Why aren't the bigger third party devs racing to make games for this? Whoever releases it now may just get a near 1:1 attachment rate.
Why aren't the bigger third party devs racing to make games for this...
You cant make a game that fast, nobody knew if the switch was going to flop or not so they ported games to test the waters, now that is a confirmed runaway success you should see games dropping more often sometime this year maybe.
>Why aren't the bigger third party devs racing to make games for this?
Because MHW just outsold capcoms entire game library by being multiplat
Because it's too weak. Developers don't want to downgrade their games just to make it run on the Switch.
Because game development takes time.
takes time.
EA knows there isn't enough negroids on switch so they won't bring anything of note
>weaker graphics
>which means lower budget
>which means no excuse for microtransactions or lootboxes
Because multiplats want power and graphics that make you go WHOAAAaaaaahhhh, not good nor innovative gameplay with consistent FPS.
Because it's a shit platform with no future. Only braindead americans bought this thing.
The WiiU. Lets face it, the only two companies they did good with the WiiU were Nintendo and Ubisoft. And what two companies are doing great with the Switch? Nintendo and Ubisoft. Though Capcom has sold a great amount of games with Street Fighter 2, and Nicalis is quickly turning into a major publisher for the Switch, and Doom has shown you can do a great AAA game on the Switch, it takes time to create games or even port them. Right now there is only one major porting company for the Switch in Panic Button, having worked on both Doom and Rocket League, and the coming Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, even they can't just drop a game out of thin air.
Now, with the major engines getting better and better on the Switch, I want to think things are getting better for getting games to the Switch much quicker. Unreal and Unity probably the two most important... which is kind of sad to say when it comes to Unity.
>Nintendo Fans buying non Nintendo products
ehhh no
Literally "please gives us games ;_;"
>Whoever releases it now may just get a near 1:1 attachment rate.
This hasn't been the case for a long time. Sure, BotW had 100+% attachement rate a month or two after release, but despite what Sup Forums likes to say, there's a good number of fine titles available on Switch now and I doubt anyone is starved for games.
>3 exclusives that arent automatically dogshit tier
Probably the same reasons third-parties didn't put many games on the 3DS
>too weak to port the PS4/XBO version
>terrible online infrastructure
>eShop doesn't support microtransations
>have to compete against High-quailty Nintendo games
Passable from here that are not already better on other platform are.
Batonetta, pokken, splaton, oddysey, xenoblade, BOTW
Thats it
I can see the appeal someone sees in isaac or portable skyrim but thats it, the rest is absolute shit
t. switch owner
eShop does support Microtransactions though.
>may just get a near 1:1 attachment rate
I spent silly money on videogames, and generally don't mind buying multiple versions of multiplats. I only own 5 Switch games, Zelda, Mario, Issac, Xenoblade and Cave Story. That's 3 ports, just to pad my library...
Because there are really just two markets. There is the pc/Ps4/Xbone market and the Switch market.
If you make a Ps4 game you can easily port it to Pc and Xbone. If you make a Xbox game you can easily port it to Pc and ps4 and if you make a pc game you can easily port it to Ps4 and Xbone. It really is just one big market with 200 million or more consumers in total.
Making a (good) Switch port takes much more effort and therefore is more expensive and while Pc/ps4/Xbone gamers have pretty much the same preferences (one of the groups just gives more fucks about frames and customization than the other two but that's mostly it) Switchers do have other preferences.
Not very well. For example, the iOS game MUJO got ported over, and to buy in-game currency you had to buy individual DLC packs, are was like 50 of them. It's a farcry away from how seemlessly the Xbox does it.
I'm 100% fine with ports if it entails that the next time the sequel will come out Day-and-Day, especially for the Switch since it turn handheld titles into console titles and console games into portable games. But at the same time, all these ports look like babies stepping their toes into the water, and the Switch definitely needs more big splashes.
because no one cares about switch
>because no one cares about switch
Talk about deluded.
Thats when.