Did you buy her game yet, Sup Forums?

did you buy her game yet, Sup Forums?

who is she?

It's not out yet

No, but I hope it turns out good.

fuck off shill


honestly way better than paper mario ever was

Post more bee and Moth lewds and maybe I'll consider it.

yeah man and yooka laylee was way better than banjo kazooie ever was too!

>anons hurling "shill" and "falseflag" at each other like candy
>low quality bug porn/lewds
>thread eventually gets deleted or put on autosage after 200-300+ posts

Please no, yesterday's thread was a disaster



Why not

Yes. The demo was pretty good.

To be honest yooka laylee was better than banjo tooie and it's pretty obvious they went that direction instead of banjo kazooie.

End me.

Ram and Rom please.

Give me something that has big tits please

Loli please.

It looks like a literal ripoff. Not a "spiritual successor" or "inspired by", it looks like a flimsy imitation.


That's not saying much, given what a trashfire Tooie was.

A trashfire? I wasn't around in the game circles, publications and so on when tooie was released, was the reception really that bad? I played it recently and had some okay fun, but it was nowhere as good as kazooie.

What even is this?

Bug fables.

not enough furries, shit list

aglooba blooga no

Bee Movie 2

>chicken-chan is on twice


Fuck Bees 2: Beenis Harder

A Paper Mario ripoff that a few people here REALLY want to turn into a meme

I don't get why people here exaggerate tooie's poor quality
Yooka Laylee was worse than Tooie, Yooka Laylee had Nuts n Bolts sized levels with nothing in them and played worse


fuck it

Stop shilling your game don’t make me hate you

>make thread on AAA game
>make thread on indie game
>make thread on any game
The absolute state of \V\

>shilling a game you can't buy

It’s literally the same thread that keeps reposted every day word by word with the same picture and the same shilling tone literally asking you to buy that game. And the dev posts here too. What more proof do you need?


>being so new you don't recognize the "did you buy his/her game yet" meme
So the shill boogeyman is propagated by newfags

Using (bad) memes for publicity is shilling too

it's pretty obviously a shill when the thread entirely consists of "GO PAY FOR THIS GAME THAT'S NOT OUT YET" you fucking idiot

>moving the goalposts because you were ousted for being a newfag
More than half the people who cry about shilling don't know the proper definition of shill or cannot recognize actual shilling. Viral Marketing was the better term because people couldn't misconstrue it for their shitposting means as easily.

see, I personally don't think the dev would be dumb enough to post here every single fucking day with the exact same wojack shitposts without even doing so much as posting a link to their game, despite the fact that their campaign is fully funded and they have their own tumblr and twitter accounts to fall back on, but whatever, we're not going to accomplish anything in this thread, we never do


Blame Reddit, people from there actively kill video game discussion on here

The fact I’m making these shills so mad by calling them out as the shills they are is pretty much all the proof that’s needed. Dude probably got his whole dev team to advertise on Sup Forums

I think that too. It does ask who makes these threads and why.




SMELLY ANT ________!!

Assblasted Sup Forums developers who hate other people's success probably.

Daily shill thread


reminder that tjis is a literal shill thread

It's most likely /agdg/ people jealous that their games don't take off.

No it’s just third worlder shill tactics

100% haydee style shilling

So threads are false flags? Jesus this is actually believable considering how well they did on their campaign. This is why you should never post your game in Sup Forums if you ever develop one, way too many autistic petty faggots

Yeah his entire family probably

>Make a game about insect.
>Shill it with shitty porn.
>Don't even add in a righteous grass hopper that fight for justice.
You disgust me.

A shilled pile of mediocre garbage
Not even meme shilled but actual unironic shilled

TO BE FAIR, I think the first few of these threads were actually made by the devs(or at least fans) themselves - they posted links to their Indiegogo campaign back when it was still running and they advertised the new demo. But yeah, the more recent threads are obvious cancer

>so many newfags who don't know the post in the OP is a meme
People would do this with other games too (yes, daily) because it's a meme and you fags didn't sperg out then

You're surprised? People did it with Hollow Knight and now Sup Forums throws a tantrum every time Hollow Knight is posted.
You can get Sup Forums to hate a game just by posting a lot of threads on it, this place has gone full-blown autistic.

>all those schlomo's seething about a non AAA being discused

i rarely see this kind of butthurt on this board nowdays, but keep it up

Technically not; I backed it, but whatever, I guess it's the same at the end of the day, provided they don't run off with my money or something.

In any case, I just wanna add Bee is by far the best character of this game. Really wish the other characters had as much personality. Beetle is just your average guy who is going on an adventure for some kind of justice thing, or proving himself, or any of those cliches. Moth is serious about everything. That's about it. Really hope the devs flesh out those two characters a bit more and make them more distinctive.

You know what's funny? I bet that kind of bad exposure to a game like HK just ends up with more people seeing it and potentially buying it if it looks good. It's the Barbra Streisand effect all over.

Also, hardly a tantrum from Sup Forums. It's usually a specific shitposter, maybe two. You can tell because in a given thread of an indie game of this sort, after a certain number of posts, a post crying out for shill, or "this game sucks", or anything of that sort, doesn't increase the IP count.

Woah you sure are smart figuring that bad publicity is publicity and the more polarizing you are the more discussion you generate which leads to more publicity... next leap you could do is realizing that it’s not hitposter that’s behind it but actual tried and true marketer.

HK should’ve gone to /vg/ a year ago though so no wonder.

/vg/ is only for games with a following huge enough to justify having a general and can sustain itself for a while
It's why Risk of Rain doesn't have a general as it's only a couple of autists who start a thread and then let the thread die while they play

Ah so HK is a samefag general. Those are seen as forced generals because they are.

>not having a KS-tier group of autists is being a samefag
You're trying so hard to disguise yourself from being one of the autists who bitch and moan every thread but you're failing.

Lmao let’s not kid, this pile of shit MS paint looking mario ripoff just doesn't compare to like hollow knight or say cuphead in terms of quality and appeal, this game is very amateur in comparison

>our reoccuring general isn’t big enough for /vg/
Then it should;’t be a reoccuring general, if it is then it must be purely samefagging

>realizing that it’s not hitposter that’s behind it but actual tried and true marketer
Are you retarded? The intent of those posts is clearly to kill the thread by not allowing any discussion about the game itself. People grow tired of the shitposters and leave. Funny how this whole "marketing" shtick didn't happen when the game released and the threads had actual discussions all throughout. It has to be paid people who decided to start killing threads to deliberately give them publicity well after the game had released. Are you even aware of the shit you are saying?

>Having a thread or two every so often means it's turned into a general, please spare my feelings and leave so Sup Forums no longer discusses video games
I'm laffin'. Have a pic that probably triggers you.

Well, fair enough, it definitely isn't anywhere in the ballpark of those two.

HK is statistically more than a daily general.

I’m talking about games like bug fables, a hat in time, cuphead and haydee

They all incorporate(d) the exact same shill tactic

I just hope the main characters are given better names. Bee, Beetle and Moth. Where are the puns?

No you plant the seed that causes the polarizing views and then you’ll have endless amounts of autists on both sides fighting. Your dear little hollow knight would be a prime example.

No I contacted the devs and told them to go to hell with this shit.

where's the porn?

There are a lot of games that get a thread on the daily here. Sometimes way more than that if they are particularly popular. I don't understand why that's not a problem but HK is.

Well, stuff like AAA games or games that released a very long time ago get shitposters too. What exactly am I supposed to extrapolate from that? That this board is full of shills for a lot of games? If that's the case, then threads about games like HK or Cuphead having it doesn't really differentiate them from others.

Yeah, because devs want some people to go into the hating side of it. Do you realize anyone who goes into the opposite pole will be people that already played it, and liked it enough to defend it? Not people who were on the fence of buying it or not?

Yes you shill by polarizing your games and causing endless spergs fighting. It really is that simple.

You’re supposed to figure put that when you get a daily+ provoking general for literally who status shit you can bet on there being huge amounts of samefagging behind it

It’s harder to out actual big AAA games because they have more than a few samefags

a forced thread is clearly forced when people turn against it, for a thread to be forced it means there’s a smaller group spamming it and annoying the larger group, this is just layman reasoning

Yeah well I was, and you're both dipshits.

Tooie is a better game than Kazooie far and away, and it was recognized on release. Some sort of nostalgic revisionist history seems to have re-painted it as some sort of "inferior sequel", but Banjo-Tooie is a fuckin masterpiece and the absolute peak of the series. It's everything the first game was but bigger, better, cooler, funnier, and all around better.

It's the Toy Story 2 to BK's Toy Story 1. It does everything the original game did but better, and more cleverly.

Fuck off you dickbreathed retards.

totally agree tooie had amazing multiplayer better story better boss's and og characters. It was a huge upgrade. dont like the big worlds and interconectivity? too bad your wrong

Yet you still can't justify how that works in the first place. You just keep repeating the same thing but don't actually explain how moving more people towards the hating pole somehow helps sales or something.

>endless sperg fighting
Threads die faster when discussion of the actual game is killed but that somehow is a deliberate tactic. Brilliant.

And then I'd argue that it is shitposters creating at least some of those threads in the first place to cause that reaction. I already mentioned how threads that seem to start with genuine discussion almost always end up dead because a shitposter or two kill the thread by shitposting in it. I already mentioned that that specific brand of shitposting doesn't seem to increase the IP counter in threads. Yet moving it to /vg/ is supposed to be the better solution when all you are doing is catering to the autists.

it works by creating vendetta faggots, you're more likely to defend your views if there's opposition

what's wrong with moving to /vg/? do you feel a sense of accepting defeat? if so, then this rings true

And again I go back to my point that it doesn't matter, because the people who are going to defend it are those who already bought it and played it. Not people who were undecided about it. You gain absolutely nothing by doing that. What's the guy who defends a game gonna do? Buy extra copies for no reason?

HK doesn't have enough people to justify a general, you said it yourself by arguing that it is a literally who thing whose threads are clearly started by samefags, at least some of them. Yet the game does get genuine discussion from time to time, clearly when those shitposters aren't around. If so, again, what are you gaining out of it other than catering to autists?