Anyone else in the closed beta here?
MTG Arena
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here's a gameplay video btw
It's just Duels 2.0, i.e. shit.
>We have to compete with Hearthstone. Also, lets ban anyone that doesn't agree with us politically from the game.
triggered Sup Forumsbaby is triggered
Man, they just don't know how to design a good ui, do they?
It looks like shit. Why couldn't they just make it look as good as hearthstone so I can stop playing that shitty game.
Its a video game you ginormous faggot.
game is fun
i'm getting cards faster than i expected
a little worried on how we will keep up with the fast releases of magic compared to other games
it's like a thousand cards a year
Neal Rigger please you deserved it.
It's not really, its actually gonna be good, the devs are listening to the community. But the joke is they listen too much because now you get more rewards than you deserve.
>No eternal formats
>Only standard
MtG is a beautiful, complex game with years of design and tons of viable decks and different formats and Wizards gives us a Standard-only Heartstone clone
Bout what I thought. Won't compete with HS. No voice lines, sounds are crap, lacks character, half cards look stupid, and you can still be mana screwed.
Time for wizards to pack this shit up, they're never gonna make a good online product.
Why the fuck are all card games so fucking ugly? I don't play Hearthstone but I have to admit that it's at least pleasing to look at. All of these other card games that have popped up after Hearthstone just look terrible in comparison.
>But the joke is they listen too much because now you get more rewards than you deserve.
wtf am I reading, everyone on the forums is crying about the rate at which you get cards
I am but the card choice is depressing currently, I don't like playing against 95% Merfolck matches.
It's that blizzard polish, user
>Harass cosplayers until they quit
>Get your ass permabanned from the game you dedicated your life to
Go to bed Jeremy, you're a butthurt retard.
it's worse than standard
there are banned cards in standard that are playable in arena
When I played it was 95% Vampire decks.
Now its 50% Gynosaurs and 50%Herfolk
they will make a new modern when enough sets are released
do you expect they release all sets in modern on a new game? or even all sets from alpha?
do you have brain damage?
90 pack Rivals of Ixalan sealed is not a very compelling format. Can they just smooth out the edges of MTGO and give us the Gideon, Ajani and Elspeth hack n slash game we all want?
>No EDH mode
Into the trash it goes. Also what the fuck is wrong with wizarda, duels of the planeswalkers 2014 had the only good sound track.
Why not get that guy to do all the music again
Gonna play Shadowverse instead.
>not playing paper
Why play this when i can play Eternal. That game is fucking amazing.
>Got invited to the closed beta
>Never even went in
is it good?
This. I fucking hate all card games, especially heathstone and that weeb shit shadowverse but Eternal is pretty good.
Is it only a few of the last sets again or finally the entire mtg catalog in a game? If it is restricted to the newest edition like duel of the plainswalkers then fuck that shit.
Can anyone please spoonfeed me on what the difference between this and Duels?
Is the UI finally not dogshit?
Standard only.
>not playing cheating simulator 2018
paper magic is ok only if you play exclusively with friends
>Not playing Pauper+EDH
Not going to make it
Would rather play MTGO, I'm not fond of the animations
You know, they could use video games to explore crazy or scrapped concepts instead of trying to make a 1:1 recreation. It'd be nice to see what the original Planar Chaos was like before it was dropped.
Jeremy didn't harass her at all. Jeremy merely gave criticisms of cosplaying and he had video proof of that
mtgo is going to die once this comes out
>Closing down a game with thousands of players and dozens of companies invested into it
There would be riots on the streets
they won't close it outright, they will just stop updating it and then stop adding new sets, they already take months to fix smallest bugs
How retarded can you be?
Literally everyone in the closed beta forums agrees that mtgo is dead once arena launches.
seems like
>oh shit, we need out own heartstone
late for 3-4 years
Arena will not cover anything before Ixilian. It'll only ever be Draft and Standard.
Are you a retard?
They will obviously start adding sets to it retard because they add 99% cards via machine learning.
>They will obviously start adding sets to it retard
Sure, new sets.
They announced to shareholders way back that this was only for limited/standard. That's what they said in all their announcement material. This is a company that still wont reprint cards from 20 years ago to satisfy 0.05% of the community. Do you really think they're going to scam ~20% of the community out of their hundreds/thousands of dollars in cards on MTGO?
You're an imbecile.
They aren't legally allowed to reprint old cards, they aren't legally obliged to keep MTGO alive.
You are 100% fucking retarded if you think they won't start adding old sets to this game. You think they won't start getting free money out of the concerns for a few shitlords playing mtgo? kek
They are adding amonkhet in a few weeks, they said it was 95% ready in their last stream
>They aren't legally allowed to reprint old cards
They sure as fuck are legally allowed to reprint old card. They can at any second of any day abolish the reserve list for any fucking reason they want. Anyone can try to take legal action, but they own the IP of their cards and can do whatever they want with them.
When did this board become overrun by 16 year old reddit newfags?
How new are you to MTG?
>They can at any second of any day abolish the reserve list for any fucking reason they want. Anyone can try to take legal action,
oh okay, you are in fact retarded, will ignore you from now on
Wait, do you actually think the reserve list is some kind of legal binding? You don't think Wziards of the Coast can decide to reprint cards on that list without any issue? Are you some kind of fucking retard? Do you think the government owns Magic or something?
Holy shit. Please stay in school.
>Arena will not cover anything before Ixilian
>How new are you to MTG?
Uga buga
>It'll only ever be Draft and Standard.
>and Standard.
Shadowverse is the best because it's Hearthstone's system without the ridiculous RNG and more freebies.
If you want to play MTG play it in a store with a fatass.
They literally have the vast majority in a working digital format already. The only reason they won't include it is monetary, MODO is vastly more profitable on a per purchaser basis.
>>Arena will not cover anything before Ixilian
Last time I checked Amonkhet was before Ixalan.
>It'll only ever be Draft and Standard.
>and Standard.
>They literally have the vast majority in a working digital format already
For a given value of 'working'...
Anyway, I'm enjoying Arena. Ixalan Block Constructed is a weird fucking format, but it's a hell of a lot less irritating to play than MTGO.
If in a few years they get Modern on there (like they did with MTGO with Masters Edition) I'll probably switch over entirely. I'll certainly be playing all my Standard/draft on it.
>If in a few years they get Modern on there
Yes retard it is legally binding in a sense that if they try to abolish the reserved list they will get sued by thousands of people and will definitely lose. There have been countless posts written about this written on various magic forums by people with actual legal background.
At this point how many magic cards are just exact duplicates of another card with a different name?
I'll admit I don't want to be the guy that programs Panglacial Wurm, but since the architecture is less retarded than MTGO it's not entirely impossible.
We'll probably get some sort of Orgins or w/e onwards 'Post Modern' format first, though.
A fair few, but not as many as you might imagine. They tend to just reprint the older card if it fits anyway.
what are the chances that they wont abandon this game just like they abandoned last one after saying that they wont abandon it?
What kind of autist cheats in MTG?
they will definitely abandon it if it isn't successful enough
>What kind of autist cheats in MTG?
Pros, mainly
lol what are they going to hire a lawyer with, the money they don't have now that their investment is worthless?
Tbh looking at the current arena interface, I think programming pangalcial wurm in is pretty easy
I won with a Revel deck yesterday, good times.
>The impotent rage of my opponent as I cast Sanguine Sacrament for the 40th time
thank you Richard Garfield for making this possible
Can you get banned for things you say outside of the game?
>fw accidentally discovering that archetype after making an all spells deck just to complete an UW daily quest during the first week after the wipe
It was pretty crazy to discover that I had near 100% winrate against everything with just these crappy common/uncommon removal spells they gave you at the start + sacrament I got from a booster.
I hate that faggot Jeremy as much as the next guy but if criticizing lingerie cosplayers is harassment, I don't know what to tell you
Wizards is the jewest company on the universe
I can only expect 200 bucks/season minimum to be competent on the game
You can get banned for making a meme facebook group.
You can get banned for criticizing cosplayers.
You can get banned for talking about mein kampf.
You can get banned for joking about collusion
You can get banned for posting conservative views on social media
literally took me a week to make the best deck in the format
any example of these cosplayers? I need to form an opinion.
You can get banned for taking pictures of buttcracks.
You can get banned for having a felony you already served time for 15+ years ago.
You can get banned for disagreeing with WotC on Twitter/Reddit.
>Won't compete with HS.
Of course it won't. The only plan Wizards has is to just extract as much money out of their MtG playerbase as they can, they will never develop anything new to do with Magic.
almost everybody if you go to a store to play
that or infinite arguing about ruling
arena is good because it allows me to play a good game without having to deal with retards cheaters and rule lawyers
You can only play modern?
>literally took me a week to make the best deck in the format
'the format' is Ixalan Block Constructed, which has pretty much no good mythics. Plus, in real life Wizards won't give you 20 free boosters + 4 free boosters a week
A Standard deck is going to be running something like 10 mythics and 20+ rares
And unlike Ixalan Block Constructed, you won't open most of those by luck since it's all different sets. So you need all wildcards.
>they add 99% cards via machine learning
youtube videos they put out each week
Are you new to MTG?
Yeah, it thankfully isn't MTGO which literally requires every card to be coded by hand, since it doesn't have a full rules engine.
And every single card includes the condition of each Archetype of X because it's impossible to do any other way.
So, when fuck is this being released?
Will be on steam?
I'm not that guy but you post made literally no sense
Hopefully never.
I've spent thousands of dollars on MTG and at this point I'm completely burned out. Nobody plays Legacy, Modern is getting worse and worse and Standard has been garbage for more than half a decade at this point.
Supposedly Q4 2018, but we'll see if they manage that. Some sort of Open Beta by then is likely.
I'm going to guess it won't be on Steam because it's WotC and they are mentalists.
>rules lawyers
You mean people who know how to fucking play?
I had some retard in Modern get on my case because he gave his creature protection from blue to get by my blockers before trying to cast a blue instant on his creature. The look of frustration and impotent rage on his face was priceless; was that you?
Yeah well between you and me and the 96 other posters in here don't expect this to be any better. It's a hearthstone clone, in case you haven't noticed. Cloning blizzard bullshit is the fast food of video games. People jump in, get their instant gratification and jump out. Devs put little to no effort into anything but apologizing and dividing the community because that's cheat and making good video games ain't.