>[incomrephensible techno babble]
Why does Sup Forums like this pencil neck nerd again?
[incomrephensible techno babble]
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He's white.
i like good eats
The dude's got 850k followers on twitter but I'll bet that at least 95% of them have no fucking idea what he's talking about at any time. Including me.
>using terms like "techno babble" and "pencil neck" in 2018
Aren't you a little old to be here, gramps?
He’s a sociopath.
>Pencil neck
This nigga could break YOUR neck.
Black man here, can confirm. It's cause he's white
hes so autisic i love him rage is a masterpiece
he made a few good games many years ago
>how to wipe a hard drive
Let's see your forearms, OP
>Story in video games is like in porn, it's expected but it doesn't matter
From the moment he said this I knew he was a fucking hack.
Based Carmack
He's autistic but not neckbeard autistic. He can handle women, works out, and just does what he wants to do. He literally evolved onto another level of humanity.
>wolf2 is worst wolfenstein
>it's a cinematic experience
Mmmmakes you think
Shut up pencil dick
*BTFOs your engine*
Heh, nothin' personnel...
He made Doom, so Sup Forums worships him for that. He hasn't done a single thing worth praising since though. Unless you count the VR meme
This guy walks up to your gf in the club and starts talking to her about 32 bit index buffers and head model parallax, what do?
He wasn't wrong.
>being this much of a brainlet
Shut up nerd.
I don't get it, why does he have that man in a headlock?
that's not important at this moment
He demonstrated a judo choke hold on Jace Hall one time. Jace volunteered to do this with him. He tried to be a tough guy and get out of it, when he was supposed to tap out. He fell unconscious for a couple seconds.
because on top of being a fucking god among software engineers, building rockets, doing vr etc. he's been traing bjj for years
that's a rear naked choke, not a headlock
Reference to this.
why even play videogames at all if you disagree with that? games are interactive, naturally the most interactive is the most fun. story interupts world interaction in favor of story interaction, and not even critically acclaimed rpgs like fallout new vegas do that well at all, where doing different faction missions feel the same and are all watered dow from what they could have been (for example, the detective aspect while protecting president kimball, underwhelming). if you wanted a story books are better, designed for you people (those who hate games and like story). fuck off from our hobby
he's chad embodied in virgin form. he created thermite to break into his school to steal computers. he got caught because of somebody else helping him and a psychologist he got sent to labeled him as a "brain on wheels, no regard for human life"
i rather support some old white guy then some minority young faggot tryhard that will make him think hes actually good at things
>tfw bad forearm genetics
dudes fun, and made some great games.
>he lifted during the 90's
he got many girls amirite
No one likes Carmack since he started cucking for facebook.
Pretty sure he could fuck up 90% of the failures of life in this thread including you
buy him a beer and tell my gf to listen
Why is Chadmack so good at everything? He's supposed to be a hack fraud like all the other nerds. It's not fucking fair.
>dark man somehow looks nerdier than a white geek
Pencil nerds make good technology, good technology helps make good games
Carmack loves Ken Silverman.
Considering he was the most important person in making one of the best and most revolutionary games of all time, one in 1995 that still has a healthy and alive playerbase, where the only story is "fucking demons took over the moon, go in and blast them" I'm pretty sure he can say whatever he wants
>everything I write is perfect
>every engine he has designed has had frame based physics
>More and more focus put on story in games
>Games keep getting worse
Yeah he's a hack alright. I mean fuck even the stories are managing to get worse somehow which is a fucking feat.
The guys pretty humble, hardworking and honest. Guys who shit on him saying he's a one hit wonder don't realize he's branched out into different fields of technology (rawkits and VR) and that his id tech engines are the grand daddies of countless modern game engines (like Source or whatever CoD uses).
Is anywhere in Sup Forums not full of "people" who obviously got here in the last 2 years, straight from the depths of Twitter and reddit?
He's right to an extent, a good story makes good porn a lot more enjoyable but if the action itself is bad the story can't carry it, it's the same with games, shit gameplay = shit game regardless of whether the story is engaging or not, stories are only worth anything when the gameplay is already solid.
This image always gives me a fuzzy feel
And i didnt even play the OG Id games back in the day, only recently ive gotten into them
Doom1&2 are GOAT but i didnt get as much enjoyment out of quake 1 and 2. 3 had GOAT gameplay, shame it didnt have an SP
Is this normal? or should i replay quake?
Fuck, I read this in a deep black voice.
He's a stone cold autist.
Get over it guys, we are just not intelligent enough to comprehend Carmack's vision.
>tfw you will never watch Carmack adlib babble for 2 hours straight at quakecon again
It's not fair bros.
>I'm coming for you next, Tront
He's genuinely one of the greatest graphics programmers to have ever existed. A lot of the work he did became state-of-the-art, overtaking professional research. Idiots that throw fits about him try to paint him as a game designer or something; he was never that at id. He has always been a technical person, and the technical work he did for that company, even on their games that had shit gameplay, is fucking phenomenal.
is 2fragile4u an autist as well?
>adept at hand-to-hand combat
>technical genius
>started brewing up thermite as a teenager
>weird moral compass
>probably autistic
How is Carmack not a Supervillain by now?
Listen intently.
Legendary photo.
without videogames he might have been.
What would a collab of those three have looked like?
He's not wrong though...
>it's another carmack thread
>playing with thermite as a teenager is weird
calm down Carmack
Le FBI tip, sorry user.
In 2018 you'd be fired over this.
>thermite is illegal in america
I guess I'm more free than americans
id were just an independent studio of some bros, I'm sure this thing could still happen in modern times.
It's legal in the US.
>He hasn't done a single thing worth praising since though.
fucking quake?
>Romero and Carmack have gfs
>They ask them to fuck them when they are making vidya
Read a fucking book, nerd
But is it legal to mix thermite with concrete?
>you will never travel back in time and make friends with these retards
>you will never play D&D with them while chatting about videogames
>you will never work in the cramped Id offices making sprite art for doom and helping romero craft the levels
>you will never play doom with the lads while carmack is sperging out trying to make a true 3D engine
Same. Smart dude
>Mitzi was having a net negative impact on my life," he said. "I took her to the animal shelter. Mmm."
>"What?" Romero asked. The cat had become such a sidekick of Carmack's that the guys had even listed her on the company directory as his significant other - and she was just gone? "You know what this means?" Romero said. "They're going to put her to sleep! No one's going to want to claim her. She's going down! Down to Chinatown!"
>Carmack shrugged it off and returned to work. The same rule applied to a cat, a computer program or, for that matter, a person. When something becomes a problem, let it go or, if necessary, have it surgically removed.
Depends how much time went. If more than a half a decade, give it a spin. Quake should be primarily enjoyed because of the level design. If you don't feel anything while figuring out labyrinths or choosing what path to take then I guess the game isn't for you.
If you do however find new enjoyment then try out the expansion packs.
>you will [virtually] do all that if there's a visual novel made
No bully but i played them for the first time last year and tbqh i got a bit annoyed in the few last levels and in one of the expansions in particular because i couldnt for the life of me figure out what the fuck to do
That being said last week i finished both doom games for the first time and i loved every minute of it, i got stuck a few times but i figured it out after a few minutes tops
Why can't they both be good nigga
Legit autism
Can we weaponise it?
Well, Sup Forums and 2016 US election is proof that autism can be weaponized
You couldn't handle it
Do you think he browses Sup Forums?
Why the fuck would he do that? He's Sup Forums and even then he wouldn't want to do people's homework or shitpost about scripting languages.
>living autism weapon
>working at facebook
How long until the apocalypse?
Nah he's just weird.