Grim Dawn

New expansion announced.

>In the Forgotten Gods expansion, you will journey beyond the bounds of the Erulan Empire, traversing burning sands, lush oases and volcanic wastes to reach the sun beaten ruins of a city with secrets that should never have been disturbed. The flames of a forgotten god have been rekindled, sending ripples through the Eldritch realm and sowing terror even among the Witch Gods themselves.

>Along with quality of life features, you will pursue new powers, hundreds of new Unique items and Monster Infrequents and more! Battle dozens of new foes across new dungeons and a new gameplay mode which we’ll be discussing in detail in the coming months!

>The best news of all though is that not only has work on this expansion already begun, it’s well underway. We expect Forgotten Gods to release in the second half of 2018!


Nice, I'm fucking hyped honestly
Love the desert level of Diablos

We best act of Diablo 2 now.

I'll probably buy it and end up having fun, but most likely I still won't beat the game.
What will happen is that I'll make yet another new character and try out yet another new build, possibly with the new classes, and then get bored halfway through the game again.

>The flames of a forgotten god have been rekindled, sending ripples through the Eldritch realm and sowing terror even among the Witch Gods themselves.

Can't wait to click on Allah until he explodes to grant me loot

Can't fucking wait.


new classes ?

That's such a welcoming setting compared to the past expansion.

why cant i play crucible with my smashngrab characters

Looks a bit too standard desert world-y for my tastes. Grim Dawn's always felt vaguely American Frontierish in its setting so I would've preferred maybe something better fitting with that.

Going to a different country within the setting, lad.

>Boobs in the first expansion
>Manboobs in the second
This is so very diverse and progressive, guys.


I can't wait to not find any good items because the devs forgot to put in any items for my build out of the 1.000.000 different builds that are totally not the same shit with different colors.

No new classes stated, but if you could add one, what would it be?

I'd like to see something different like Dream in Titan Quest.


And this feels more like a different continent than just moving south. Which I don't care for.

Sounds great. I wonder what new class(es) will be introduced, hopefully there will be new mechanics to support them.

Flesh shaper that can take on a few different forms like druid in D2 and can also warp the flesh of enemies.

How about the chromatic Avenger?
This class has no damage types and just general damage multipliers on their skills. They can use any item that drops and won't have to suffer through the no good items meme.

sounds gay

not as gay as grinding for days and not finding any items that fits you build

But that's the point.
If you're spending less than 1000 hours each month on the game then there's no sense in playing it you fucking casual GET THE FUCK OUT!

Some sort of Engineer that has mechanic companions and turrets and stuff. We have seen such technologies exist in GD, like at Fort Ikon with the gatling-vehicles.

When I was a kid I liked some adventure novels/ movies where you'd have some European down in the desert (or further north east in a steppe sort of place) riding around on horses, shooting rifles and so on
It was basically "what if Wild West but Arabs instead of Indians and there's bellydancers"
Based on the fact that all I know so far is that there's gonna be sand it might not actually be too far removed from the US frontier setting

Doesn't the demo kinda fill this niche a little bit already? I've never used it but he does have that mortar turret.

Does it fix the no-endgame part though?

>Grim Dawn was one of the few games you did crowdfund

What went so very very right?

They have announced that there will be a new game mode in the expansion. So hopefully that will be something in that direction

>Decide to do a lightning-based Warder
>No Ultos drops
>get fed up and respec into physical/bleed
>suddenly 2 pieces of Ultos' set

Thats a good looking lad
shame the game isnt nearly as good

If it follows the same logic as Ashes of Malmouth, then that guy on the cover represents one of the classes they are adding (assuming of course they add more than one)

shapeshifter character for sure

It would be great to have a mastery that can make use of shields other than soldier

Or if the add any at all

What class could they add that wouldn't overlap with all the existent ones?

How about this:
>Dual-wielding/Shield/Air Magic debuffs skills
It's ARABIAN NIIIIIGHTS-themed and can be made to do unique stuff

can someone explain me what is the real shine on this game?
It's basically Titan Quest which is not bad by itself, but it has very few new concepts.
Also it is not really polished, story is lame, quests are fetchquests and voice acting is nonexistant.
It is not bad but I don't think it deserves all this praise.

Actually I played the release version and found all of the around 300ish lvl 75 legendaries after around 250 hours. Yet my pierce blademaster still had to use the same green weapons and shoulders that I had found after like 60 hours into the game, because they were simply better than all the other shit that had no pierce damage or had to share damage with gay ass frost damage.

Diablo2 itemization was just so much better. Most items could be used by multiple classes.

Already? That's some capcom tier of milking.

Killing stuff and making hybrid builds is super fun. Everything else is secondary.

Shapeshifting would definitely be pretty rad and I don't doubt the validity of this guess. Although personally I would like to see some kind of pokey stick weapon. Maybe not pokey stick per se but any kind of long weapon like a spear or a halberd. My only qualm with adding spears like they had in TQ is that there already are a lot of masteries that focus pierce damage (nightblade, soldier, inquisitor).

Can I be a holy avenger raining down beams of light between sword blows yet? Shaman only scratches the itch so much.

Fuck that shit. The bug level still fucking haunts me to this day

>Desert Level
>Arabian music starts sounding
I fucking love it.
I really want more 1001 nights games.

The genre is dead, so people who like it play what they have, at the moment Grim Dawn and Path of Exile. But sadly both are average and straight Diablo clones (pretty much why the genre is dead). It's still fun if you're into it, I like it.

A blazeheart defiler kind of does that. Although it does involve the necromancer class, but you convert all the vitality damage to fire.
It does require you to have played through the first expansion on ultimate twice though

Aw fuck yeah, hadn't heard of this yet. Hope there's cool djinni enemies.

>hadn't heard of this yet
The thread was made literally seconds to minutes after the announcement so that's no big surprise

>Feb 2016: GD
>Oct 2017: AoM
>Q3 2018: FG
I don't honestly think it's that bad if they pack a lot of content into the new expansion like they did with AoM. Hoping for some new classes because that always brings a ton of replayability.

So they're going full Abdul Alhazred route then. The forgotten god is obviously Ch'thon. I guess it's an obvious choice considering the last expansion was all about the Aetherial shits.

Considering the notes we got in the beast dungeon it's actually most likely Korvaak

Yeah noticed after posting. Hadn't been online for a while so had no idea.

That's what i thought
Sadly i'm not a fan of diablolikes, that's why i don't find this one amazing. Hybrid potential is pretty good tho, i'll admit that.

meant for this guy

nice tits

I wonder if there will be new masteries too this time around. Or raised level cap
It's Korvaak mate. They're tying up the Kymon's chosen storyline

Huh. Well, hope based necromancers will help killing the fucker then.


Pick one.

Yep, the SJWs win again.
Im surprised that sandnog is not showing his huge dick on the wallpaper.

Will we ever get a crpg that puts you in the middle of a giant battlefield?
I wanna be part of an ongoing dynamic war.
Why is the ARPG genre so fucking stale.

I hope you are also joking.

come on Sup Forums, tell me what i need to think about this game.

A bit of fanservice has nothing to do with the game.

I didnt like it but OP pic will probably make me give it another chance

Think they will be able to make the campaign so long we wont need 3 difficulty levels?

I hope not.
The longer the playtime the more all normalfag wagecucks are left out.