Is Fortnite a good game?

Is Fortnite a good game?

>is fortnite a good meme

What a fucking soyboy

It looks like the new flavor of the month and Twitch bait.

fuck off


What the fuck even is Fortnite?

I could google it but your explanations will be better

is this game actually more popular than pubg now

Loot + shoot + build + MMO deathmatch

Women are the ultimate soyboys. Fucking faggots

This game has become Normie central. Every self-proclaimed """""gamer"""" normie seems to LOVE this game

I'd much rather pubg/fortnite than the MOBA trash that has been popular, but they're still pretty shit.

That's the fakest shit I've seen. Not the actually content. But her expression, her words, the setting.

That relationship is as vapid as she is

Any BR is shit

It's PUBG-lite with a much smaller map but with very light Minecraft building elements for cover and for climbing.

>Pros do nothing but build a staircase, shoot over it, build another, shoot over it... build another...

This game is just fucking stupid.

t. virgin

It's a not very bad F2P, and is astonishingly fun with friends, or a friend. It's easy enough to grasp, but a little more difficult to get "good" at.


I hate this meme of a game so much I want Epic games to die.

It was originally a third person shooter with a bit of base-building to be a survival mode game where you fought off waves of enemies. That still exists, but you have to pay for it and it's the less popular part of the game. Currently, the free game mode is the most popular part that has the same shooting and building mechanics, but has 100 players skydive onto an island where they must kill each other until only 1 person survives (there are variations on this mode with squads of 4 and teams of 50 as well). There is an ever-shrinking area on the island where the players can survive to ensure that they eventually find and kill each other. When players die, they are free to quit and join a new game, or they can keep spectating the match.

Because it's free and available on Xbox, PS4, and PC whereas PUBG costs $30 and is only on PC. It makes perfect sense, over time though it's very possible that they'll switch and PUBG will have more players as F2P games rarely keep their peak player base very long.

Ace of Spades + Battle Royale then

new unreal tournament is actually pretty good, if lacking content, I wish they would just do something for it instead of letting the community do all of the heavy lifting

pubg but not a shitty unoptimized mess and faster games + building

Girls who date unapologetic gamers are the worst.

Is PvE dead?

This game would be better without the pointless building mechanics, remove that shit, make the map a little more dense with varied buildings and structures, and make the player movement a bit faster.

the 50v50 mode is sort of like ace of spades, but it really doesn't have anything of the charm that ace of spades has
fuck I can't wait for november that shit is so fun with Sup Forums

I play games and my fiance knows. if she ever did this pandering shit i would be so fucking annoyed. That bitch doesnt give a care about the game.

git gud

It’s fun with your friends

Let me guess, she's getting fucked in the ass when she sends that snap.

transparent marketing attempt

No, it's a meme forced by paid ecelebs

Another typical early-access survival crafting game where you need to scavenge to kill zombies. Only reasons Fortnite is notable is because A. it was first announced at the VGA's back in fucking 2011 yet still had to enter early access upon it's release last year and B. it's single-player zombie shit is irrelevant because it's essentially been swept under the rug after they spent 3 months in the summer making a quick F2P Battle Royale game to beat PUBG to consoles that exploded in popularity

I'm incredibly impressed by the business acumen of Epic Games in realizing they could turn this run-of-the-mill zombie survival game into a massively commercial success by slapping together the battle royale mode. It's not creative of them by any means, but I'm impressed they actually managed to pull the carpet out from under PUBG.

I know you can say this about any game, but this game is really only fun with friends. Most games I can enjoy playing by myself, but I can only enjoy Fortnite when playing with friends.

I do have a lot of fun with it. The forced whacky stuff is really annoying. I don't go on Reddit or Facebook and that stuff so any normie memes are outside of my existence. Basically I just want to enjoy a multiplayer game. Especially because I haven't played one consistently since Tribes Ascend

>Tribes Ascend
RIP. I know that feel, user.

The Battle Royale mode is a separate download anyway. It's like they knew their zombie game spent forever in gestation that by the time it released it was long since considered run of the mill

Every time my camping ass makes it into the top 3, I think about all of the dead players that jumped out as the bus first crossed land.

I don't even care if this is an obvious newfag thread. Or that they're obviously staging things for social media attention.

I'd go gay for somebody that supportive I'm so fucking lonely.

>swtitch to pc
haha wrong

Fortnite is: TPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Fortnite Heroes!

I feel like everything that happened from Tribes to MGSV broke our spirit.

is this a service?
where i pay to be tortured?

I just don't know how PUBG and Fortnite got so popular so fast. I even hear women co workers at my job talking about it. it's starting to become kind of a pop cultural thing.


That looks so much like my ex bros. her name isn't jade so its not, but all I feel is pain now. Thank you op

It's free unlike PUBMEME so give it a try, see for yourself.


poo poo pee pee fffpppttllpprrtttt

>I just don't know
you just have to look at how these games play

they have a passive aggressive pacing, stick in the butt mechanics, they arent real games

the people who play pubg arent down to play anything else but pubg, you can introduce them a game of any genre but with a budget and production value that they wont even check it

>pubgays absolutely SEETHING they dont have a qtp2t to cheer them on

Unironically yes.

It does everything pubg does but better.
>smooth 60 fps even on console
>large enough map to have space but small enough to have actual combat
>varied weapons, each feel unique
>matches last long enough to be engaging but not boring
>camping isn't really viable

People only hate it cause normies like it. But I think raping normies is fun.

its a disneyfied pubg with quick building elements

PUBG has super clunky jumping and a piss-poor interface for managing items, and that's before the myriad of technical issues. So it's not like the bar is set super high

Stopped reading at unironically.

When will battle royale die?

That's damned cute.

It'd be nice to be in such a supportive relationship.

I hope some company somewhere can revive tribes

You may be right. I had so much hope back then

I had a mini-stroke from reading this.

best girl
best waifu

When the fuck did this game get so popular? Wasn't it a dead on arrival PUBG clone flop?

It was, until they quickly patched together a standalone battle royale mode and beat PUBG to consoles

no vehicles no good

PUBG isn't on PS4. Fortnite is. That's all there is to it.

Probably around october when it got popular on twitch and that epic is fast with updates

it was a wave survival zombie game.

then they just said whatever lets copy pubg

It wasn't a PUBG clone to start with, but a crafty/buildy/survival horde mode
The Battle Royal mode is just an additional free part of the game they decided to throw together to jump on the battle royale fad
Then it hit console while PUBG is continuing to be a mess

I miss Blunderborn threads ;_;

I hate normies so much I'll stick to ASSFAGGOTS thanks.

The map size can't really justify vehicles

ASSFAGGOTS is literally the most normie fucking pleb you can possibly get.

Laughing at all the ass-blasted video game elitists who either suck at the game or don’t have friends to play it with. Why do people get mad at others having a blast?

>they aren't real games

>letting someone else have fun thus depleting the total fun reserve of the world so there's none left for you which is why you are constantly depressed

What should gamers be apologizing for?

>Popular kids at Uni who I sit near ask me if I play Fortnite
>Say no but pretend to be interested
>Gives me their Steams
>Figure why not
>End up playing to top #20-5 consistently
>"Wow user how are you so good at this"
>Tell them about how general experience in other games can help you adapt
>Reccomend them Half Life and Doom
>"Woah this is so good"
>2 months later
>GMing them through a DnD campaign
>Don't even play Fortnite anymore
Have you ever been proud Sup Forums?

thats the way epic operates nowadays
i think they got butthurt no one plays unreal so they started copying whatever people are playing to grab at least a few players
fortnite was supposed to copy minecraft, and paragon assfaggots, but both only got released when their respective scenes were either saturated or dead, fortnite was announced in 2012 but only saw its release recently so it was a total failure, then they decided to convert it into PUBG but preserving the mechanics they had already worked on (crafting, building, etc...), and it succeeded because they are more competent than bluehole in making a game that runs properly, bluehole started making game on the unreal engine, they own the engine itself, thats why they are winning the race, i had my doubts if the casual retards would be able to do the maths to say that one is better than the other, it took long but in the end they somehow did (or it seems they did)

Just gotta learn to be a cuck user.

pubg less boring

This and that's its free
If you have a PS4 you have to play this game, and a lot of people have a PS4
Its hard to argue with free so its good competition on the other platforms

>a lot of acquaintances and family play
>finally cave and try with my cousin
>takes several games to remember I can build
>my reaction time is utter shit
>despite flowing smoothly, I feel like I'm clunky and old
>just turned 26

I guess the whole "no fun allowed" thing only gets worse from here.

>chatting with cousin about pubg
>he doesn't have a good pc so he plays it on the xbone
>says that it's shit on the xbone but he still likes it
>start talking about fortnite
>says he won't play it because it's cartoony and gay

is he wrong, Sup Forums?

It's just practice man. I'm 29 and am kicking ass in this.

I'm honestly just happy the age of ASSFAGGOTS is over.

Lmao I'm 31 and in the top 50 kda and top 20 winrate on global leaderboards. You're just a lesser person.
Mental decline happens only when you stop challenging yourself.

new patch for PUBG on the xbox improved it greatly and is now playable.

Not to be that guy, I'm not a huge fan of the game. However my GF loves to watch me play it. Almost gets as into it as I do playing it.

It's just practice, man. The more you play the better you'll get. Then you make a new account so you can pretend you were good the whole time like everyone else.

Good or bad I'm just happy that it's blowing pubg the fuck out after all the shilling they did on Sup Forums.

desu I'm incredibly surprised that they are the only people who did jump on this opportunity, surely the whole industry was stunned by the success of pubg, I thought everyone was looking at it and trying to steal the secret of its success
anyone who ever played pubg could see that it was a great concept marred by god awful execution
fortnite had all the pieces already in place so implementation was little more than just making a few pretty menus, but how battlefield didn't make its own version of a pubg clone is honestly baffling to me

This, basically. It's actually 99% skill too, so Sup Forums can't use their typical "It's just RNG" or "Campers always win" excuse for why they're bad, so they just pretend not to like it.

Vehicles suck dick in PUBG.

>games I don't like aren't real games

how far can elitism go with Sup Forums

they should add a regular objective/tdm mode, I really don't like this battle royale shit, but would play fortnite's building mechanics, I missed out on the 50v50 mode but I heard its coming bakc

okay reddit


I hate females