Say we were to get a sequel to this game, but this time with more important characters (Crash and Spyro...

Say we were to get a sequel to this game, but this time with more important characters (Crash and Spyro, though that would lock them out of a better mascot fighter.), niche first-party characters (Blasto, Dart from Legend of Dragoon, Jersey Devil, Robbit from Jumping Flash, Stan and Ari from Okage Shadow King, etc.) and otaku appeal (Neptune and maybe Noire, real Dante, Jack Frost or Joker/Yu Narukami, Laharl, Sol Badguy/Ragna the Bloodedge, 2B, etc.)
Would you buy it?

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There's more to a crossover than just adding the right characters.

What happened to those rumors that this was real and was going to be announced at PSX or the Paris thing?

This for example: some of Capcom crossovers were neat, that they even had a defining art style, that made the characters fit, without affecting their overall personalites for the most part.

Direction on how the characters will be portrayed: what are they going to look like? or sound like? what will their moveset be about? what about the stages? the soundtrack? and easter eggs or just little details?
PlayStation All Stars either didn't had enough or did more disservice than justice at times.

When marketing the characters, don't just make a trailer showing off their moveset and call it a day: make the marketing respect the source material.
Make trailers based off cutscenes from their games, images and promotional art based off covers or promo art from their series.
And if the character itself is unpopular, give them biography videos, that could benefit from the characters or narrators of their series talking about who they are etc.

Character interactions should be more than just rivalries: explore the personality and aspects of a character, then mix it with any other character to see how they'd interact if they ever met.
A lot can come out of a big, diverse cast of characters.

And i'm sure i'm missing more, but the pint it: crossovers should be treated as celebration of the properties added, that everything feels solid enough, as if the directors of the game wanted you to care for even the characters you never heard of or don't even like.
PSAS treated its characters as either slot fillers or advertisement for random games, meaning there would be a lack of effort and passion for it to even stand on its own ground.

Turn out to be fake.

In terms of art style, they should take inspirarion from something like Guilty Gears Xrd, where the models would have had a 2d style, to make them more stylized and less "realistic" or "gritty" or what the fuck was wrong with the first game.
This could work because
>Could be easier
>Make the characters look better
>Make it more different from Smash
>Some of these characters are probably supposed to look cartoon/anime-ish

in a heartbeat, I liked the first one

At this point, its better to make it as a Gundam Extreme VS rip-off than a Smash clone, because the real Gundam VS is disappointing

>2d style

Some of these characters come from games that are either cel-shaded or look like they're trying to mimic cartoons.
How else would you made the characters look?

im sorry im gunna have to disagree with you there.
For what Superbot was given to work with, they made every character feel different and feel like how that character should/would feel. Even Evil Cole, who I know everyone likes to knock at, felt different and played very different to Good Cole.

Sly Cooper in PSAS is cel-shaded though

The movesets where obviously different, but still more could have been done.
For example, why didn't we get a second rep that wasn't a clone besides Zeus?
Or how come they didn't bother to make a classic Dante skin, even if it was an alt?
He was based off TiT, in which he looked awful, so they should have settled to base him off the PS2 trilogy.

>Some of these characters come from games that are either cel-shaded or look like they're trying to mimic cartoons.
Nearly every character in the game looks like they were taken right out of their own games, the only exceptions I would say are Fat Princess, Spike and Parappa but they just made him a flat 3D character instead of 2D, he still looks like how he did in his game.

>For example, why didn't we get a second rep that wasn't a clone besides Zeus?
because Sony shut down development for the game. there were a lot of characters planned for DLC.

Kat had modelled eyes/mouth, when the original model from the vita game had flat textures.

Guess that makes sense, unlike even making it a Smash clone in the beginning of everything and giving it to a newbie studio, with a tight budget.

ok... and? are you saying that is bad? she still looks like Kat. She was also cel-shaded

>she still looks like Kat. She was also cel-shaded
Both are true.
Sadly, she also looks like a worse version of herself.

>He was based off TiT, in which he looked awful, so they should have settled to base him off the PS2 trilogy.
oh for fucks sake, he has the same design throughout all his games, its just a more detailed model

why? because you can see her eyes?

Making him more detailed was sort of part of the problem, though.
One of his images has him smiling and he looks like a monster.
She looks like a melting plastic doll, that got drunk.
She just feels off.

its literally just shading...

>buy the game super cheap at sale
>best characters are locked behind DLC paywall

That's why the first one failed.

That's a different model and it's from the PS4 remaster, which is what they should have used, if the game was made years later.

yeah I know, im comparing the too, and there is little difference between them. its literally the lighting hitting her face

I just still think the eyes and mouth look weird.

but Raiden is in the base roster

Speaking of lighting and shading, i remember hearing the same criticism for some of the models from MvCI, like Dante.

idk anyting about a Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

They should also make the soundtrack not shit versions of certain songs and bring more of it to the game.
It didn't do that well, if i recall.

Kat was obviously the most OP fighter

If any of you where to write a story mode for the game, how would you do it?

I still argue Raiden is, he has like 5 lvl 1 confirms
Kat is a close second in my opinion

More like Kute

Wasn't it either Kratos or Zeus?

Zeus is low tier, he gets bodied by alot of characters, he is PSAS's Ganondorf

Kratos is top tier but Raiden and Kat are both better. Kratos is probably on par, now, with Good Cole and Dante

>Use design from the anime and a spin off game, that ends up looking worse
>Use the voice actor that made him sound like an adult, who didn't even sound like he did back then
>Base moveset off the same game he got the design, to make him more of a fighter, only for him to end up as one of the weakest characters
>Didn't even made the original look or the one from that PSP game as an alt skin (outside of a PSN icon)
Did somebody at SuperBot or Santa Monica had something against Ape Escape?

that portrait looks alot worse than the model in motion, I must say.

Who was more broken: Kat on release or Bayo on release?

I've just wanted sora in this or smash. However KH2 sora would've been most appropriate for the style of all-stars

but I agree, he should have been cel-shaded like Sky and Kat both were

There's just no chance that was even intentional, unless they thought of whether or not somebody would have made porn of the game, like if most artist even knew those characters.

>Actually believing random assholes on the internet who when proven wrong will just claim it will be revealed at the next big event/trade show

but he does look like that in his game, he is just not cel-shaded, which he should have been

Not just cel-shaded, but also use a better design.
MM Spike looks like a noseless puppet who got kicked too hard in the crotch.
Big Mission, however, makes him look like what he's supposed to be: just a typical anime child.

I thought the best character was Sackboy

yeah, just googled some more pictures, they should have gone with that design

he was, but was nerfed pretty hard and fell to mid tier

If the game did well, they could have also brought more costumes, like those from GR and Sackboy dressed as half the roster.
Some Japan Studio characters even dressed as Toro at some points.

Aloy or no buy.

Wasn't it before the release of the game the VA of Parappa scammed some kids?
skip to 51:00 for some great Spike play

As long as those kikes don't try an online pass again I would buy it.

He just looks cute

What would her moveset be?

close range melee combos with her spear
utilize tying down enemies with the tether arrows/bolts
bow and arrow for ranged attacks
can drop traps down
supers can involve her hacking robots

why the fuck does the thumb nail have a pic of cloud?

If i recall, they name tournaments after characters they wish get in the game

All I want is a good selection of characters and a decent storyline for each to play though. Have an actual narrative and conclusion, essentially each being a "what if..." scenario if that character were to win.

also, do something with the villains, since "everyone fights to the death and the winner gets a mysterious power from a rejected ps mascot" doesn't even do more justice than some fanfiction

what if lammy lamb was added?

She'd be to PaRappa like Luigi is to Mario.

I wouldn't mind if they did a JRPG crossover or something like that.


Choose good characters and get rid of that stupid you need a super to kill shit and I'd consider it.

Wow this is incredibly boring.