Comparing Gacha games

Of the Gacha-type games you've played, which one has the best gameplay? The best story? The best character designs?

I've been wondering which of the above three elements make a game of this kind more popular than the rest.

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>I've been wondering which of the above three elements make a game of this kind more popular than the rest.
Whatever has the cutest girls and can best emotionally manipulate people into spending money on a 1% chance of a character.

Fire emblem is the one that spent the most time installed, i really enjoyed azur lane also, but since it didnt get an english release i stopped playing it, now im waiting for langrasser, girls frontline and danmachi.

Probably Fire Emblem has the best gameplay.

>Best Gameplay
FEH because it doesn't devolve to a contest of who has the largest stats and enough intelligence to not act retarded. A runner up would be Battle Cats but because relies so heavily on getting the op ubers that it gets lowered down on my list
>Best Story
>Not skipping the God awful mobile game tier story as soon as possible

>Best Character Designs
Hard choice. I'd say FEH since is has variety in its designs.

GBF. Azur Lanes gameplay was also enjoyable but the language barrier was too much for my little EOP brain.

Fire Emblem and Fate/Grand Order are the only good gacha games.

Naruto Blazing is a great one in terms of gameplay. The story mode is rehashing the anime tho so nothing new. Char designs are great and they even do holiday stuff. They just for valentine's day they had new designs for a few of the females.

Like all gacha cancer they have focus on you buying ninja pearls to get to the end of the step up stuff. usually 9 steps with a couple decent pulls 20-30 pearls. The rest are like 40 or 50.

GBF is the only good gatcha game with high production values.

FGO or FEH are ok but a lot worse than GBF.

Real talk, I genuinely wanna get into a Gacha game but all of them have this ONE mechanic that drives me nuts. Whenever you do anything it lets you borrow either a friend or a random online person's character. But every time it's always like my party is at level 4 and the free bonus character is level 9999 and makes the combat trivial.

Outside of FEH which for a while kept me hooked, I've never played one of these games where it doesn't make it basically impossible to actually lose fights. I just wanna feel engaged. What games lemme do that but also lemme collect and roll shit?

I like the designs on GBF but you cant say that game runs well, and its gameplay isnt all that impressive.

Is Gacha actually a good system in the first place? The only freemium mobile game I play is Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes and knowing that no character is ever exclusively only available from loot draws or direct payments of real money means that you'll eventually get what you want. From what I can tell they make money on first adopters who don't want to wait for the limited exclusivity to end to get a maxed out new character and dump like 300 bucks worth of premium cred.

Only played FEH and FGO and I'm not entering these as a secondary. FEH is vastly superior to FGO in pretty much every way except for eroticism and story I guess. I'm mostly just made at FGO because instead of getting a real game, we get this shit stain of a game and then they used the funds from FGO to make FGOA which no one fucking wanted. Make a real Fate game holy shit. FEH is just side material to hold people off until FE Switch comes out hopefully this year.

>Is Gacha actually a good system in the first place?
Hell no.

Played some and my ranking goes:
>Best story
Well, pick one of the current anime series but I think One Piece treasure Cruise has everyone beaten here.

>Best gameplay
No gacha is a thinking man's game. If you love fast paced actions, I'd go with Bleach, Brave Souls. If you love tap timing, again OP Treasure Cruise. If you love turn-based - cant do better than Fire Emblem Heroes.

>Best character designs
Fire Emblem Heroes. Why? Because you have tons of other games from the franchise, which made the characters known / likeable / etc.

I'd also stick an "f2p friendliness" rating here. None of the abovementioned games are f2p friendly and you WILL encounter paywalls, which can be overcome by grinding and not being an impulsive little ADD shitter. But in this ranking, Fire Emblem Heroes got everyone beat: 1. you can pretty much have one of the most OP characters from the get-go. 2. you can 5-star a good 4 in like 2-3 weeks. 3. there are tons of f2p guides concentrating on easy to attain units.

Well the gameplay is fine, much more depth than fgo or feh which are a lot more casual. Not to mention that GBF has 10 times more content and a lot better story than any of those games.

I've been playing Dokkan the most. Recently I started playing FEH and it shows how different gacha games can be.
Dokkan is definitely the worst offender and I'm talking about how they deal with business.

FEH tend to be more user friendly, more helpful to f2p players.
It adds systems like lowering cost per summon if you keep summoning without leaving the screen. Stuff like replenish stamina takes other type of items, not summoning orbs. Even stuff that needs orbs you won't need to worry about for a while. Character slots, enough to keep you busy without the need to upgrade it for a while. Dokkan? It gives you about 60, forcing to upgrade it fairly quickly and often.

Not to mention FEH gets updated more often with new events and mini games popping out.
It takes months for a new story chapter in dokkan. Gotta save those "1 stone per day" or you won't be able to gamble in the awful featured units rates.

Eh, i disagree.

Yes, NEVER play Dokkan battle. It's the most scummy p2w nightmare and it basically requires you to pull the newest hotness to challenge the toughest contest. F2P guides are almost non-existent and hoarding stones is a chore. 50 orbs in Dokkan will not do shit for you. 20 orbs in FEH (comparable amount I feel is adequate to 50 orbs in Dokkan) will get you some good skill inheritance at worst.

>Of the Gacha-type games you've played, which one has the best gameplay?
FEH, by a good margin.
>The best story?
None of them had a really good story, but I guess I'll go with GBF. Apparently FGO has a decent plot as well, too bad the game was so shit that I dropped it.
>The best character designs?
>I've been wondering which of the above three elements make a game of this kind more popular than the rest.
I'd say it's more a combination of character design and riding off an established franchise, just look at FGO for that. It basically has nothing else besides that, and people are still fine with spamming the same NPs, the same terrible 1% rates, and going through the same card system over and over again.

The Love Live one would actually be a pretty neat little rythm game to play on the shitter without all the gacha bull

This is absolutely wrong, if you reroll with a few good characters you're set for like a year before the events become too hard for those characters

>which of the above three elements make a game of this kind more popular than the rest.
Probably the combination of character design and voice actors/actresses. Being a spinoff of a popular series also helps a lot.

I used to play Brave Frontier (Japanese version). I don't know why but I really liked it, it has nice character design, the gameplay was easy to get into, and it was overall fun. I'd never thought I'd say that about a grindy gacha game, I'm really not into this genre, haven't even played anything else. I got pretty decent at BF and played for like 2 years, never spent a dime, and eventually got bored of it.

Looking for a gacha game that's easy to re-roll and where there's 90% female cast with suggestive portraits/models. I need some anime tiddys badly, but I have no idea which game to play for this. I tried Fire Emblem heroes but it's way too modest and there's more fags on there than girls anyway (it feels like)

>best gameplay
The Star Ocean mobage is pretty ace.

Granblue Fantasy then?

>Best Gameplay
Fire Emblem Heroes probably. It actually plays more like a puzzle-game and is less about throwing around the biggest numbers. Optimization is also pretty easy to handle, you give your unit a bunch of skills and you're done, not like other gachas where you have to farm hours and hours for a breastplate with +2 defense more. Its biggest issue is the lack of content though, for as fun as it can be it really doesn't have enough to do. Might get fixed with the upcoming game mode

Honorable mention to Final Fantasy Mobius with has genuinely interesting story and writing, and phenomenal presentation. Has gotten a bit monotonous over time but I'm still sticking around for the story.

>Motoi Sakuraba
How is this guy STILL getting hired

playing Azur Lane right now, I like their gacha system the best.
You spend special cubes (1~2 for a roll) in order to receive characters that can be common, rare or super duper golden rare.

By doing dailies, you can get up to 3~4 cubes which is like 4 rolls if you want to or you can save your cubes for when a limited events happens. Also the rate is manipulated in a way that increases your chance for a super duper golden rare the more common characters have been drawn.

Also there are typical microtransaction gems that lets you buy nearly everthing (cubes, money, special lewd costumes) but not really necessary as you get cubes by playing and gems as a one-time reward for advancing the story.

When maintenance comes, it's often delayed and players get apologems and whatnot.

Story is garbage and gameplay mediocre.
It's a fine game to play on your phone in order to collect waifus.

Terra Battle and Terra Battle 2 have the best art and designs of gacha games, it's too bad that 2 is so bad

Gameplay? FEH, no doubt. Story, i guess i'll give it to GBF simply by comparison. Art, definitely GBF. It's fantastic.

Been playing Phantom of the Kill too. Shame the global servers are gonna go down on July 1st.

They're literally all the same.

Only in how they want to suck you dry for every dollar that you have.

No one here played Brave Exvius? The 2D sprites of 3D characters got me hooked.

Does anyone play Summoners War? No one ever talks about it but its seemingly one of the big gacha games around. It even gets official esports tournaments in Las Vegas or something.

I never heard of it before Hiro started using Sup Forums for shilling it.

>Is Gacha actually a good system in the first place?
It's terrible and it has seriously fucked up mobile games in Japan. No one wants to make an interesting mobile game in Japan when you can just go gacha and let the cash roll in.

Fire Emblem Heroes. The hardest difficulties actually force you to think strategically sometimes. Getting the right characters from gacha is still needed half the time tho.
Fate Grand Order. Camelot and Babylon blows everything else out of the water. The story in other mobages might as well be non-existant.
>character designs
Fate Grand Order. You have many god tier guest artists like Raita who design god tier and fresh characters. There is also a good balance of male and female characters. Everyone actually feels unique and alive, not just another waifubait anime character and it's always exciting to deduce who the new characters are.

For every 100 pieces of music he composes, he might get one or two okay tracks. I think the guy is massively overrated.

Thanks capitalism.

Dont play any gacha games.
Its all the same shit to take cash from retards willing to pull off some 5* with 1% rates.
You better of just playing snake on your fone

>>Best Gameplay

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH. That is dogshit tier gameplay.

>not in english

He does? I have adblock so I cant see them.

Still not as mind-numbing as FGO, GBF or shit like Valkyrie Crusade.

t. can't beat infernal and quit

>which one has the best gameplay? The best story? The best character designs?
Gameplay depends on what you are looking for, but my top picks would be Record Keeper, Granblue, Shironeko and Tagatame(alchemist code for you filthy EOPs), of right and Tales or Rays
As for story...what story, few mobages popular enough to stay alive for more than a year even have one, and most of the time you'd go for japanese version of the game anyway, Granblue is the clear winner for me here, but Tagatame gets honorable mention for what little I know about the lore
As for character design, all depends on who you ask and what people like, I'd go back to my previous picks like shironeko and tagatame and granblue for my favorites, but also add the art from Dragon Poker, Chain Chronicle and Aigis
different strokes for different folks man
A better question to ask would be about the way gacha is handled, since that more often than not, is deciding factor if the game is good or not

>Getting the right characters from gacha is still needed half the time tho.
Totally F2P (as in only using units given away for free and with no Skill Inheritance) is dead, but there's still plenty of ways to do even Infernal maps with 4* units and limited SI.

>Shame the global servers are gonna go down on July 1st.
You lost the minute you picked it up, the company did the exact same shit with Chain Chronicle, announced closure and told everyone to play potk instead, now they closed potk and tell everyone to play alchemist instead
Just pick up japanese tagatame and you'll be able to pick up some of your potk "waifus" when collab returns

>You have many god tier guest artists like Raita who design god tier and fresh characters.
You also have shit like Danganronpa's artist.

Tried Azur Lane, GBF, Makai Wars, FGO, FEH. Out of them I only log in to GBF, mostly because it can be ran from browser, fatigue really isn't problem and there is just shitload to do. It was also the one being closest to having real gameplay, especially at beginning and endgame, but you obviously reach moment when you run 98% of shit on auto.
FGO proves that gameplay doesn't matter to mass audience and they prefer it as simplified as possible (FEH).
Most people don't want games but casino simulators. Some look for story, but those are always shit.

oooo I've seen pics of this before with cute girls. Is it Japanese only? I skipped playing FGO since the English ver. is so far behind the Jap ver.

that's Million Arthur, one of it's million versions, there was a SEA english version and it died


Love Live is the best Gacha Game.
FEH babies should kill themselves.


>asking this question in the Sup Forumsintendo board
Expect completely UNBIASED answers claiming FEH is the best. I only took a glance at the thread and immediately feel like closing the tab. I'm out of this shithole dont worry I'll walk myself out

>not liking edgy Nagito and disco Cleo

I'll consider it. Any sites that got english translations for the dialogue, specifically Tyrfing's?
Wanna make sure she's still Commandersexual/(You)sexual.

GBF, because whalecucks literally just got btfo

I like love live

GBF somehow has the most compelling progression treadmill for me. Playing for 2 years and saving up gacha jew gold to guarantee roll a unit and having the best characters grindable is still alright.

Do what I do, modify the APKs so I can play the game without bullshit payments

This. With music gachas even if RNG fucks you over, you can still enjoy the gameplay.

>Any sites that got english translations for the dialogue, specifically Tyrfing's?
no, feel free to try the english version first to get a hang of how the game works, there arent any worthwhile events going on in JP right now anyway so there's no rush
>Hosoya as absolutely perverted, evil fallen angel
>Sand dolphin is actually great
>Primal grids eternally put to shit as Magna2 gives everyone a boner
>fire no longer has to use A FUCKING STICK
>the wheel is back
>modify the APKs so I can play the game without bullshit payments
Lucky patcher? dude that's quite literally impossible except for some small percentage of low budget games

μ's or Aquors?

School Idol Festival
Starlight Stage
BanG Dream
Tokyo 7th Sisters

>Lucky patcher
No, modifying the actual library itself

Does Puzzle and Dragons count as gacha? Best game play and at waifus/husbandos to boot
I've been meaning to request more games like one that got recommended me a while back. It's basically a mobile MMO called Kings Raid. So far it's not that Jewish but it's grindy as fuck. Waifus are cute but there's not much eye candy like other mobages have


how does that even work

Alright, thanks for the info. Now i'm starting to see why Gumi got a bad reputation 'round these parts.

FEH us the all around best due to having decent gameplay and being pretty fair on gacha rates.

FGO is the opposite with dogshit gameplay and rates, but decent story and nice production values.

Should we be dicksucking FGO instead?

Depends on the game, but you essentially modify the values it looks up. So say you're buying something, the code would tell it to look for values XYZ, so you modify it to instead of look for values XYZ, it's set to value 0 by default.

Pretty much this, infernal GHB are actually fun, some of the later on FGO challenge quests are pretty ok too but NA won't see those for some time
Also numerous good guest artists>>>single good artist, gbf's style wore on me within a single year meanwhile fgo and feh both get a ton of talent bringing their styles into the mix

FGOs sprites are the best by far though no comparison there

This fucker right here ruled my life for about two years before it finally shut down. I can't even tell you why it hooked me like no other mobage could. Maybe it was the charming artstyle, the simplistic gameplay, the fact that they cranked out like a dozen new characters WEEKLY, i dunno. The droprates were definitely SHIT, but I never spent a dime, getting all my legendaries via trades/evolution. I would seriously plan my life around my energy replenishing to do well in the weekly events. I'mgladitsover.jpeg. Haven't been that hooked on any mobile game since, and i've played several for varying amounts of time before getting bored and deleting them. Currently I play FEH but only for about 30 minutes a day, even if I don't use all my energy. It's definitely one of the more generous gacha games i've played, with several ways to get orbs daily and decent droprates.

>not just another waifubait anime character and it's always exciting to deduce who the new characters are.

Aigis is the only one I've ever stuck with.

Tales of the ray is actually pretty good.
I dropped FEH, it's good but I don't really like watered down FE waifu shit.

Alchemist Code is by far the best ive played.

DOing the rerolling shit is pretty irrelevant since you can evolve almost any unit to 5 stars.

Lots of rpg elements with jobs and gear,stats.

Story has been pretty okay, im actually reading it and not skipping.

Art style is also pretty good, both artwork and when fighting.

Its not super grindy like GBF for example and its f2p friendly

>F2P friendly
>some units are only usable when you have dupes or 5

If you count card games as """"gacha"""" then Shadowverse has the most f2p friendly experience. Didnt spend a single dime and I got a bunch of tier 1 decks after 2 months of playing.

Of course your experience while climbing the ladder is highly subjective much like most digital CCGs.

>DOing the rerolling shit is pretty irrelevant since you can evolve almost any unit to 5 stars.
Baka user, if you were to start now you'd be retarded to not reroll for
at least Sol
>and its f2p friendly
Kinda, but let's not go that far, grinding frags to max out someone and get acess to their 3rd job is a royal pain in the ass, especially with 99lvl caps being introduced

No its pretty true Id say, you can reroll as much as you like but youre still gonna be struggle with a majority of the events.

I joined in october got LR Black, SSJ4 Goku, SSJ Trunks (GT) but that doesnt even matter because to fully utilize each character you need to farm both their supers and their unlocking routes. Yes I know you only really need to unlock two paths but thats still 3 pulls of the same character to make them viable.

Now lets talk about awakening them, to Dokkan awaken a character you need to complete their dokkan events which can be extremely hard for players just because they dont have the team required to beat it. Oh I have SSJ4 goku? SSJ4 Goku probably is what I should use to complete the event right? I mean its his event, WRONG you fucking need typically the rivaling character of that arc. So now I need Baby Vegeta or something which again I need multiple copies of to make it viable.

>TL;DR you need X to unlock Y but also Y to unlock X.

Exvius legitimately has good gameplay, but the rates are beyond abysmal and the grind is surreal. I've still been playing it for the past year and a half though, and will probably continue for a long while yet.


But gbf is f2p friendly too
>here a guild war chara that deals gorillion damage the only grind that matters
>Leech twitter raid to complete grid
>Lots of freebies
>Have spark system to pick whoever you want from the given draw pools

I play Granblue and FEH. I like both of their gameplay well enough.
Granblue's benefit is that it has an okay story but it kind of sucks that you have to grind a fuckton to get better weapons so you can progress. But I also was lucky to have great SSRs so its only a matter of time before I get there.
FEH I honestly play only because I recognize the characters. But like I said, gameplay is pretty good for a gacha and my waifu is there so it works out. I'm sitting at over 999 orbs though, not sure what to do with them.

How can people even deal with GBF's shitty interface? Its literally a browsergame, with every single page needing 5 seconds to load
I've tried it both on phone and on PC and its both garbage

>whale guilds btfo your shit f2p guild in GW

Yeah thatno personally turned me off the game. Im pretty sure its a good gacha game from the time I spent with it, but holy fucking shit that late 00s presentation is just borderline unacceptable in this day and age

most install viramate on top of it, they are also pushing a UI update in few days
might want to look at the announcements from yesterday, primal grids arent worth the effort anymore

Also, Opera Omnia is quite enjoyable, since the characters aren't determined by jewish drop rate magic. And even the equip drops aren't that bad.

How are you supposed to grind raids in Granblue? That three times a day limit is fucking horse shit.

you join others, duh

Doesnt that affect the drops?

The hosting timegating is unforgivable, but you can join other raids for as long as you have berries.

no, you only dont get the red host chest