This isn't actually 80 hours long r-right?
This isn't actually 80 hours long r-right?
I'm at about 64 hours in and almost done with the first part of the last Dungeon. I expect maybe a few more hours so put it closer to 70 than 80.
I have full BP and took me this much. Use turbo mode whenever you can.
what a fucking shitter
It's probably about 80 hours if you try to get max rank on a first playthrough blind (with turbo mode). It was about 80 hours without turbo mode playing normally blind before, now it would be around 60.
Took me 77 hours on hard. That was before they added in turbo mode, though.
>Saving time is bad somehow
I only used it to travel and combat but if something is useful of course i´m gonna use it.
I have 100 hours in that and the third
They get pretty long after FC
I bought the trilogy over time because I like falcom
I spent maybe 4 hours on the first game but honestly I only care about the story , shame I can't put easy mode or a trainer without steam fucking me because the gameplay in the first is boring
Use turbo in combat. It helps if you wanna get into the game.
Actually it's around 150 if you include FC, since they're two parts of the same game.
I think I ended with B rank Bracer, had fun with it.
Not really, this isn't CS. Both games combined are closer to 100 hours max and both are self-contained stories, there's just a hook for SC in the epilogue of FC. It's not like CS where the first two games are literally two halves of a story and stuffed full of filler to compensate.
huh, i thought the bracer card had time too.
Deleted save a while ago, somaybe?
Took me 51 hours. I think I left it open overnight once. 100% bracer points and stuff. Not all the achievements, but close. It doesn’t take as long as these idiots say it does.
Turbo was implemented after I got to the end of 3.
I wish it came out sooner.
How long does it take for the first game to get good? The beginning is such a fucking slog. I got to the part where the girl's dad leaves before I stopped playing.
>main villain in SC established in FC
>SC picks up literally where FC left off
>tons of character arcs unfinished
>self-contained stories
are you high?
Game was easy peezie with any action orb, white ghenna, and magic AOE+
>>main villain in SC established in FC
Yeah, during the epilogue, after the plot of FC has finished and been resolved.
>SC picks up literally where FC left off
Yes, after a postgame sequel hook.
>tons of character arcs unfinished
Character arcs aren't part of the main story.
>self-contained stories
Compare them to the latest arc, where the first two games are literally two halves of one game, with the first game ending at the middle of the climax of the plot.
They bust out the wallet siphoner at the end, but I didn't mind the rest of the game too much.
>shame I can't put easy mode or a trainer without steam fucking me
wait what do you mean
You fucking retards can't compete
It took me about 50 hours on the first playthrough of FC pc port. I never used turbo mode for battle and I did my best exploring everything and completing most of everything (all requests, books, chests)
Why are the character designs in this series so bland and boring? Why do the monsters either look like farm animals or failed art projects?
The character designs are great though I don't know how anyone in good conscious could call Kevin bland or boring.
I feel bad about not buying any of these games even though I play them.
Yes it is, and you will enjoy every minute of it.
I did too, and thus somehow last year Trails in the Sky TC became the first game I bought in years. And then I never even finished it
I'll never stray from the pirates path again
Pirates should never feel remorse
>meanwhile the GOAT Ys oath is only 10 hours
You should buy them if you really do like them, games like these can use support.
Play the faggot's game you fuckin heretic
Kevin's outfit is just as forgettable as everyone elses. Fantastic character though.
If I could go back in time I would stop myself from buying into this shit.
You can still go back and buy 10 copies each
I fucking love FC. The more I think back after having played FC/SC/3RD/CS1/CS1 (the latter two are absolute fucking shit by the way) the more I appreciate FC. At it's core it's simply a story of a boy and a girl traveling around a country and falling in love. Their interactions are wonderful and their character development is great, making the romance angle very sellable.
Meanwhile underneath that airy, lighthearted adventure, a more serious plot is brewing right under your nose and you don't even realize it really until the second-to-final chapter. When you look back you realize that the entire game was building up to this and it's fucking grand.
FC is one of the most underrated games ever, especially within its fanbase. I understand most people not accepting it and wanting something with more action, but for me it's a very special game that not many others amount to or even strive to be.
It's more like 60-65 if you play on normal, have fast reading speed, and don't try to talk to everyone at every stage in the game.
is the Falcom general still going on in /vg/ and is it full of Sen 3 spoilers?
3rd is my favorite user. I want another Kevin game.
>trails game
>not talking to everyone
The main reason I'm put off playing SC is because they're separated now and Joshua being forced to be an edgelord. Don't like the idea wasting hours and hours trying to find the guy like on some Naruto bullshit.
It's mostly just one spoiler and some random screencaps at this point.
Yes. Most of its just the usual bitching over Rean.
This is my time from the last save point, all BP. Probably have 75 hours or so total though. This was before turbo mode.
FC is basically a giant prologue to setup the world for SC. Things don't really pick up until near the end but god damn does it really get you hyped for SC. Was so glad I didn't have to wait years for the English release like a lot of people because you will want to just right into SC.
Something like that.
Its worth it.
Damn why is Rean so based?
It's basically divided into Crossbell and Liberl fans trashing Cold Steel and one autist trying to defend his first kiseki game.
Don't enter unless you want Crossbell to be spoiled the fuck out of.
Yeah it still exists, I don't go there anymore to avoid spoilers though. Still only like halfway through CS1 and still learning moon so can't play Ao yet. Probably just gonna forego the sloppy fan translation when it's out for Ao and read it myself once I can.
I finished it in 44 but full disclosure I didn't finish all sidequests and autistically spoke to every single NPC every single time something happened to see if they had something new to say, even if that is one of the main features of the game.
Not that user but the entirety of FC is buildup to SC. They were originally going to be one game, but it wasn't gonna fit on a single whatever the fuck PSP games were put on. They're literally supposed to be one game. Just because one plot thread is resolved at the end of FC doesn't mean it's self contained, there's several more that aren't resolved until SC. I don't know where you got the idea that FC and SC are self contained stories but it's demonstrably untrue. Even more absurd is calling SC self contained, when nothing is gonna make sense if you didn't play FC first.
Does the REEEEEE XSHIT BASED NISA GOING TO LOCALIZE ALL FALCOM GAMES poster or CSfag still shit up every thread?
I started using CheatEngine in 3rd solely for the speedhack. Wish I had done so earlier.
Seriously, don't listen to talesfags, they are literally worse than nepfags. The games are fucking garbage, the music is average at best, the combat is god awful "spam your best ability and only this" with no real way to customize or change what your best ability would be, story is full retard so chock full of the most asinine anime tropes regurgitated in an insufferable format broken apart only by long walks through empty maps filled with little but the mentioned tedious combat.
Fuck this series, and fuck the retarded autists that recommend it.
more or less
>I started using CheatEngine in 3rd solely for the speedhack
3rd was the point where I finally did it but that's my own fault because I spent so much time autistically farming item drops because they were actually worth it in the 3rd. That was kind of my own fault because it's completely unnecessary maybe on Nightmare, farming Doppelgangers is also the worst shit.
I'm playing this casually right now
Jesus fuck, do you play on hard and grind, is that what that is? Please tell me it's not that long fuck I'm only on the first field day
FC is a self contained story dude. The entire buildup is for the coup and it ends that plotline by the times it's over.
But it's comfy.
what are you talking about user calm down
Man you nailed the Tales series. Good job user.
>the combat is god awful "spam your best ability and only this"
Wow this is the same shit in trails ahahaha
Agreed. I played Phantasia after seeing all the sycophants on Sup Forums worship it. What a fucking disappointment.
>Watch the damn fairy tail until it has finished
This is the director pretty much giving the middle finger to all the fans who couldn't wait for Cold Steel to be finished and move on to Calvard.
>Jesus fuck, do you play on hard and grind, is that what that is?
Not him but I would assume he's done multiple playthrough and done harder difficulties. Normal mode can easily be done in 55-60 hours if you don't do all sidequests, all sidequests add an extra 10-15 hours. If your on normal you never need to grind. On the topic of difficulty do not play on anything above normal your first playthrough hard/nightmare are horribly balanced and just bloat enemy stats.
NISAfag is gone for the time being.
CSfag is still there.
Those assets arent gonna reuse themselves
I've only played Tales of Innocence, but I didn't like it too much. I'm still going to try out some of the more well received Tales games to see if they're to my liking.
What Tales game did you play user?
>NISAfag is gone for the time being.
Well that's good not sure who was more annoying him or CSfag. Still convinced it was Nightwolve or whatever his name was, no one else has such an autistic hatred for Xseed. I've had CSfag autistically screech at me in posts where I outright stated I've played everything else but only about half way through CS1.
Cold Steel is nowhere near as good as Sky.
>do not play on anything above normal your first playthrough hard/nightmare are horribly balanced and just bloat enemy stats.
Cold steel is broken as fuck easy if you equip orbments right. And it's still easy if you can at least do that decently. I would say at least hard.
>tfw I thought I could handle SC on hard since I did FC on normal and I learned the system
After spending a couple hours trying to beat Kurt I still had to end up giving up in the the forest right after
I couldn't agree more.
I binged FC/SC/3rd/Zero/CS1 until CS2 being released recently (and I do agree that CS is subpar in quality but it still retains some series staples like the ongoing world and recurring characters). I had known about the series from a distance but never really began it until someone on Sup Forums described it as a generic jrpg done very well. Well after my utter disgust at how atrocious FFXV was I decided I needed some old fashioned and got to playing FC, and the rest is history.
The best comparison I could make for how much I love FC is the first Grandia, which was also a relatively lighthearted adventure about the joy of discovery. FC just happens to expand on it greatly with further games in the series.
Good thing you stopped there. The Jaeger 3 fight (masked Kurt) at the end of the prologue was legit one of the hardest boss fights I've ever had to do on hard. The only boss that even came close to matching his difficulty was Loewe.
Prologue in SC was stupidly difficult on higher difficulties.
In CS then sure.
In SC the penultimate boss has something like 200 speed when your pain party can get 120 or so. And that gets a straight multiplier with hard and nightmare.
It's not fun when you get 3HKO'd by every trash mob and it never gets better.
you left that shit on overnight.
There's simply nothing to really do for 100 hours, let alone 300 hours. I'm notoriously slow at playing rpgs. and I didn't even get 100 hours out of CS.
Seriously, don't listen to trailsfags, they are literally worse than nepfags. The games are fucking garbage, the music is flat out garbage and objectively much worse than the Ys series, the combat is god awful "spam your best ability against braindead AI" with harder modes literally only changing HP/damage numbers and the conbat being so boring they need to add turbo boost so players can literally skip through it.
Story is full retard so chock full of the most asinine anime tropes regurgitated in an insufferable way and with constant plot twists after twists for the sake of padding the games and world building constantly paraded is just NPC's having random ass lines so people think its building the world.
Lmfao i don't even care about tales but you trailsfaggots need to be gassed and reminded their series will always be garbage. The only series that comes out from falcom that matters is Ys because its not turnbased trash and has actual good music on top of the fact Falcom actually respect fans of the series not trying to jew them by splitting games in to multiple parts.
Yes. Nightmare SC Prologue is easily the hardest part of the entire trilogy. Your only option is to grind for hours, to give yourself the most minute possibility of victory, so that you can play the same fight 50 times in a row until everything goes in your favour and you win. Horrible design for that difficulty that I can only imagine was never tested.
But I still did it. Some parts of SC Nightmare require some intelligent thought as to what the optimal strategies will be - the prologue just needs a sufficiently good strategy (cookie spam) and a lot of luck.
This game is barely 30 hours. How the fuck are you people getting 60?????
most of us played before turbo-boost was modded in by xseed, from the sounds of it i assume it's a "speed shit up" button which would surely help speed shit up.
i'll probably get around to CS one of these days but so far I haven't, from the sounds of it Falcom took the game IP in the wrong direction and are dragging it the fuck out by making Cole Steel's games at least 50% filler so they could make a 2-game series into 4. or 5, who knows, maybe Falcom devs will go SHIKATA GA NAI WE NEEDED EVEN MOAR GEIMU.
If you pay attention to the story, do sidequests, don't have a guide on hand at all times , and don't have a boost, I really doubt you have any chance of beating it in under 50 hours on your first try.
>Cold steel is broken as fuck easy if you equip orbments right. And it's still easy if you can at least do that decently. I would say at least hard.
He was talking about SC so I was only talking about Sky in particular. Your post is completely correct about CS though.
This series has such atrocious pacing issues that I couldnt in any right mind recommend it to anyone.
>from the sounds of it Falcom took the game IP in the wrong direction and are dragging it the fuck out by making Cole Steel's games at least 50% filler
Just finished CS2. I can confirm it was 99% filler, outside of the ending.
And then the epilogue hits and that's even MORE filler.
Some people play games blind without 20x speedhacks and a NG+ clear save.
The epilogue would have been fine if it was just some optional postgame stuff with a bit of lore added on. The fact that they tried to force it into being relevant to the story as a lame half-assed justification to have a send-off for Class VII in spite of all of them losing and Rean becoming Osborne's fucktoy made it feel like more pointless filler.
In CS nightamre mode is a fucking cakewalk even on the lower difficulties. In SC the game is a cakewalk on normal, you should play hard mode for your first playthrough. Nightmare is where things go to shit since it was added later on and wasn't originally part of the game. But seriously playing CS on anything but nightmare is a good way to have a $40 sleeping aid on your hands.
>Get to McBurn on Nightmare in CS2
>Guide warns me he's the hardest boss
>S craft with Laura + 3 other teammates
>Fight ends in 4 turns
It took 60 hours for me and it was fucking worthy.
This. Fuck NU Falcom and fuck Cold Steel.
Maybe if you talk to every NPC every single time something happens in the plot like me __ ____ ___ __. Cold Steel 2 is worse if you do it without a guide like me____ ____ ____ ____.
Let's not forget the cutscenes after. Oh fuck it's the world destroyer mcburn the hedgehog, you kids go ahead and fight something even stronger and get fucking killed. Yes that's right, all you kids of important political figures need to keep going alone into the unknown while competent people do whatever the fuck it is we do, don't ask how I got here and why I didn't bring anyone behind me I always just have to chalk it up to anime, but damn they really test my suspension of disbelief in this game. Why did they give a bunch of kids the most vital airship for the war
the plot of FC was not just about the coup, but about the black orbment gospel which is a huge part in breaking the seal of aureole and releasing liber ark. to say FC is self-contained when a big part of its story is the cause of the events in SC is ludicrous.
>Character arcs aren't part of the main story
the game makes it very clear from the beginning that a big part of the game is the relationship between Joshua and Estelle. the game literally starts with them meeting in a flashback and ends with them separating due to Weissman. their story which is as much part of the main story as the black orbment, is proof that FC and SC are not self-contained.
>compare them to the latest arc
you can easily use your same argument for FC and SC. the two games are two halves of one game, as shown in the interviews when falcom said they had to split the games due to the sheer size of them, and even then SC was on 2 UMDs which isn't common for PSP games. Not to mention, you would not have a single, flowing narrative, not by any decent standards at least, if you ended FC where it did and said "yeap, that's the end. that's all there is, folks". if you think of the coup not as the overarching plot of the game but as yet another trigger for the main story, it's not actually that hard to see that the two games are not self-contained.
The Gospel isn't anything more than a MacGuffin in FC, the plot isn't about it. It's about an adventure to become Bracers that turns into stopping a military coup. The Black Orbment is a mystery presented in the game and a MacGuffin but its true purpose and function isn't relevant at all to FC's plot.
> to say FC is self-contained when a big part of its story is the cause of the events in SC is ludicrous.
A big part of The Hobbit is the cause of events in the Lord of the Rings but you can't sit there and say The Hobbit isn't a complete story without The Lord of the Rings.
>you can easily use your same argument for FC and SC.
You cannot. FC is a complete story. CS is not. You're delusional if you think otherwise. FC would have to end in the middle of chapter 3 to even be remotely comparable to the unfinished """ending""" of CS1.
>FC's plot
>let's become bracers by traveling the country and learning about it while helping the citizens!
>there are strange things happening in each region
>oh, it turns out they're part of a coup, we'd better stop this!
>hooray! We stopped the coup! Let's celebrate
>oh shit the mastermind behind the coup was actually just being used and the real mastermind has a bigger plot in mind, what could it all mean? Find out on the next episode of Dragonball Z
>Let's graduate from not-Bracer class by traveling the country and helping the citizens!
>there are strange things happening in each region
>oh, it turns out it's all part of a building civil war, we'd better try and resolv-
It never gets good. If you aren't enjoying the game by now do yourself a favor and quit. I stupidly bought SC thinking this epic story would finally unfold but it never rises above weeb-shit tier. I have no clue why the series is so lauded, the story and characters are generic, the world map is fucking tiny, there's enough cutesy anime mewling to make beezlebub cry, and the combat system is PURE FUCKING SHIT, literally fire/ice/wind/earth elements called a different name with arbitrary luck bonuses. It's a 2/10 shit series that gets lauded as the second coming of JRPGs.
Literally nothing you posted is correct