Yakuza Thread

How are people who got 6 for free enjoying it? I'm still going, and I'm loving it.

Also no, I'm not cancelling my pre-order.

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Honestly, my only issue with it was the last boss, and that it's a pretty piss-poor send off for Kiryu. The whole thing with Haruka didn't affect me much as I already knew how stupid it would be. Overall I really like it, although I do realise it's probably the only game in the series that truly was rushed.

when and where do do i use social skills, ladies man and art of conversation?

Good man.

Just got to chapter 6, I'm still enjoying it. PSA for you guys who do like to go after 100% (Not the plat), you need to be able to reach 20+ wins in Puyo Puyo. If you can't do that you can't get 100% as the last three characters only appear at 20+.

I'm sure it's been asked a million times, but is Zero a good place to start the series? And is Kiwame (sp?) good because it's always been cheaper than zero so I assumed it was a shitty spinoff

Art of Conversation is in Onomichi at the Snack Bar minigame, Ladie's Man and Social Skills is at Shine in Kamurocho. I can't remember if Social Skills was for Onomichi or Kamurocho though.

Yes, it's fine. Kiwami is the remake of 1 and it feels more like an expansion pack to 0 which is why it was priced so cheaply on top of it coming out relatively close to 0 so the price would make it more attractive to people coming off of 0. I always recommend you go for the original games and go from release order but if you really don't want to play the PS2 games then starting from 0 is fine, you just miss out on a good chunk of references though it won't really impede anything gameplay-wise.

Patiently waiting for HGG to come in, but that’ll be a while. 6 was fun while it lasted.

Zero and will make you want to go back to the older games, and you'll be spoiled by starting with the most polished title first. I don't understand why it's so hard for people just to play in release order.

When can you swap between towns?

Like every title, towards the end.

So call me an idiot if you'd like, but I pre-ordered 6 because it came with a copy of Zero, which I never got to play.

Is 6 awful bad when compared to other Yakuzas, or is it at least enjoyable?

I'd call it the second worst. Its basically a slightly better 3. Keep in mind a bad Yakuza game is still better than your average AAA schlock.

It's different and has less content, but I wouldn't call it any worse than the others, it's basically equal to 3. They just made some really stupid design decisions with the new engine and fighting which would have easily been alleviated with a spinoff. Don't play it before you play 4 and 5 though, seriously.

Kiwami 2 will use the engine from 6 and hopefully rectifies most of the problems with 6. It will probably go back to txt based dialogue though rather than record new voiceovers for every conversation from 2.

Darn. I played through 4, but not 5. I currently don't have access to my PS3 at the moment, even though I got the fuckin game free on PS plus ages ago. I know it's stupid, but I was probably gonna be happy just watching the usual synopsis clip they have in most of the games. Is it really worth playing before 6?

>It will probably go back to txt based dialogue though rather than record new voiceovers for every conversation from 2.
this is true unfortunately.
it's a shame since kiwami did voice overs for a lot of text only parts.

nah only support retail releases, don't participate in the destruction of thousands of jobs and erosion of rights over your personal property by playing Yakuza 5

Art of Conversation is more topic cards for hostesses, Social Skills is for New Gaudi.

yeah looks like Kiwami 2 goes back to txt unless they just haven't finished recording it in time for the demo in JP


do you need to finish all the substories to unlock amon in 6?
i heard that you only had to do a few specific ones.

It literally spoils the ending of 5. Like, no joke, the entire first hour of 6 is spoiling 5 and what happened directly after.

Thanks, I knew I got something mixed up. Either way it's for the Cabaret and Snack Bar minigames.

No, just beat the 2 cameo fighters. It's the easiest Amon to unlock and the easiest Amon fight in the series.

>and the easiest Amon fight in the series.
No one's easier than Rasetsu. You would literally have to have the guy stand still and attack the distance to be easier than Rasetsu.

Ahh, true. I forgot myself.

>easiest boss fights ever
>most forgettable bosses ever
>throws are way overpowered
>combos rarely complete
>story is all kinds of terrible (though the chink turned out better than expected and one scene of the ending was actually nice)
>characters don't act like themselves half the time
>major character left completely by the wayside
>some characters look completely different (Akiyama's hair, Kiryu looks younger than ever, so does Date, Haruka once again looks like her face is made of play-dough)
>new engine in the final part of the main character's series, which nobody asked for, seeing as Yakuza 0, on a PS3 era engine, is perhaps the most beloved installment
>parts of Kamurocho were cut
>Onomichi is comfy, but somewhat empty compared to other secondary cities (comparable to Okinawa)
>the very final scene is just so fucking insulting I don't have words for it
I still enjoyed some parts of it, but there's no doubt that it's the wors part of the series. Yakuza 3 is close, with its cuts and the slow pace, but it had boss fights I still remember, featured endearing cheesy lines, set some standards for the next few games (e.g. revelations) and had some likeable non-boss characters like Rikiya, who feels a bit like Nagumo 1.0.

Seriously, who starts experimenting with the final game in a series? Especially for a niche series with relatively low sales?

Who got it for free and why?

Just Google Yakuza 6 news, it'll be the first result.

Basically they fucked up and released the full game as a demo by accident.


demo was bugged so it was the whole game for a few hours

>Last two trophies are Legend playthough and fucking win 100 Clan matches
Jesus fucking Christ, why does it have to be this repetitive shit?

Fuck, I even forgot about the demo, fucking Bloodborne. Time to kys myself.

>Yakuza 3
Yakuza 4 is the worst. It's just Yakuza 3 without Okinawa, pointless empty rooftops & underground parking lots and requires you to grind up multiple times over instead of once.

Bros, what should I do?
Should I play Kenzan with English guide or wait for fan translation?

Legend doesn't require a new playthrough this time. Just reload a save from before beating the final boss and beat the game again.

I finally broke down and bought Ishin in Japanese. I would love it if they released that and Kenzan in North America but Sega is giving the traditional "it's just TOO Japanese for you gaijin to understand." racist pricks.

I actually don't mind another playthough, especially since the game is short as fuck if you skip the cutscenes
I'm just fucking mad I have to keep grinding through Kiryu clan another 50 fucking times

You can do the entire story just fine with the cutscene walthrough no problem with Kenzan, you only need guides for substories to reach Amon (Since it's like Yakuza 2 where if you make a mistake at all you can't fight him), all Heat Actions, how to find certain Hozoin Tournament encounters, and Japanese guides if you want to do swords properly along with where to find specific items. Just remember that if you're going for Amon not to finish Gyoutensei's inventions list otherwise it locks you out of his substory for the playthrough, you need to finish the substory first before you finish the list entirely. Note also that all substories are missable, there's only a handful that aren't, so make sure you have saves before you finish each chapter, specifically save onto a separate save file which you reserve for that chapter specifically every time you advance the story until you only have the boss of the chapter left as your progression.

Be glad you're not attempting 100%, you have to redo Dragon's Den over 50 times to reach level 10. At least Clan Creator is mindless and takes like two minutes per level at most.

Okay... not really the point, and I specifically did not call Yakuza 3 the worst.

is there any like progress/cap quests in rizap or is just infinite?

12 total mission = story is finished. Substory only requires one visit, completion list requires 12. Then it repeats infinitely.

Completionist list requires doing Rizap 12 times but you can keep doing it after that

It's just me or the face of Kiryu is really strange in this new engine?

well he is supposed to be in his 50s now.

he's 48 so not quite.

Thanks, Moose.
You're the best

Personally I don't like the Host Club stuff outside of 0's minigame

Same, but even if it was a chore, I enjoyed ADAM from 2.


hurry up and do it, bloodborne is shit and will be over before you know it because of how easy and bland the bosses are

4 and 5 had some pretty great girls to talk to so it wasn't bad, and 0 had some good ones for Kiryu as well. 6 has some good girls as well, I just hate how many visits you have to make at times, it got ridiculous in the older games since you could loop the dialogue half way in before you finally got to their substory, Kenzan even made you play minigames where the AI outright cheated just to level them up.

In Kiwami too it's strange in the same way.

I beat the story 5 times already, user. It's just comfy and now free for ps+ owners so I'm making a low level character for coop action.

Only good tripfag I've ever come across in well over a decade.

What did they mean by this?

>not a single Shinada reference
>not even at the beginning of the game where he should have come to say hi at the hospital
>no ability to unlock him for either the clan or BASEBALL teams
My man gets no respect. Fuck the Japs and their famitsu fan polls- they probably wanted Baba to be Haruto's daddy.

I was surprised I didn't see anything with Shinada for the baseball as well, what's even stranger is he's in Ishin as a card but not here.

I want to see him in another game with a better fighting style.

>Baba... was it you who impregnated Kiryu's little girl?
>S-saejima I didn't kn-

What outfits are available in the game for Kiryu?

Kamurocho (suit with jacket), Onomichi (suit without jacket), raid gear with mask.

Damn, was hoping for that baseball outfit to be available

It is but it's in the second download pack according to this so that means two weeks after release until you can wear it.

It is

Oh sweet, thanks

because sony is too retarded to make their console backwars compatible and people don't want to buy 2 older consoles to play a few games.

What cameo fighters?

Saigo and Sodachi, Saigo is in Onomichi and Sodachi is in Kamurocho, you need to fight them twice on the streets once you get Trouble and then once you form the Kiryu Clan you'll get a text telling you to fight them at which point you see Amon.

Wait that's it? I already did that. So simple I didn't know I fulfill the req. When can I fight him?

I forgot their names, but theyre tubby joke fighters you can keep fighting in the streets. They're Akiyama and Saejima's trainers from 4.

Shinada was actually cool, shame he's gone

Final chapter, after a scene with Nagumo on a rooftop.

Oh, i'm on 7. Got a while to go first.

He's not based on the likeness of his VA either IIRC so it's not like that's stopping them. His bro Takasugi probably has too prolific a VA to return though.

kek at that webm

nah it's text in the full game too

lame, 6 was finally getting to the level of immersion Shenmue had 19 years ago but it looks like Kiwami 2 will be a step back.

generally don't expect anything great from the kiwami games, they're just low budget remakes. I wouldn't be surprised if shin ryu ga gotoku has fully voice acted cutscenes

How do I break the 200 stat cap?

Get all stats to 200


>defense and heat are 150

Easiest way to grind up EXP is to
>Grind Kiryu Clan missions for cash, Amon 3 pays out 200000 yen
>Go to Rizap's store counter
>Buy the products

I feel like in some places they really dropped the ball but in others they really stepped up.

I found the minigames and substories to be the best in the series so far.

So what does everyone think of this? Potential localization of Ishin might actually be real.

it literally doesn't mean anything and they've covered why they haven't localized ishin before

Fuck off.

>We just don't have anything to announce about them at this time
So there is still a chance.

I'm playing the old Yaks in anticipation of 6. Did they really not have substory music in most games? I'm always expecting some soft-guitar during tender moments but they never come

I'm 100% certain 4 did, since they're like the first things in the OST. I'm fairly certain 3 and 5 did too, but they're a lot rarer

How long is 5's story?

Without even touching any side content at all I took around 20 or 30 hours on Hard from what I remember simply rushing through it watching the cutscenes so I could get to Ex-Hard.

Too long.

On Hard for me it took 90 hours, but I did 99% of all substories and sidestories.
Fuck that one sidestory in part 3 I missed it, which caused me to miss the one substory tied to progression in it.
Which in turn left Amon to premium adventure.

Will Yakuza 6 on release day include steelbook like Kiwami?

No, steelbooks aren't normal. 4 and Dead Souls have one in Europe, and then with Kiwami Europe and the US have both Steelbooks and regular releases.

I found Pre-order of Yakuza 6 with steelbook and art book for 60$
I don't Pre-order but this seems like a good deal.

Any downside to getting 100% in Premium Adventure in 5, compared to 100%ing it in the first playthrough? Will do Amon in the latter so I will have the Golden Pistol for EX Hard

> has a chance to play worst Yakuza free
> not cancelling my pre-order.
Spotted a retard. There’s literally no excuse not to steal a game which was confirmed to be shit by moon speaks 2 years (!) ago.

It's like Ishin where you can't create clear data if I remember right.