You DID give nia a happy ending right Sup Forums?

You DID give nia a happy ending right Sup Forums?

Not yet
I'm forcing myself to do a level 1 challenge run and Zeke 3 is currently kicking my ass because you can't block his attacks
I'm pretty sure the winning strat is to bring a full party gauge into the fight and go straight into a chain attack, but building a full gauge without actually finishing a fight and leveling up sounds pretty annoying

what is the point of NG+? I don't get it

I'm avoiding playing NG+ because I don't want to see that disgusting cuckold cat on my title screen

Were alternate endings added or something? Haven't touched this game or related news in a while.

It's not an alternate ending, nothing changes in the story, Nia just shows up on the title screen.
they really need a way to lock EXP, I don't care to do level 1 runs but for people who do I'm sure it's annoying having to visit the inn after every fight

They added 7 new rare blades
You can trade 1000000 exp for an Overdrive Protocol
You can pick the other dialogue option in heart to hearts and the few quests that actually have multiple endings

but how does the gameplay look like? I'm level 80 now. I'll be fighting level 10 enemies?

If you don't manually level down at an inn, yes

you can change your level up or down at inns in NG+ but you still wreck everything because early game enemies aren't balanced to be fighting rare blades with full affinity charts and S9 trust

WHY? Having Nia there kinda downplays the original title screen cause now its seen as friendly hand holding instead of anything romantic.

it's retarded because it's implying Rex loves Nia the same way he loves Pyra and Mythra, which is demonstrably untrue.
I'm pretty sure the devs just got sick and tired of Niafags bitching at them about her losing the Rexbowl so they threw them a bone to shut them up.

why is morag such a cunt at the start

The result of YEARS of training.

No, but I did give the Xenoblade franchise a nice Funeral

the end of chapter cutscenes are so fucking epic i cant bring myself to skip them.

>500 years ago
>Mythra fights on the side wanting to keep everything from being eradicated
>gets put to sleep
>Malos beats his dick in a corner for 500 years uncontested while jin mopes in an alleyway in mor ardain or some shit
>for 500 years
>pyra/mythra fired back up
>"Oh shit, I gotta stop this"

The story/timeline in xc2 is shit. It's a good game, but almost all of the settings is pants on head retarded.

It doesn't have to be an equal amount for her to join. That and she's a blade/flesh-eater. This is not your normal human to human relationship here.

Still, it's quite clear he doesn't like her on a romantic level like he does Pyra and Mythra.


But they had actively been carrying out missions for Torna for a while, they didn't just start it up when the game began.

Malos can't set his plan in motion while he's broken. He needs to find Pyra/Mythra so he can restore his core.
It apparently just takes 500 fucking years for him and Jin to track down the boat. Guess they aren't very good detectives.

And it's dumb to imply Nia joins in on Rex's, Pyra's and Mythra's relationship when there's literally nothing in the story to support her doing that

>You DID give nia a happy ending right Sup Forums?

there's also the fact that basically none of the sidequests are canon since they don't fit into the game's timeline, the most glaring example being Poppi QT pi's quest.

It is a heresy that there is no costume DLC pack. I want Morag in dress and heels, damnit.

>Cucked by Rex
>Zeke already claimed by Pandoria
>Jin is fucking dead
>Tora has TWO robo waifus
>Has to settle for Dromarch's barbed tiger dong
How will Nia ever recover?

Look, the whole dream sequence in chapter 10 is Rex yelling at himself for not sorting out his feelings about Nia. And then you have the whole Pyra and Nia blade combo and Nia's affinity chart, which shows Nia wanting to be a part of it. You can't say there wasn't something there between them. A good amount of people has been saying that Nia would join in but haters kept saying it was never going to happen.

>Tora wants to be one day a good driver like Aniki Rex
>ironically becomes better than him ingame after he gets JD

Was it kino?

>Guess they aren't very good detectives.
They needed rex to open the door thing anyway. So if anything the spent all that long as time looking or waiting for someone like him ,whatever the fuck that means in this context since shit was either not explained or i just missed it, to open the that shit they would not be able to get through otherwise for some god damn reason.
Cause god damn just how fucking strong are those fucking ships? That the entirety of torna could not just had fucking salvaged it up on their own ,or with disposable pawns, and just broken a fucking hole somewhere around it to get to the bitch.

Something like this, perhaps?

Play game over again.

Is this the result of years of training?

>How will Nia ever recover?
But she already did.

Best girl

user, the cloud sea is the size of the entire Earth. 500 years is probably considered short for them find it.

naw motherfuckers need to microbikini that shit up more so than just that.

It doesn't really matter since that screen is only viewable after the inane mess that NG+ is. Consider it about as important and canon as fighting Torna members with Torna members.

penis no

They didn't need Rex specifically, any random person from Leftheria would do.

>Vandham is in the party the first time Zeke meets them
>Zeke never asks what happened to him

Was kinda of decent foreshadowing maybe as to just tech played a major ass part in saving the god damn world. Fuckin since without poppis's robotness some of the shit they did and went through would not have even been possible to overcome and they'd be hella screwed all in all.

alright finally done Ursula quest

anything else before i jump into NG+?

>no heels viable
why even post user? just to get my hopes up?

user, pls. It's canon. That way, Rex now has a complete collection of hair style. Short hair, long hair, single ponytail, and now twintails.



Nah. Better off agreeing to disagree right now because you're not changing my mind.

get some legendary cores from the Arduran. All the new blades except Mikhail are RNG

Damn why are niafags so damn delusional.

youre telling me ive been grinding to get Mik for the past day for NOTHING

No because she refuses to use her lewd outfit rather than her shit ass orange sack unless I use Rex. I want to play as a lewd Nia.

I'm in the world tree and ~60-65

Should i start grinding legendary cores or keep powering through story content and collect em all later?

you recruit him by talking to him at the World Tree after he kamikazes himself
It's pretty fucking stupid that they added that but you still have to get Sever, Obrona, Cressidius and Perdido through RNG even though Mythra nukes all of them in the story and their cores fall literally right in front of the party


>any random person from Leftheria
rex can be said to techinaly not be from Leftheria since he was just brought there as a child. Both his parents were also from some where else and died on the way somewhere that just also so happened to be around Leftheria. So naw Leftheria being poor and backwater as all fuck they could just have tricked one or some with the promise of big money without having to go around and scour the help of anyone else like the trade guild they used to hire rex to come with them.
So really if anyone from Leftheria would have sufficed they could have just gotten anyone else from there really. So naw they needed one specifically from where rex's parents are from since only from there ,again for whatever dumb ass plot reason, were the only ones able to open that door thing.

Is this a real ranking? Raiko has cute personality and all but fuck I hate her big meatball hair bun things. They look really unpleasant to touch. How the fuck is NIM so fucking high? She looks like a 75% furry piece of shit and terrible quest line. She beats out the boner brigade of #12-14?

Get them later, the good mobs that drop legendary cores are all like 99+. The ones lower have a chance to drop common cores and that dilutes the drop table.

user, Floren is on the list. That alone should tell you if the ranking is real or not.

Floren counts in many peoples hearts.

why are half the names the jap version, ant others are localized?

Probably made prerelease.

I hate Nia's backwards ears they make no sense and I detest her English voice its not even close to sounding the way her better Japanese voice is besides that she's a pretty cute char and im still working my way though the early stages of the game. I so far I love XC2 way more then XCX. I also just unlocked my first bonded unique blade after about 30 tries. it's the cute tan female Perun lance blade

Complete the story, get to level 99 by killing dinos at Temperantia and later superbosses. Kill the unique Vampire Bride at Uraya head dragon stomach and start stacking golden chips. Get Anduran to level 99. The smash setup is use beta scope accesory on Tora and driver combo blades on Rex/Zeke/Morag, don’t use Nia since she’s bad at driver combos. You use Tora with JD and keep breaking/launching the opponent while Zeke/Morag/Rex do the topple/smash part, Blade cooldown V aux cores help A LOT. Use accesories that increase launch duration for Tora too. Equip as much golden chips/fast blade switch, disregard endgame chips for the moment, you’ll farm them with this same setup later. Common blades have a combat passive named Treasure Seeker (?). You equip these blades with golden chips on the drivers you aren’t using since it seems these bonuses stack even if they aren’t in combat. Now Anduran will give you like +30 legendary cores per kill plus some extra exp for you to use in NG+.

Everything I talked about chip stacking doesn’t apply if you already patched to 1.3.0, since chip effects now only apply to your three active blades in combat.

gee mom why does rex get THREE wives?

Ahhh, I had heard a unique mob in morythra or whatever dropped them, he's only level 56... but he occasionally explodes and wipes the party.

Also, would like some advice on how to optimize my party, I feel like an idiot not having a smash set up this far into the game.

Rex - Mythra / Roc / Dagas, Zeke - Pandoria / wind great axe blade girl / Godfrey, Nia Wulfric / Dromach / Floren

Have:Agate, Boreas, Nim, Newt, Perun, Gorg, Kora, Finch, and electra.

Thank you so far for the advice

just so you guys know, the latest patch nerfed the core drop rate.

A lot of level 50+ uniques drop legendary cores but unless you just want to grind, it is very inefficient since they also drop common cores.


I'm still trying to get Zenobia, so no

You need a tank, man. Throw in Morag or Tora.
And don't use Godfrey, he sucks. Do you have Sheba? If not, buy her in Gormott for 500k and then you can get 250k of that back by talking to the shopkeeper with her in the party.
I would recommend to use Blade Nia as well. If you need another smash you can put a spear Blade on Zeke or a katana on Morag. And remember that Tora can do full Driver combos by himself after he has Poppi QT pi

I believe Agate is better than Dagas from last I played. You can get fire from swapping to Pyra. If you're lucky to get Kosmos she is pretty top tier and will give Zeke a breaker. Can also use Sheba as well since her passive makes her damage pretty good.

Zenobia on a level 1 in NG+ is nothing short of hilarity.

>finally got Zenobia
>just missing Kos-mos

advice on farming 500k? i think i have about 180k saved up while using dagas. Have been burning money on favorite items to grind trust, and on food for opening up boreas tree

>max vandhams hidden affinity and get him to 99
>still dies

Just salvage stuff, sell it, use the money to buy more cylinders.

if you have a lot of early game gear saved up, you could probably sell a lot for money. Just go to the store and order things chronologically, then sell your old shitty equipment and low level chips and aux cores

I think the implication is that, that ending is exactly the same, just extended. Nothing changes in NG+, we just don't see the part where Pyra invites Nia to join them until then.

should i salvage in the highest area i can clear a mob? or find the quickest kill?

I havent sold anything except for some stuff at the exchanges

Isn't Sever a guaranteed one from rolling though?

I don't care if she wins or not but it's fucking hilarious to see maybe 3 autists at most seething just because she's the most popular

Don't just sell it, trade in sets of it instead.

can someone explain why i beat this game in two weeks and am about to start new game+ while i drudged through persona 5 for 2 months and dropped it after the space station palace?

Basically it doesn't change anything, it just confirms that Nia gets a happy ending too.

Well it didn't nerf enough then because I consistently get at least 7 from Arduran


Pyra is the most popular though.

Buy 6 golden cylinders and get some salvaging mastery.
I went through all that at the argentum flight deck spot and got enough to trade for the highest set twice (and all the lower ones several times)

I guess "liked" is more accurate

Then what the fuck was that with the guy who got Sever to show up three times in a row on the silhouettes thing

It doesn't need to be the same. We know Rex cares deeply for Nia, all that's changed by having her in is that he opens his heart to her too.

She's going to be with him for life, as long as Pyra and Mythra want it too, there's no reason not to do it.

If it wasn't meant to be interpreted as romantic then they wouldn't have ONLY love interests there. They'd have Tora and Poppi, Zeke and Morag too.

someone really lucky I guess

how much salvage mastery should I have? one of my blades has level 2 i think

Unironically, this.

just do it in mor ardain.

I got lv3 from boreas

2 or 3 is probably fine
Boreas and Praxis both have salvaging mastery, and I think common blades can have it too

Yeah but two of them wear sexy outfits all the time while the other dresses like a shitter most the time.


Can I actually pick her over Pyra and Mythra or am I stuck with the two most unlikable Nintendo heroines from this decade?