ITT: Game Series' with only 1 good game
ITT: Game Series' with only 1 good game
Dune Nukum and Duke Nukem 2 were awesome. Fuck you OP.
duke nukem 2 was pretty good
*blocks your path*
the second one was decent
>He thinks there's only 4 Duke games
decent but not good
they were horrible even compared to other DOS platformers, and use ripped graphics from games like megaman despite being sold
Unless you count Extraction Point as a separate release.
>any good games
The only thing horrible here is your taste for vidya.
We're already off to a bad start
1 had its charm, didn't have the meme overload shit yet, and had far better loot generation than any of the other ones
Here's a real non-bait answer.
inb4 someone pretends Wooly World even comes close to it
waifu faggot
Story is still shit though, like every other FF game.
incorrect because all MGS games are shit
Thank you for saving me having to solve the captcha to post this.
And the slow as shit combat is any better?
You can take a nap in the time it takes one turn to end.
The clunky menu interface and constant slow camera pans are awful yes, but on a basic level, the combat is decent enough.
If you consider that all 007 games are part of one series.
Litterally the only case where the US box art is better than everyone else's
>>One of the clunkiest and most boring FPS ever made
>>Only good game in the series
Just how mind-blowingly shitty are the other James bond games?
007 is really basic and clunky as far as shooters go
That guy is an idiot. Nightfire is better and Everything or Nothing is probably the 007 game.
Pic related
Zero Hour was great, fuck you
2 was way better than 1
Objectively wrong, since Opposing Force exists and is a stand-alone. That makes two games in the serie.
Are we just going to pretend that Duke Nukem: Zero Hour wasn't a fucking masterpiece?
>>Console shooter
Pick one.
not counting expansions
I have never seen an opinion be so wrong in my entire life.
1 is a glorified tamagochi, 2 had actual dungeons, monsters, "breeding", fusing, capturing, leveling up, etc etc etc
yeah this
Wrong OP. The first Duke game was great. If you weren't so underage, you'd realise this.
>duke nukem series
>1 good game
The first one atleast succeeded in what it was attempting. DW2 has painfully slow battles, immense grinding and a horrible story. Digimon World 2 is just a bad dungeon crawling JRPG while Digimon World is a flawed game but atleast it tried something different and is a very unique experience with a great world to explore.
That's like, your opinion man, having your digimon dying on you even when you take care of it was bullshit, everything lost and start again, too much rng and unexplained shit.
Training, shitting, all tedious tasks too.
In 2 you had control of everything you do in the game, everything.
Opposing Force is a shameless rehash of HL with not a single original idea of its own. A true foresight of Gearbox's true nature that everyone collectively missed.
Duke Nukem 1, 2, and Forever were good
If you think the first one was bad you can fuck yourself in the ass, faggot
Opposing Force doesn't do anything of worth other than adding some neat weapons. None of the levels/setpieces are anywhere near as good, the only remotely notable ones are straight up ripped off from HL1.
you're thinking of blue shift
shittiest camera ever in gaming
Time to Kill was great Amerijank.
play subsistence you mong
the post was the regular version of mgs3 not subsistence.
It was the first video game I touched on the PlayStation 1 demo disc.
I had no idea what I was doing but I just naturally got into it.
Nah I remember Nightfire being pretty decent.
DOOM 2016
I guess I'm the only person in the world who likes this game.
both are shit compared to HL1
It's the most generic and uninspired rehash of the Star Wars movies ever made. It was The Force Awakens of its time. Bioware literally did a direct copy/paste of the movies despite the game taking place 4000 years in the past, butchering the Old Republic setting in the progress.
i liked the sidescrolling dukes
I loved it
All three are on a balanced level of being good and sucking really hard but for different reasons
tales is retarded and hardly a game
Lost Planet 2, but it never had a chance anyway
I've played F.E.A.R. so many time, yet I haven't played the expansions yet.
fuck yes my man
miss this so bad
Dragon Age. no I don't count the xpac as a separate game.
Everything or Nothing was indeed a 007 game.
You're missing out. They're buggy, but fun.
What's wrong with it?
I really like FEAR 2. Not quite the same as the first but liked it nonetheless.
you're a fucking faggot
You either never played KotOR or you've never seen the movies.
Either way, you're fucking retarded
How is that even remotely bait? It's widely accepted here that Mass Effect was the only good game in the series. I think you got the wrong door, neogaf is two blocks down.
US is better
I wouldn't call it a rehash just because Malak is blatantly bargain bin Vader and the Star Forge is a big space station, but he is right that it's painfully generic and uninspired and it ruined the Old Republic setting.
It basically did nothing new or interesting with the Star Wars universe, even though it was supposed to be loosely based around the Tales of the Jedi storylines.
I thought douk 2, manhattan project and land of babes were p. litty my dude.
what the fuck kind of argument is that, "hardly a game"? how the fuck does it matter at all if it fits into your arbitrary definition of whether or not its a game. that's like passing off a lynch flick because it's "hardly a movie". that's not how any of this works, that's not what matters you complete moron.
Team 17 just couldn't make a better game than this.
MGS3 is the worst MGS game.
MGS1 is a masterpiece, MGS2 is a good game. MGS3 is casual garbage.
INB4 someone lists one of the Dark Souls games and takes over the thread