I didn't think kirby games could get any more mindlessly easy, but this one has NPCs that literally do everything for you.
I didn't think kirby games could get any more mindlessly easy, but this one has NPCs that literally do everything for you.
Other urls found in this thread:
You're just now realizing how easy these games are?
Even Derrick from Gamexplain called it noticeably easier than any other Kirby game he's played.
>Guys look I'm shitposting on Kirby! Are you proud of me?
At least the earlier ones occasionally had puzzles that were challenging even if the rest of the game was piss easy
Now the game doesn't even punish you for failing them, it just lets you mindlessly try again and again until you succeed, no consequences or any amount of thinking involved.
Probably wanted the Game Journalist audience
I'm sure True Arena will be just as much of a challenge as in the last few.
isnt that a purpose of kirby games? cute looking and pretty easy.
i thought yoshi games were supposed to be that way as well, but man i hated the special levels in woolly world and yoshis island games are pretty tough
>the make friend button doesn't work
Kirby games are usually easy to beat but hard to get 100% on. This one seems to be even easier because the allies are just too good.
Why are you trying to excuse kirby games being made even easier?
What kind of brainlet do you have to be to seriously think kirby was too difficult or that this is remotely acceptable?
Is this the power of N*ntoddlers?
Do we really need three of these threads in the catalogue?
>D-d-d-don't ever post about video games on the video game board EVER again!
nice bait
>everyone loves epic yarn becauses cute despite it being the easiest kirby game ever made
>everyone now hates star allies because it's just easy despite it being cute
Explain this, shitposters.
I'm not, I'm literally just making an observation. I'll hold my judgment until the full game comes out.
NOTBASED shoop poster thats not soy
>All these Kirby threads crashing and burning
It's about fucking time you brainless drones who can't take a single criticism of this series got a taste of what you deserve.
>What kind of brainlet do you have to be to seriously think kirby was too difficult or that this is remotely acceptable?
Why is this a problem? Why would you look at Kirby for a challenge when it was designed to be the exact opposite and there are endless 2D games out there that make their name for the challenge?
There are other games and other platforms out there, there's no need to limit yourself to a single set of games.
I would only pick this up if I had real people to play it with, even if it had online I would.
Kirby has always been a filler series. People who applaud it literally have no taste. Epic Yarn was the only time it reached for something above mediocrity
>Eric Yarn
>take on the bosses solo
>still way too easy
You mean like how Pikmin has characters that do things for you? Not to fight you on the easy difficulty of Kirby games, everybody knows that, but what's wrong with that concept?
This is a bait thread, but the complaint is valid. If you stand around, Helpers can end up solving puzzles for you and rob you of the satisfaction of doing it yourself.
Pikmin is different because Olimar was deliberately designed to be weak on his own, to the point where he can't even punch some enemies at all. Kirby has always been able to defend himself and fight things on his own, but now the helpers take out all of the guesswork for him.
Playing the demo, seeing multiple flaws.
I really don't like the gimmick, its a bit too cluttered with 3 AI running around with you, and slows things down. Plus like every Kirby since RtDL the levels are way too barren regarding enemy numbers.
Loading times between rooms seems odd, but is tolerable.
The 30 FPS also sucks big time, it makes the game feel worse to play than Triple Deluxe/Robobot, which is pretty damn stupid when this is a Switch title and those are 3DS.
Eric thread
Stop posting everyone
Pikmin does it miles better than this shit, though. For one thing, you can multitask instead of standing around fiddling with your three helpers and bringing the whole game to a screeching halt.
Relax Eric. Don't want you having another autism attack and being sectioned again
>the games were easy before so it's okay for them to become even easier
What the fuck is this mindset
This, unironically. Kirbyfags have been living in this tiny bubble on Sup Forums for ages and now that more people are realizing the games aren't the second coming of Christ like they were told, the Kirbabbies are getting extra defensive about it.
I'm out of the loop
Who's Eric?
Nah, this is what an Eric post looks like:
>>quoting multiple posts with any opinion against the game, genuine or not
Holy shit [the same nicknames he keeps using] just keeps looking like the biggest disaster of 2018! [Game]shills can't deny the whole board is against them, now! Keep up the good fight, my brothers!
It's like saying a show for kids shouldn't try to be good because the main demographic is children. It's such a cop out excuse for laziness.
he got doxxed around the time xenoblade 2 was released
Do you remember the name "Blunderfag"?
he went completely off the deep end today (even moreso than before if you can believe it) and is now trying to convince everyone that the people who call him out is actually one person called "blundereric"
yes i'm aware this sounds autistic, and it is. blunderfag has legitimately gone mad.
Okay, so what does blunderfag have to do with this thread?
It's a scapegoat Kirbyfags will use to avoid any criticisms (no matter how honest they are) and keep sucking each other off.
hes the one who has been making them
>Probably wanted the Game Journalist audience
This is extremely likely.
>sucking each other off
Blundereric can't stop defending Pretendo to the death but the pushback is real. Shart Allies will be a Neptuniablade 2 tier flop. Sad
To be honest, I don't think he's responsible for this thread, and I think people should be more in tune to his very obvious patterns before they accuse someone of being him, especially if they're voicing a legitimate complaint. It's definitely him when he uses the phrase "Shart Allies" for example.
>some criticize the game with really good points
>but shitposters over exaggerating claims are better arguments
I don't know if you're desperate or if you're just that sad.
I've been accused of being Eric in countless threads because I didn't like botw
He hasn't even finished the game yet
Nice reading comprehension, user.
The last time genuinely difficult sidescroller was about 2011 with Hardcorps.
These are definitely some sentences you're posting
Don't reply to him.
My point still stands. Few have avoided the criticism for the new game and many have been blunt about the direction this game is going, with them sharing their dislikes and others agreeing.
>killed Magolor soul in less than 1 minute with spear ability
Most of them were jus ta big FUCK YOU for not having guessed which power you needed to break this color coded brick wall.
At least now you get 4 times the chance to get it right.
I just played the demo. Its no easier or harder than any other easy kirby games. Kirby games are aways easy until the final boss it gets a littoe challenging. Ill be buying it because i like kirby games and it feels no different than the ones on 3ds and i own both
The old ones were a little bit hard at points.
Except the first one. That shit was easier than the modern games, but for some reason it had the hardest boss in all the series imo. That Dedede was brutal.
I thought it was just Sup Forums shitposting but I had normie friends today tell me they were disappointed by the demo. It really is the Sonic 06 of the Kirby series.
Keep in mind that the full game is only 4 worlds with no true arena. No refunds.
>That shit was easier than the modern games
Can't be true when Farce Allies literally beats itself for you.
Some of the more difficult "puzzles" were actually more like challenges, like hammer stakes deep into levels that didn't have a hammer enemy at all so you were tasked with getting the ability and keeping it.
>even normies hate Shart Allies now
Took a bunch of hits from the tree and got pretty low on dedede because my controller died. Its a demo what do you expect? Obviously it wasnt going to be hard
Play it and find out for yourself.
It's by far the shortest game in the series. You can probably beat it in less than an hour on your first run. Or at least reach Dedede in less than an hour.
Hol' up. Does the helper summon himself to do the puzzle or its like pretty much every kirby puzzle ever but this time you go with helper instead of the power itself
Summoning partners in rtdl to avoid gettin there with the power you needed was convenient as fuck
No, basically if you have helpers with the power you need, they will solve the puzzle if you're close enough to it. You'll need to combine powers, too, for some puzzles. But you can have three helpers, so it should never be that hard to have the right setup.
Who? Talking about your imaginary internet friends again user?
They don't summon themselves. You have to create them from enemies. The Helper AI knows how to use their powers to interact with the environment, like cutting or burning grass if they're near it, and if they have powers that can be used to solve a puzzle, they'll end up doing that too. For example, Flamin' Leo knows to use fire to light fuses and Parasol Waddle Dee knows to use the Chumbrella under waterfalls. One of the levels has a puzzle where you need a Chumbrella to keep a lit fuse dry, and if you have those guys in your party, they'll just do it for you.
Yeah, it is pretty easy isn't it.
If only shitposting was that easy. If NPCs could do that for you, you wouldn't need to make 5 threads a day.
A singular Xenoblade 2 shill is traveling to all kirby threads in an attempt to derail them and drive down word of mouth for Star Allies. He's mad because a game is taking away his game's thunder. He can be recognized by accusing anyone who speaks againts him or his game of being "Eric" or "Blunderfag" (hence why people have dubbed him BlunderEric). The earliest sightings are September 2017, so he's dedicated.
The best course of action is to simply ignore all posts that accuse anyone of being "Eric" or "Blunderfag". Under no circumstances should you respond.
I like how GameXplain is relevant when attempting to disprove leaks but not for any negatives in the actual game.
Is their a way to have 4 Kirbys or is it always Kirby and 3 enemies-turned-good?
Ah ok.
Pretty sure the kirby clones in amazing mirror did that too
The NES and SNES games had good difficulty, the new ones are a complete joke and they keep getting easier.
>Blundereric can't stop defending Pretendo to the death but the pushback is real. Shart Allies will be a Neptuniablade 2 tier flop. Sad
>A singular Xenoblade 2 shill is traveling to all kirby threads in an attempt to derail them and drive down word of mouth for Star Allies. He's mad because a game is taking away his game's thunder.
Wait what
I'm confused, I thought the guy saying "Shart Allies" and whatnot WAS Eric/Blunderfag. He says every game is going to be a blunder, hence "Blunderfag." It's always people calling HIM Eric, not the other way around.
Are you confused?
Or are you implying that even the posters complaining about him are still him samefagging?
Are YOU actually Blunderfag samefagging in order to confuse people?
I don't understand.
He's trying to get people to stop calling him "Eric" or "Blunderfag" by turning the samefag accusation back on everyone who's ever called him that, while trying to get the Kirby fanbase to think they're being attacked by the same "Xenoblade shills" he plagued for months. Look at he can't even keep himself straight about whether "BlunderEric" is a Kirby fan or the one shitposting Kirby threads.
So that’s what this is about. Fuck off console war shitter
Uuuuuuh, you do realize the game is targeted to children, right? It simply isn't for you. You don't have to play it if you don't like how easy it is, it's not like someone's holding a gun to your temple and forcing you to play.