Unpopular opinions thread

ill start

4 was the better game

4 was a game?

Thats a fucking fact faggot

how? the gameplay is inferior in every way to 5, and there's only 2 good levels in the game, two.
in story maybe but who cares about the story of 4 and 5, they are both bad.

the witcher 3 is a 8/10 at best
fallout 3 > NV

traps are gay as hell and so are you

>chinese cartoon girl pic

>how? the gameplay is inferior in every way to 5, and there's only 2 good levels in the game, two.

Name one way in which 4's gameplay is worse than V's without simply complaining that there wasn't enough of it.

I liked that scene in TPP.

Underwater gimmick was good.

5 is the best Metal Gear game by far. I'm replaying the entire story now with a clean save, is there any specific tape that 100% confirmation no doubt condemns Huey? Cause listening to this shit again it seems like Venom is a meathead and Huey is being genuine. He withstood the truth serum and Ocelot said maybe he had gene therapy but theres no proof of that anywhere. Anyone remember this?


No, 4 had a better story, and should've been the last. (Did peacewalker come after 4?)
FIVE had the best gameplay shit.

Yes peace walker came out after 4

>le trash can man.jpg

Bayonetta games are boring and bland

MGS2 is the best game of all time.

I will never ever ever get over how fucking stupid that scene was

huey was innocent. it was miller all along.

While the game was unfinished, V's story is way fucking better than the fanwank tripe that was 4.
t. Huey

Dark souls 3 is the best soulsborne game with Bloodborne just slightly under it

with the shittiest mechanics of the saga. Moving from Shell 1 to Shell 2 is cancer

It was Ocelot but he litruhly forgot because he brainwashed himself to forget. He's a quaduple double doodle agent and thats why he has all his characters.

FFXV was love, overall.

still have fond memorys of 4 just those boses gave me some fetishes

Boss fights, an actual ending, and more than 2 maps that aren't walking simulators.

Odyssey was shit

4's story is a fucking trainwreck dude. It might be better that V's I guess but its still not a reason to go out and play it. You play post-MGS3 MGS games for the gameplay and V has a lot more of it than 4 and is arguably just better.

Final Fantasy 12 is the best one.

>Boss fights

The boss fights are much worse in V.

>an actual ending

Not gameplay.

>and more than 2 maps that aren't walking simulators.

>without simply complaining that there wasn't enough of it

He said unpopular opinions, not contrarian shitposting.

>Morrowind is the best RPG of all time
>If you're above 17 and consider anime anything but a very guity pleasure you should be cast out from society
>Theres literally no single reason to justify owning any console
>STALKER is overrated as fucking hell but its still better than everything else """Sup Forums""" likes
>Vanilla WoW is unironically the best mmo there is but classic will flop if it ever comes out
>Japanese games are mediocre eurojunk at best
>Hollow Knight is boring as fuck to bother finishing
>DOTA 2 is the worst piece of shit there is. Assfaggots should have died with the original
>Dark Souls 2 is as much of a souls game as lords of the fallen is
>Sup Forums is mostly underage subhumans unworthy of replying to and they should be gassed
>There are no 100% MUST PLAY games and if you go asking for those you should be banned forever because you need to be spoonfed someone else's taste like the bitch that you are
>Soytendo is the only meme ever with some truth behind it
>Games aren't necessarily getting worse ,you grow up. And also devs keep forcing everything to be a series which sucks

V had the absolute worst bosses in the series while 4 had some of the best. What the fuck are you smoking user?

>having taste this shit.

>Scene where he's put on trial
>Huey what the fuck are you doing with our child hal putting him in the cockpit
>Huey why did you lock me in the ai pod, let me out or kill me
>Huey pls stop
I mean i'd say that's pretty fucking condemning evidence, especially when he tries to blatantly ignore the recording and pretend strangelove commited suicide

Maybe he was genuine about inspection day and IT'S A WOLF, but he sure as fuck wasn't genuine about anything else

>Japanese games are mediocre eurojunk
Its always nice when someone provides overwhelming evidence that they are a complete retard in their own post. Nice job user.

I hate the commercialism of fandom. I prefered it when you were actually called losers or nerds for liking games.

Ya I remember that one, hueys a cunt monster but Im trying to decide if he was the traitor and I dont think he was. But I didn't play peacewalker so I don't know that story exactly. Maybe strangelove was a lil bitch.

>If you're above 17 and consider anime anything but a very guity pleasure you should be cast out from society

Maybe if you're watching nothing but garbage. Just like with any other entertainment medium, anime is 98% total garbage. But the 2% that isn't, is some of the best entertainment you can get,

Lets play with good commentators is the greatest entertainment in human history.

Movies, tv, anime, books dont compare.

It's not that bad

>A video game that puts most of it's focus on the story is a fucking waste of time

4's bosses are better than V's just barely but they're worse than every other games.

no I'm serious I had little to know fun

all the worlds were fucking bland and boring except for like 2. Its always like five npcs that are like "oh no bowser stole _____ for the wedding, go do this boss fight and get it back"
Moons don't even feel like achievements anymore
Instead of the cool power ups that completely change how the level is played we get forced capture segments where the only way to get through is to capture a specific enemy that only has 2 moves which is usually jump and attack.
New donk city was a complete fucking letdown and the festival was such a joke I actually felt genuinely insulted. Oh boy I get to run straight for 5 minutes. If I wanted to play a fucking 2d mario game I fucking would have because then I might have a smidgen of fun. The cooking kingdom or whatever the fuck was the only kingdom that really stood out to me. Everything else was so fucking bland didn't look good on the console. The game isn't even that big. So fucking what there are a shit ton of moons? "If it isnt't fun, why bother" right? There are a handful of big kingdoms but there is so much fucking space of nothingness. The movement feels alright I guess but having to shake the joycons like a moron doesn't feel as good as a wiimote does (not saying that I liked motion controls in galaxy I just means it feels more suited to that controller) and the movement is nothing compared to sunshine or even A Hat in Time. I could go on and on but I'm gonna stop here for now.

I honestly don't know how people think this game is as good as they say it is. It just feels so rushed to me

Laughing and Crying Wolf are both legitimately great fights though. The Metal Gear fight and the Ocelot fight are both extremely memorable too. That already easily beats out 2 which had exactly 0 good fights.

You might be right about 2, I remember liking Vamp and Solidus though.
Ocelot fight is good for nostalgia but was worse than the Liquid fight in 1.

>when an mgs fan praises the games for story

3 was a legitimately fun romp with a surprising emotional ending though. Its good stuff.

the gameplay, you know, how you control snake and play the game.

Better in 4.