire Emblem Echoes SOV had marriage support in the game, I would have married Sonya in a heart beat.
Tali'Zorah in Mass Effect
>have some self respect and recommend 6
Other candidates just CAN'T compete.
in Mass Effect or Witcher 3 or any similar games, the love interests are on equal footing against each other with their own strengths and weaknesses that really gives you a hard time of choosing one over the other but in DA:O?? No one gets on best girl's level.
I didn't recommend Awakening and 9 is even easier then 7 and 6 had lots of annoying bullshit for a first time player.
>6 or 9
>not 4
See? I can be contrarian too!! Xdd
7 was just casualised 6 and worse in both character and plot. If it wasn't literally GBAbbies first FE it would have been panned hard. I can't even imagine how badly it'd get shit on these days.
Peri in Fates and Cherche in Awakening.
How bad am I?