The ones we couldn't save

They didn't deserve it.


This game's deaths were so fucking predictable.

So predictable and yet I got mad every fucking time.

Better dead than betrayed and in prison.

Th-Theres a way to save him right, bros?


>be random wageslave engineer on the Ishimura
>somehow survive initial necromorph infestation, make it all the way to last room before working plasma cutter
>hear someone on other side
>beg for help, accidentally attract slasher
>fucker behind door finally opens it, doesn’t even save you
>he goes on to become the hero of all humanity against the necromorphs or something
>you survived without a weapon way longer and are now just another corpse in the vents
>you’re not even a unitologist
>just before death remember you forgot to feed ship’s cat
poor son of a bitch

The man strapped to the surgery table in the sequel. Isaac wasn't fast enough to stop him from being butchered.

>oh my god please help me they're coming
>WOAH dude is that a plasma cutter? I love those things

Filthy plebs

>Runas the Shamed says: This hunger is consuming my very mind. It is taking every ounce of my energy to just... just...

>Runas the Shamed says: Can you hear me, my friend?

>Runas the Shamed says: I... I can not see you anymore.

>Runas the Shamed says: I think... perhaps it is time to say goodbye, then.

>Runas the Shamed says: Thank you, my friend, for letting my last few hours mean something.

>*Runas fully devolves into a Withered and begins mindlessly wandering.*

As underwhelming as Legion was, Runas really was a great character.

His withered form being friendly really drove the point home.

I hate how wikia sites make me save the image before posting it.

That and being voiced by Jim Cummings.

And honestly Legion had it's high points. Gul'Dan getting pwned, landing at Mac'Aree with Velen, The first time running through the zones and their storylines when Legion first started.

Then again My main is a Hunter, and the Lodge, and Highmountain are my favorite part of the Broken Isles.

>Nearly gets killed by Big Smile Lee's band of wankers
>Wei just lets him walk off by himself after saving him
>Probably had a much more painful death after that
>didn't even want to be involved in the Sun on Yee anymore

pretty sure they deserved it, a argument could be made for peggy but winston? nah

You can’t save anyone. The ones you do save get written out next part.

>these criminals who kill people daily and don't bat an eye didn't deserve it!!!

Fuck that's right, I forgot he's all "Okay let me he- YO Is that a plasma cutter?"

They didn't deserve to be gunned down on their own wedding day.

well its more like "shit let me cut you out of there with something uhhhhhhhhhhh oh we can use that plasma cutter"

reminded me of far cry 3. You save your buddy who was about to be sold into slavery. You gun down everyone, free him, load him on your boat, he comments on your tattoo with "nice tat" and cheers while you gun down everyone. Then in the base he suddenly breaks down into a sobbing mess.



It still hurts


I hate both of you faggots. I'm glad he died. And I know he's being roasted in Hell.

I don't have anything against him but I do hope fags that post off topic shit pretending it's "chan culture" will burn in hell.
