Why are people out to get this game?
Are they that obsessed with Kojima's dick?
Why are people out to get this game?
Are they that obsessed with Kojima's dick?
>that like/dislike ratio
What the fuck? It's not like the dude is saying the game is good, he's just pointing out the reviewers are literally lying, how can people dislike this?
Sterlingfags are literally SJWs that want to deplatform games on Steam, won't be surprised if they get this video removed.
Survive haters or Kojimadrones are insane about this game. Some guy made a simple video guide on animals location and they down voted it just because.
Somebody explained it to me like this
Kojima may not be the best game designer. But he's the best face for vidya
Much like Neil Tyson is for science, despite not even really doing lots of shit.
In the same vein, they can do no wrong and are immune from criticism
If you don't like them, you're an asshole because the "face" of an industry is important
It's a load of bullshit
People with common sense hate a blatant cash-in on a dead franchise, nobody gives a fuck about Kojima you stupid shill.
Who gives a fuck?
It's some zombie game that nobody cares about.
because the game is awful
>all this negatives review, it cant be because the game is a piece of shit must be a conspiracy
>dead franchise
>last one sold more than 5M
>alreayd had some shitty spinoffs like acid and portable ops
>>nobody gives a fuck about Kojima you stupid shill.
>A video about Kojima not receiving an award is part of an anti Metal Gear Survive video
So why would they go all out disliking any video not shitting on the game?
The jim army that jim pretends doesn't exist.
>mgs 5 shitty gameplay
i dont know why it failed so hard
Kojicuck autism
>open world
Sup Forums will literally defend anything if other people don't like it
Why do people want to get this game?
Are they that obsessed with Konami's dick?
Hoo boy
It's not ok when Minecraft does it.
It's a fun game. You can't compare buying a game to hating a game.
One is because it's fun
The other is because... you don't like it? Wouldn't it be better to just ignore things you don't like?
/end thread, /end discussion.
Fuck off Shillvive user, I'm really sick of your shit.
>Are they that obsessed with Kojima's dick?
No one is obsessed with this game it's literally dead. Finding multiplayer games is taking longer and longer every day. We won.
>Why do people want to get this game?
Sane people like me love the Fox Engine and want to see it used more
>Why do people want to get this game?
No one does. Sales are over. Last night I tried to play a multiplayer game in all 3 difficulties took me 20 minutes before I got a 4 man lobby in normal. Thankfully we and the youtubers killed this game. Nothing the autists can do now but screech.
>man this game surely sucks
>kojimacuck, kojimacuck, kojimacuck, kojimacuck, kojimacuck, kojimacuck, kojimacuck, kojimacuck, kojimacuck
this idiots cant even defend his game
Maybe they disagree by downvoting? ...
I saw a video of the final battle that involved fences, stabbing, and the occasional gun usage on those exploding enemies, so it can't be too far off.
I'd imagine things would expand more once you get enough resources to mess around, though.
How the fuck old is Joe? I know his shtick is being angry, but he just comes off as a child revving up "OVER EXAGGERATED REACTION" to everything for the shitty YT community. It's not entertaining or funny how does he make a living doing this? Also it just looks silly given how fat he, with the facial expressions he does. How does one even get that fat when they don't even have a real job to constrain their time?
Keep sucking Kojima's cock.
Maybe the game you like is just shit user.
>why are fagtards making useless threads?
We are on thread like #60 here and the autists who defend this game still haven't said why in detail it's good. All they do is attack those who criticize it but they cannot tell you why it's good.
They didnt lie they just didnt stick with the game to give a shit about that bullshit because its so boring. Sup Forums has shit on much better games for a whole lot less what the fuck is this niggerish shit?
Paying $10.00 for something as simple as a save slot and demanding that players always be online as an invasive form of DRM on consoles is the worst shit ever. Konami fucked Kojima out of an award for simply leaving the company due to its hilariously awful work atmosphere. Metal Gear Survive killed the franchise.
and you keep sucking konami cock look what they did to mg and sh, you are not better than a cuck
Disagree on video that shows locations of fucking animals? For what purpose when it was done just right.
>and you keep sucking konami cock look what they did to mg
Kojima is the one that ruined MG. PW and MGSV lack of a story were on him.
they kick kojima before finishing mg
Are you actually fucking retarded? Kojima got outed from konami and the game pushed to release unfinished so they could further justify kicking him out.
It should have finished at 4.
Out of the 3 Main characters, BB was easily the worse. Why Kojima thought he deserved 2 more games is beyond me.
the absolute state of this board and the contrarians here
Watching this kinda makes me want to play the game. I'm not saying it'll be the best game ever, but a time waster for sure.
Are you retarded?
Konami is is half to blame.
Kojima is the person to introduce shit like a parasite that kills people that speak a certain language, Quiet's entire character, and more importantly, removing most of Sutherland's voice work in MGSV. I will never not be mad about that
>being fine with being charged to make new save files
Fuck. You.
Mindless children follow e-celebs at their heels and gleefully criticize a game they've never played. Typical Sup Forums
Do one about hunt down the freeman
>Sets up fences and boxes directly next to objective.
>S-s-see if y-y-you use fences or stand on items you will be overwhelmed or the objective will die first.
Hmmm the eceleb trash even seemed to understand that putting fences and boxes on choke points or large congregations of enemies works fine.
Game looks like garbage generic zombie survival bull shit even in the supposed "fair" video.
The only ones i see mentioning kojima are the insane sociopaths forcing his name in as an insult to anyone who criticizes this game. If you aren't trolling to get a rise go outside and get help.
>turns out the game is actually decent and is finally starting to make sales
This game s bad
Nigga have you actually played a kojima game before this hes always done weird shit. Quiets entire character was never finished and sutherlands voice lines were removed because the game was rushed to release
Fuck off with your logical argument m8. We don't take kindly to witchcraft around these parts.
>Paying $10.00 for something as simple as a save slot
You've fallen for more disinformation I'm afraid. The "save slot" isn't a second save slot, it's a second base that generates more shared resources. It's the exact same system as the extra FOBs in MGSV.
>Quiets entire character was never finished and sutherlands voice lines were removed because the game was rushed to release
Nigga that bullshit and you know it.
Quiet's story ended, it was just really shit, and Sutherland's VO was already done, Kojima himself removed them. There's even left over of him talking to Paz/
Must've misquoted me bc I was referring to the actual topic of the discussion, not your retard babbling.
Same desu. I thought it was multiplayer-only until now. If it's just TPP with more mission variety then I'm sold. Those melee combos look satisfying as fuck. Don't really give a fuck about optional microtransactions or the absence of Kojima (who hasn't made a good game since Sons of Liberty).
>The other is because... you don't like it? Wouldn't it be better to just ignore things you don't like?
No because if you ignore blatant low quality micro-transaction scam games they will only get worse. This game needs to do bad and be tar and feathered in the process and its supporters shot in the head.
I'm curious if the game itself is actually any good?
All I hear about is the stupid extra character slot, but not about the actual game itself.
I didn't quote you saying anything you autist.
Can any of you artists whining about misinformation explain why the game is so good
No reeeeee reeeeeeeeee it's not our job to tell you why a game we like is good reeeeeeeeee do you own homework reeeeeeeeeee no it's not bad that we spend days of our life defending this game but we can't tell you why it's good reeeeeeeeeeeee
Shilling everywhere. If they were so confident they were right, they wouldn't start threads like these.
First few hours are very boring. Not even the fanboys will defend that. Once you get some gadgets it picks up.
It's not as terrible as one side is saying and it's not as great as the other side is saying. It's an average game. Though it's definitely one of the better open world zombie survival games out there, but that's a genre many people are sick of..
Watching people actually play the game on Twitch is a lot more reliable than taking these retard e-celebs' reviews seriously. The game is not a 0/10 abomination, it is just a pretty run-of-the-mill survival game, had the drama with Kojima not occurred this game would be maybe considered a harmless 5/10 spinoff.
It's funny that I see people who literally claim the game is a disgrace to video games when it looks like your average survival game and based on the metacritic, I'm right :^)
>Team Silent is executed and their franchise's desecrated carcass is paraded about on a stick by some bald gaijin fuckhead.
>"lol who cares"
>Koji Igarashi gets sentenced to the "Fuck You, Quit The Company" division and watches as the franchise he loved is split up between some talentless Spaniard hacks and the Konami pachislot team.
>"lol who cares"
>Information is revealed that Konami basically abuses every single employee who isn't an executive with work conditions that even the Japanese seem to think are excessive
>"lol who cares"
>Kojima is fired
Too little too late Kojimadrones. We've known for years that Konami was a shit-hole of a company, yet for some reason you were all happy to suck their dicks and buy up every little thing with a KojiPro logo on it riiiiiiiight up until your precious Kojima was threatened.
>average survival game
So you admit that it’s shit?
What do you even mean? This is not about being right or wrong about the games quality. Reviewers are spreading misinformation, dude makes a video showing how what they say is wrong, this has nothing to do with the game, it's about reviewers not doing their jobs. It's ok for reviewers to lie about a product you don't like?
It's nothing new if you've played a zombie survival game before you've played this. If you played MGSV you've already experienced the gameplay. The story is literally nonexistent and their is no reason to care about it it's just an excuse to kill the crystal zombies. The final boss is a joke. The base building is again nothing new, you've done it before in almost every base building game. The only thing this done that's kinda of interesting is the on the fly building of defensive and support structures. I have never played a game more deserving of a 4 or 5/10 it's literally just eh. It doesn't deserve praise at all in any of it's fields but it's not fair to say it did it's job terribly in any of fields save bosses, level design and story. Okay it's definitely a 4/10. The micro transactions and over abundance of reused assets is pretty awful too, shit it might just be a 3.5/10. It's pretty obvious this is a rushed job to cash in on the MGS name or an excuse to show the Konami board the MGS series is dead without Kojima so they can abandon the future of the series and just make shit tons of remakes or new IP's.
nah that it's average
So pretty much they picked a fading genre, and unfortunately tied it to metal gear.
Too bad they didn't just try to at least launch it as a new ip entirely, without the metal gear influence and name.
>Once you get some gadgets it picks up.
What gadgets? You guys keep vaguely alluding to gadgets making the game better what are you talking about?
Maybe it's an honestly bad game besides all the Kojima/Konami shitflinging bullshit.
>he literally admitted its shit
My god you Konamidrones are retarded
unga chunga game only good or bad bunga dunga no middle ground me grunk
Contrarianism is fascinating.
>People publish their opinions on a game
Have you ever considered this guy may just be a retard?
Haha, this all day.
Although the new Bomberman was good, but that's never gonna save them unfortunately.
Maybe someone should buy them out, change up the management and hire back the talent.
63 on meta critic is average?
>I'm curious if the game itself is actually any good?
It's a reskinned zombie tower defense. Their counter argument to this lazy piece of shit? "OH KOJIMA IS NOT INVOLVED" seriously, it's dull and boring.
No one likes a shill, and it's not misinformation, it's not dedicating themselves to a shitty by the books survival game. Everyone already knows these types of games get less tedious the longer you play them, but all three of those reviewers are well known for being fed up with that tedium. Why don't you watch someone who's never played a survival game do a review on it? Oh that's right, every reviewer has played at least 5 similar games.
>yet for some reason you were all happy to suck their dicks and buy up every little thing with a KojiPro logo on it riiiiiiiight up until your precious Kojima was threatened.
I stopped buying Konami games a long time ago based on these points why are you assuming wrong here?
This lol. You can't "debunk" someone's fucking opinion
is a 6 out of 10 average
I dunno walnut brain
>It's ok for reviewers to lie about a product you don't like?
There is literally nothing different in what Joe and Yongyea are doing in the past and present. You are only triggered because they said a game you liked wasn't good. If they did the same review and said it was good you would cheer them. You autists never cared about them before now all of a sudden IT'S ABOUT ETHICS IN VIDEO GAMES. Fuck off back to your NEET cave losers.
>is a d- average
I don’t think it is
>I hate Dark Souls because the cars handle like shit
>What are you talking about Dark Souls doesn't even have cars
>lol it's just an opinion dude you can't "prove" an opinion is wrong or right :)
Please explain why this game is good
So they had to tack on the metal gear brand just to get interest?
Otherwise it would have been a one shot deal at a new franchise and would have bombed anyway, right?
Seems it bombed worse than they expected.
It's sad.
Truly we're in the age where anything not 8+/10 review is complete trash on the level of big rigs
What did they say about MG Survive that is equivalent to that?
So just because someone made a mistake, suddenly the game is really good and we should all buy it? That's your argument?
The person who made that video doesn't even show how they were wrong because the ecelebs aren't wrong. More than half of his "proof" that they lied and misinformed comes after you've played 3+ hours of the game and some if comes after having nearly beat it. Having played it for myself I can forgive anyone who picked up this game played for 2 hours without a single piece of hope that things would get better and refunded it. The first few hours of the game are akin to torture it's all mindless filler bullshit and if you cut straight to the good parts the game would be a whopping 4 hours long at best. This game is as middling as they come it's designed terribly and the pacing is completely fucked.
This game seems competently made. I can understand if it doesn't interest you, it doesn't interest me at all and I'm a Metal Gear fan. Death Stranding doesn't interest me at all either.
I don't understand why people are so heated about it though. It's an open world zombie game, it's bland and boring and who cares? It's not about picking sides.
My argument is that if a game is bad you shouldn't need to make up reasons as to why it's bad.
60 has never been a good score ever.
Yeah, we are in an era where reviewers consider a 6/10 game below average. It doesn’t matter if review scores are inflated, if the game was ACTUALLY average it would receive what amounts to an average score of 7.5-8/10.
They literally say in their videos "the game plays like this, has this, works like this and the game is bad because of that", that's not an opinion and they clearly say it like it's a fact. Good thing that video proves them wrong.
Alright, fair enough, now how does that make it a good game?
It's about making sure games like this are mocked so we stop the laziness and overbearing nature of microtransactions. It's sad in society how many young adult males think you make change with apathy. Your single mother has ruined you