Dark Souls Remastered will be released in a little over two months time and we haven't even seen a screen shot of the new and improved graphics.
Dark Souls Remastered will be released in a little over two months time and we haven't even seen a screen shot of the...
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Oh well just play it on PC won't look much different
That's because all they are doing is putting in dsfix and the DS3 online mode
it'll just be running in 1080p variable fps instead of
>releasing on switch as well
>improved graphics
FROM already made a Dark Souls remaster, its called Dark Souls 3 and it sucked. The game will end up looking worse then the original and will have zero balance changes or game improvements
I see no point to any version other than the Switch one. New audience and portable. I already played the game for 300 hours on PS3. A slightly better looking version that I have to pay to play online on PS4 doesn't interest me. It's stupid.
If I was going to buy the game again it would either be Switch for portability and to twink and kill Nintendo fans who never played souls, or PC for best quality and free online.
>Dark Souls 3 sucked
It did though, Dark Souls 3 murdered and butchered the covenant system and the multiplayer as a whole. Not only that but it has the worst DLC in the entire series, and the main game is a series of rehashed areas and gimmick bosses.
>murdered and butchered the covenant system
A system that was ALWAYS poorly implemented.
>new and improved graphics.
Should we tell him
Yes and they somehow managed to make it even worse
>covenant system
Who cares
Can't wait for the zipline over Lost Izalith.
>he playes souls for the pvp
you already got ds2
>Not only that but it has the worst DLC in the entire series
thats probobly sunken king
>gimmick bosses
implying the other games didnt have them if not more of them ie moonlight butterfly, seath bed of chaos etc
ds3 had amazing music. and far better bosses then ds1 and ds2. witha few exeptions in each.
all and all ds3 was a far more consistant experience. and for that i give it its praise that it deserves.
best grill is Rise
Even Sunken King is better then Ashes, and that is saying a lot
I like Sunken King. Hell I like Das2. If it wasn't for Soul Memory I'd say it was indisputably the best souls.
i think you're just a bit biased.
this stuff was pretty nifty
It’ll probably be DaS 3 quality
Single player is fire though
Sunken King had actual level design. Exploration was tied to switches and platforming and using your eyes to make the level easier to traverse, it was really neat.
it depends on what you value in these games.
both the level design and boss fights are big selling points. so it more or less comes down to preference.
>and the DS3 online mode
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
>Sunken King is bad
Fucking done with you idiots.