When's the last time a video game genuinely made you laugh out loud? Now parodies of video games or video game webcomic; a video game itself.
When's the last time a video game genuinely made you laugh out loud...
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I don't think I've ever laughed at a game that actually tried to be funny. I found Mega Man 6 kind of funny because Mega Man goes to Saudi Arabia
God Hand a decade ago.
Lisa: Painful RPG. I laughed a lot of times.
The Creepy Manikan in Shin Megami Tensei 3 made me laugh, also some of the monster dialogs
hl source was a disaster
West of Loathing had several funny things in it. It was mostly the one-off flavor text in random encounters or the stuff you only get to read once.
Tales of Legendia.
The game have it's very fun moments, but I never finished it. I rather have a deep emotional story than jokes. Comedy is for the sheep.
This and Psychonauts. A few lines in Splatoon 2 got a chuckle too.
I was playing a medal of honor game for ps2 and I got to a point where I shot a box, which broke open to reveal a smaller box which broke open to reveal a bigger box, which broke open to reveal a tiny box, which broke open to reveal a secret and I ended up laughing so hard my lungs hurt since everything else was so serious up until then
Ty 1 is legitimate funny a lot of the time.
I unironically burst into laughter when BJ's dad popped off into a race rant and started screaming the word nigger a bunch in wolfenstein 2. Dudes just hilariously racist, what can I say?
Wonderful 101
I was playing MH3U this morning and I tried Slime on Cha-cha and Kayamba for the first time, I laughed when I saw one of them in the distance and then an explosion going off knocking the Urugaan out.
this, no human, no matter how underage our autistic could possibly find any fun in that pile of shit
Pokemon Clover
Shadows of the Damned
>Garcia trying to read
>Garcia trying to "go all misogynist" on some girl but he can't pronounce "misogynist"
>everything about Christopher
Stick of Truth
Not even kidding.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance has some funny quips in it, the fact that reading is an actual skill you have to level up makes me laugh too.
LA Noire VR
Yeah the comics are pretty funny but the anime is a god awful adaptation, and low quality too. It just doesn't adapt into animation, there's no reason to try.
Sleeping Dogs
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
Nothing about that game is remotely funny or even fun in any sense of the word, until the very end, while Xion is pretty much dying in Roxas's arms and this motherfucker says, "Who else will I have ice cream with?"
I was watching that video on Anachronox and actually bothered reading what Grumpos says when he uses the 'Be an annoying old fart' skill. Some of it was fantastic.
>They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.
this fucking guy, I swear
AC Origins. I set a goat on fire and it ran into a crowd of people, setting them all on fire.
Farcry 4, throwing bait into a royal army camp and having a badger attack everyone is hilarious.
kirby star allies demo
i downloaded it in the middle of night after consuming multiple bepis. now this combined with the fact that kirby inhales flying balls to save his world made me die
Nope, even the videogames with well written comedy give me a chuckle at best. Scripted comedy just doesn't do anything for me anymore.
Just played this recently. Haven't laughed that hard at a videogame since the medical cocaine ad in gta5
Had some laughs playing Dragonball Fighter with a friend the other night, but I dont think that really counts as a game trying to be funny.
Several times today playing SCP Secret Laboratory.
Like a full howling laugh?
Vampire the Masquerade, EYE: Divine cybermancy and terraria.
Those games are just absolute pure fun and sometimes the silliest things happen.
team fortress 2
You mean last as newest game or last as last game you played?
Last I played was Viewtiful Joe, and it had its honest funny moments.
Newest was probably GGXrd, granted I haven't played many games from this gen. Fighting games are usually pretty funny.
Saint's Row 4. It was a lotta classic movie references but they were pretty well done. 2 & 1 made me laugh too, not 3 though, I feel like 3 tried too hard to be funny
Didn't play this but this made me laugh out loud at the time.
Some SCPs are too creepy man. Like a bunch of 001's are very good.
yesterday i played a mm on cobblestone. a guy let 3 ts take a site while standing on the barrel on the back of the site. he tosses his smoke to try to ninja and completely fails, ends up defusing in plain sight, and still somehow gets the 1v5 defuse
Heavy Rain by far even when it wasn’t intentional
The chase scene through the supermarket will always be the Kino laugh moment
Gravity rush 2, I rented it recently and ended up hating it. Me and my roommate got drunk and fucked with the gravity manipulation to clip through walls, it was mostly laughing at the devs.
>He tries to pay you off seconds after meeting you on the off-chance that you just wandered in to take his job
That guy's the best.
All of David Cage's games have their obvious issues, but I thought Heavy Rain had a lot of popcorny fun if you don't take it too seriously.
Wasn't a huge borderlands fan, but Tales from the Borderlands made me laugh far harder than it should have.
Because of the mass murder, or the dawning of sheer cosmic horror?
The Strong Bad Telltale game, back when they made games
Screwing around with Uruk's in the Middle Earth series always gave me a chuckle.
also their banter is hilarious.
currently playing the Uncharted series and it did make me laugh a few times already. It's not deep humor, more akin to a sitcom though
pure kino
I'm pretty sure one of the Zero Escape games made me laugh but I don't remember which one and I don't remember what I laughed at.
I don't know if this counts, but there's a bug in vermintide 2 where the spawn of chaos doesn't stop its animation and it was stuck slamming me on the ground for about 5 minutes.
Saints Jew The Third, come at me faggots
the IV one was funnier
now YOU come at me
DBZF has some sweet ass roasts
>activating stupid walk for the first time
Genuinely funny without any memes for like 99% of the jokes.
The Hunt Down The Freeman disaster is the best thing of 2018 so far
This game def made me laugh my ass off, but that was about a year or two back.
Most recently, though, I played through Tyranny after it went on sale, and some of the writing in that game made me bust a fuckin gut.
>Sup Forums tries being an action movie detective
Borderlands made me laugh from the beggining to the end
Hat in Time got a few decent laughs out of me.
Reminds me of D4 having some of the most underrated chase/fight sequences I can think of.
The QTEs were just as funny when you succeeded as they were when you failed, because the whole scene was already so over the top.
The other day I installed FFXIV and was going through the tutorial. Generally going through my head asking myself what the hell I was thinking playing this game. It was free, but it was steadily dawning on me what a slog it's gonna be.
Anyway some midget inn-owner was giving me a quick rundown on this world, and mentions a bunch of warriors who gave their lives in the intro cutscene.
Then it hit me, those players were probably all from FFXIV 1.0, which was awful, and Square probably deleted their data and servers. This bit was just an aside so that their effort wasn't a huge waste of time.
>/jp/ humor
Go back to your filthy hole.
The whole plane fight was brilliant.
Does not compute
Brütal Legend made me lol
paper mario ttyd
>If I took out your eye would you die?
No One Lives Forever 2. That game is funny as fuck.
Danganronpa V3 had a couple of funny moments here and there
I always wanted a sequel.
Chaos's obsession with slaughtering demons even in the most happy, heartwarming situations always makes me laugh.
I absolutely hate you motherfuckers that do this. I wish you would all die
Video Games are funny when it has a straight face and either everything around you is breaking, or your character is doing absurd things the characters don't notice. A video game being serious and having that tone be destroyed by something unintentional hardly ever gets old, especially since it will often take you by surprise.
That's a way that video games are funny in a way that only they can be. You can put some jokes or visual puns in a game but it will never compare to playing Skyrim or Kingdom Come and watching everything collapse around you to the complete disinterest of headless or T-Posing NPCs doing their best to assure you they're being realistic.
TF2 isn't funny, has never been funny, and the literal middleschoolers who think it's funny should be banned from the internet.
You are just MAD that the first episode wasn't your typical moe shit and they got you good.
most of the funny stuff in TF2 comes from interacting with other players and doing goofy shit with them.
Does this count?
Loved the movie but I can't imagine the animators were serious at all while making it
>So, who died and made him king?
>Our father, you jerk.
>Oh... Right, I guess that makes sense....
>Interacting with other players and doing silly things is exclusive to TF2
I had a hearty chuckle at this H2H
Yakuza 6 did but unintentionally, after I did a fight against a dude in Onomichi, I looked at a civilian who was standing around and he starts screaming while his body didn't move, I lost my shit
Probably Nier Automata
The entire bath house H2H got me pretty good with how well that continuously played it up.
What the fuck is happening? I saw this in another thread too, some retard quoting every post and mentioning tf2