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How the fuck do you guys decide to arrange your living rooms and bedroom?

i have 750 sqft house I'm renting and no space to do anything so space is limited.
My living room is a long ass rectangle that feeds into a large kitchen and then to two smaller rooms.

I'll be getting the rest of my desk later today but here's what it's like so far.

because on need i have
notice the 55 inch tv most people complain about? i HAD to put it there or simply have no tv at all, even if my desk was not there the tv could not be lower as it needed to be on a full range mount to even be able to be used properly as my living room space has an insane number of doors and windows preventing any proper setup unless i block something which would look tacky as shit.

guess thats what i get for buying a house the pre-dates television.

Guess my favorite pokemon


Holy shit I think I live near you. Ireland?

you seem to have a similar Samsung monitor as I do. How did you hook it up vertically?
Also your place looks comfy af


Why is there a bunch of shacks way below outside your window? Are you the king of the villagers?

>playing games on computer
what am I, some sort of jackass who wastes money on dumb shit?

if you consider Germany close to Ireland, sure

the close one is a normal backyard shed. The other more distance thing is an endless construction site. It's a few meters lower. It seemed to have changed owners two or three times but then abandoned the place again. Now it's kind of an eye-sore


Actually a pretty cool laptop sticker.


Looks Comfy

Nice and cool.

What's going on fellas

>doing that to your headphones


Looks like it

>streamer shit

>someone actually has that """case"""

Talking to team mates is streamer shit?


Ignore him, your setup is nice.

I love it, especially because it glows really nice

Thanks, but it looks like my monitor doesn't have any indentations that would be needed to mount it. Hmmmm

Hey cutie~

Hello user!

They are going on 5 years of hard abuse. still going strong.