LawBreakers bounces off the bottom

LawBreakers isn't dead! In fact in last 30 days it GAINED 0,2 player. You mad Sup Forums?

>skill based arena shooter
>current year
Quake Champions is only surviving because it has Bethesda behind it, dunno what Blelzinsky was thinking with this one. People these days are mental midgets incapable of spending time to get good.

believe it or not being an arena shooter wasn't the game's downfall, it was the completely uninspired "this is what a soygoy thinks masculinity is" character design



Believe it or not the game was actually really fun if you like moving fast with physics based movement and just shooting up people. But of course at this point everyone here believe that this was some SJW game. Games like UT used to have loads of people of color yet PEOPLE FUCKING PLAYED IT. THEY DIDN'T CARE IF THEY'RE PLAYING A NIGGER OR NOT.

I'm FUCKING mad!!

I was actually going to buy the game and then saw one of the developers virtue signalling on social media posting screenshots of the game's gender neutral bathrooms. As soon as I saw that and how it was so important to the gameplay a developer felt the need to plaster it all over social media, I realized the game wasn't for me.

Glad he did that and saved myself from purchasing a dead game.

The low gravity was obnoxious half the time and the TTK was too high.

Game has easily 20k players on ps4. CliffyB did good, you faggots are just haters.

Congrats on avoiding a dead game but you're still fucking retarded

>believe it or not being an arena shooter wasn't the game's downfall
youre kidding yourself lol. scrubs quit because they were getting shit on by good players and good players quit because they probably went on a loosing streak. only the brainlets i spoke of would care about the characters in a skill based fps.

his behavior is the reason I wont even try this game, Cliff fucked up the PR so hard on this one. You just know everyone working for his was having an asshole of a time.

I bought it right on the release. I don't follow social media and thank god I hadn't seen any threads about in Sup Forums yet. I knew right from the beginning that the game wont last, not because of the people of color but because the game was way too "old school" so to say. And I'm happy I did so I could play it before it died. But more playtime would not have hurted.

A lot of people found the low grav bad because they ended up floating and being targets instead of boosting themselves properly. You could also carry the momentum from the low grav into normal grav by repeately jumping. In today's games you cannot normally carry any momentum. Just look at Overwatch. Playing Pharah feels like you're in a leash, like the game is preventing good players from being good.


>things that never happened but user masturbates to the thought of

It was an amazing game up until patch 1.4

Oh and saying "TTK was too high"... The TTK was on par with a fucking COD before they made some changes. It was STILL extremely low even after the hp buffs but of course this was only visible to the players WHO CAN ACTUALLY TRACK WELL. The change was made because a lot of good players we're complaining how boring it was when they played against each other. Oftentimes one of them would died before one could even react because the TTK was literally below half a second. You add in the ping and human reaction time and bang you had like 0.2 seconds to react and even if you did thats not enough time to let you reposition yourself.

>It was an amazing game up until patch 1.4
Back to COD.

>The change was made because a lot of good players we're complaining how boring it was when they played against each other.
No it wasn't. The health/regen changes that inflated TTK were a product of Nexon and Boss Key trying to appease the low-skill players who were constantly complaining about instant death and being unable to understand the game.

It was an attempt to bring back the people who bought the game then realized it wasn't for them, which is why it pissed off every single remaining player and piledrived the game into its grave.

>he liked a fast 3D movement game based around duels with arena shooter sensibilities and hated when they added regen and more health
>he must like one of the slowest and regen-centric shooter series' ever created
You have brain problems.

Daily reminder that Clifford is blaming streamers for not playing his shit game

>Games like UT used to have loads of people of color yet PEOPLE FUCKING PLAYED IT. THEY DIDN'T CARE IF THEY'RE PLAYING A NIGGER OR NOT.
One thing is having black characters and other is having a developer claiming having ugly nigger trannies is a smart business decision because games have been about white dudes or so long while pushing tranny bathrooms during while the governor of his state rejected allowing troons to enter the women bathrooms

So, who's the worst now?
Battleborn or this?

oy vey, black characters? It's a white genocide!

If I saw gender-neutral bathroom in UT, I'd think it's some kind of funny, non-hurtful easter egg. That's until CliffyB tells me how proud he is because of that bathroom and how progressive it's for men and women to share same shitter - then my judgement on developer and it's product would be different, as I would feel excluded from it's target audience of lunatics. I don't want to meet lunatics when I'm playing online game.

It has nothing to do with the game being fast or slow. COD has super fast TTK yet the game is slow as fuck. But you remove super fast TTK from an actual fast game and suddenly it is slow to you? In Quake you can tank shitloads of damage and it is what people often use to define "arena shooters". AND even after 1.4 for an example Wraith could still 1 clip a Juggernaut which is the tankiest class in the entire game. You just sucked ass like the majority of the people who played that game (and the rest of the games), I get it.

More like game genocide, cliffyb now has learned that pandering towards SJW is not the way to have a succesful game
Even randy added good looking female characters to his game because he knew the brianna wu elf and tranny pirate were not gonna attract many male players to his game
And look, even after all the retarded dialogue, voice acting, ugly artstyle and user interface the game never dropped below 200 players during its firs year after release, unlike lawbreakers, that dropped to 50 players on its first month

lmao why are you triggered by

henlo sass

>That's until CliffyB tells me how proud he is because of that bathroom and how progressive it's for men and women to share same shitter - then my judgement on developer and it's product would be different, as I would feel excluded from it's target audience of lunatics.
Hate to say it brah but you sound like the lunatic here.


As a rational person I am triggered by irrational retards.

>But you remove super fast TTK from an actual fast game and suddenly it is slow to you?
The changes to health and regen did more than just alter TTK, they drastically altered character balance, map usage, and the combat meta.

The game changed overnight from being about duels and twitch aim to being about team blobs and tracking like fucking Overwatch.

I literally played with the tippity top players because unlike you I'm not shit at video games.

God damn she is ugly thank goodness I didn't buy this shit.

Everyone with a brain knew Nexon would fuck it up sooner or later.

>he knew the brianna wu elf and tranny pirate were not gonna attract many male players to his game
It's also because he knew Oriendi would do it for him anyway. Then again she having one of the few fun gameplay styles (Forever stacking cooldown that only gets more insane as she leveled up) helped as well. Game was shit, but at least it was shit that I could goof off in and someone else bought for me out of desperation.

thats a xer to you xister!

>Game was shit, but at least it was shit that I could goof off in
Meanwhile on lawbreakers you have this bullshit and "black lives matter" dialogue

I did the same, stay mad you highly rational soyboy.
>mfw I helped to kill SJW garbage and made soyboys mad at the same time

Why are you so triggered by bathrooms?

>People laughed at Battleborn for being DOA
>Lawbreakers manages to do even worse
Is there another step lower? Will we see a new sacrificial lamb to usurp the throne of "biggest vidya failure"


>regen altered meta
Regen did not even work if you had taken damage recently. And if you wanted to regen back to full YOU HAD TO WAIT FOR HALF A MINUTE. It is always better to just rush into a health station or pick up some kits or hell even die because the respawns were only 10 seconds and you could get out of the spawn very fast.

>now its like Overwatch lol
So people are now playing tanks and healers and camping chokes with assymmetrical objectives while waiting for ults - all because of small hp buffs? No... In fact people played even less tanks and the healer class was basically even slightly nerfed.

>im the best lol
Okay name the ex UT pros who played the game. Because I ran into them all day so as a good player you should have no problem then.

>pre-alpha footage
Look mom, I posted it again!

>when you buy 6 months of indian shilling against your competitor, but it flops day 1

Implying that anyone here could tell. People who wanna sperg out the memes never touched the game.

Not bathrooms, but politics. I don't like politics being shoehorned in to my games unless the game itself has a story that involves politics. A developer virtue signalling their political beliefs in a video game is a red flag that the game will be shit, regardless of what those political beliefs are.

Dont be mad Cliff, at least you can still be savage AF on twitter

I play Titanfall 2 as my primary shooter game right now. Can you say Lawbreakers is actually better?

This pissing contest is pathetic.

What do you think is with the last few players? Are they insane true believers? Casuals who tried it randomly and don't care? Literally retarded and got the game from their parents trying to keep them occupied? It's hard for me to imagine the kind of person who'd still log in

even in defeat he retains his arrogance

>Regen took 30 seconds to start up and get you to full
Three. It took three to start up and took even high HP characters back to full within 9 seconds. It also didn't turn off when firing, only when taking damage. It drastically altered how people used health drones, how people used harrier packs, the balance of assasin, etc.

Thank you for making it clear that you never even touched the game.

Opinion discarded.

>name the people you played with
Indy, IHOLDSHIFT, FlameFX, Aero, ChrisJ

Being really honest here:

When does a game truly die?
when there is no one to play the game?
when there is no servers in order to host people to play the game?

I mean really old games are still being played to this very day (doom, blood, system shock, age of empires, etc.) but , do those games follow the same logic of a dead game itself?

3 devs and the one guy that believes lawbreakers will be the new pubg


Why other games got shut down by korean publishers but this shit persists?

holy shit, thats most likely really cliffy

That Brianna Wu game.

He isn't wrong.

A game having players doesn't make it "alive". It's a dead game because there's: very little people, no official servers, no official support/fixes/etc, no extra content being produced, and so on.

A game having 200-2000 players doesn't make it alive, but it isn't really dead either.

>rgen took 30 seconds to start
You are not even trying to understand me. You can literally google the healing values and do the match yourself and no class reaches full health in 9 seconds. And repeating with the "you never played the game". Your goal is clear now. It is the exact same thing as the people Sup Forumsing about the game. Just wanna talk shit. I don't know what drives people like this to live.

jesus fucking christ is cliffy b on suicide watch? even in my best fantasies I couldn't have imagined the game flopping this hard. this is just wrong.

Holy fuck, that faggot was always talking about him starting mtf transition and when someone called him a faggot he went nuts calling everyone a trump lover

maybe they just like it

If he thinks our opinion doesn't matters he shouldn't have posted on Sup Forums.
Hell, he shouldn't even browse Sup Forums at all.

Following that logic, the original doom doesnt get updates anymore since years and years ago.

Do you consider it a dead game because there is no longer insterest from the devs in the game?

Clifford has hated Sup Forums since that someone send his a link to the thread making fun of his crack whore looking wife


What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

Holy crap, I remember him, he ALWAYS started the match saying "you know guys, Im starting mtf transition next week, wish me luck" and if no one replied to him he started talking about how he discovered he was a girl trapped in a man's body

>oh man, how can you be so uncivil? I was just trying to have a discussion bro you're not even trying to understand me you're just a troll bro

>Extra content
Doom's still alive BECAUSE of extra content being produced by fans, if not for that it would chances are be dead though. It's clear you're skipping over every point to find one to single out and try to make look bad for using, instead of taking it as a hole.

In my other post it should have been the other way around: it isn't really "having those players doesn't make it dead but it isn't really alive either".

A game like OG DOOM is definitely dead. It have no support (or an extremely small amount of it), there's probably not much fan content coming out anymore except for a few WADs here or there, etc. It isn't literally dead with no players or whatever, but it has so little going on it isn't alive.

Lawbreakers is in the same category. The dev's are working on it, but who gives a fuck? There's no players, no fan content, no support, no one cares. It's dead. So move on, say to the little fans you do have "sorry man, its a bust, we out".

>A developer espousing political views I don't agree with triggers me
Yes, we know that sweetie.

>Inserts words I didn't say
You are seething. Sorry your game is dead sweetie. By the way I said any political views not political views I disagree with. Again, very sorry about your dead game.

Daily reminder that bosskey has been quietly firing people for the past month
I wonder when they will announce the death of thes studio

Why are you in Twitter to begin with if you don't like politics?

When you're not able to play the game in a form, it was designed for, game's literally dead - it's that simple. E.g. you're only able to play full 5v5 match in LawBreakers for only small time window and only if you live in North America (bacause these 10+ peak players are there only at evenings of US time), you can say that game's dead for majority of players, because majority of players will never be able to play the game in a form, that it has been designed for.

On the other hand, games like Doom and Blood and System Shock are were designed foremost for single player, so anyone can pick them up and play in the way, they were designed for.


>words I didn't say
You know everyone can still read your post, right? They don't disappear because you posted again.

I'm not I don't have any social media accounts. I was only made aware of them by anons here posting screenshots and linking twitters posts.

>I don't like politics being shoehorned in to video games
>But I said any politics at all.

Are you merely pretending to be retarded?

>arena shooter

How big is the ps4 playerbase?

Its this game gonna become an esport?

>"the internet is a jungle, you gotta be savage AF"
>"pls quit being mean :("
So which one is it, Blezinga?