I'm no heretic, but I'm just curious:

I'm no heretic, but I'm just curious:

How do they lift up their arms without the shoulder pads cutting their heads off?

Why do the high ranking marines have a ton of armor everywhere but on their heads?

Why do they occasionally wield swords and axes to battle instead of projectile weapons?

>inb4 exterminatus

>How do they lift up their arms without the shoulder pads cutting their heads off?
Good question
>Why do the high ranking marines have a ton of armor everywhere but on their heads?
Mainly to show seniority, some prefer it without the helmet and to show the new battle brothers their faith in not getting shot in the fucking head
>Why do they occasionally wield swords and axes to battle instead of projectile weapons?
Mortals are typically not worth the bolt shell

post pics



>Why do the high ranking marines have a ton of armor everywhere but on their heads?
They're mostly bald, so their highly refelective heads deflect laser fire.

Veterans tend to prefer their own senses over the helmets auto-senses. Why not rely on the biological tools the Emperor gave you rather than hope the machine spirit doesn't crack the shits at an inopportune time.

>Veterans tend to prefer their own senses over the helmets auto-senses.

Then why not just wear a traditional helmet like the Imperial Army soldiers?

>How do they lift up their arms without the shoulder pads cutting their heads off?
They don't lift their arms up.
>Why do the high ranking marines have a ton of armor everywhere but on their heads?
So you can tell who's who in the zoo.
>Why do they occasionally wield swords and axes to battle instead of projectile weapons?
Melee is highly viable.

>Why do the high ranking marines have a ton of armor everywhere but on their heads?
It's a holdover from the tabletop where you do that to show squad leaders

Because they've got thick skulls and they will occasionally need to put the helmet on, such as if they're in vacuum.

>How do they lift up their arms without the shoulder pads cutting their heads off?
GW always avoid that, so..
>Why do the high ranking marines have a ton of armor everywhere but on their heads?
Because rule of cool. For Space Wolves it's because they are yiffers
>Why do they occasionally wield swords and axes to battle instead of projectile weapons?
Deal more damage, a lot of shit in 40k are fast or numerous enough that projectile weapons are inferior in practice

Primaris marines have smaller pauldrons so I guess they can lift their arns better than regular marines.

I know it would have a 90% chance of just being awful but I think warhammer has movie potential.

Only thing holding them back is a good writer. Even Dan Abnett couldn't make a compelling script for the Ultramarine movie. That said I can just see the retarded comments if something was made "lol, lord of the rings rip-off."

>How do they lift up their arms without the shoulder pads cutting their heads off?
I can't think of a reason for a space marine to lift their arms directly upwards, I suppose the armor just don't allow that movement
>Why do the high ranking marines have a ton of armor everywhere but on their heads?
Probably for morale. realistically so the story is interesting and you're not just seeing similar looking armored guys with different voices
>Why do they occasionally wield swords and axes to battle instead of projectile weapons?
They often fight really hard to kill aliens like Orks (sometimes giant and tough as nails) and Tyranids (giant tough insects) where shooting at the toughest of them is more expensive than slicing them with an adamantium chainsword or simply a fuck off axe weilded by a super strong post-human

>They don't lift their arms up.

Is it possible that it was intended just to make them unable to surrender?
Never read or played any WH crap

Horus Heresy does have potential

I find 40k interesting sometimes but this is the gayest shit Ive ever read.

Reminder that the ultramarines are heretics and should be exterminated
>order has the concept of a "spiritual liege" some they hold the highest esteem and utmost loyalty for, literally swearing their souls to that person
>their spiritual liege is not The Emperor

>Why do the high ranking marines have a ton of armor everywhere but on their heads?

void shield

>Why do they occasionally wield swords and axes to battle instead of projectile weapons?

Power Weapon (vibrate at high frequency and cut at a molecular level)

I used to think the same thing about the helmets. But then in Gears of War it gets explained that full face helmets reduce vision, at least to spot snipers or something, and I thought fair enough. The real reason is so important characters can be recognised, but the vision thing is good enough to suspend the disbelief.

>How do they lift their arms without the shoulder pads cutting their heads off?
The shoulder pads don't lift, they turn with the arm. The other questions have been answered already.

You know you are retarded. Right?

It would be cool if GW expanded on the age of strife or even the unification wars. It would be like an extremely tech'd down Caves of Qud.

At the same time, I'm glad they haven't because it would inevitably just be an emperor power wank and completely gloss over the old lore that it was a horrible struggle that the emperor barely won. GW has really sucked at world building since 2nd ed. Can't wait for them to go under.



>Why do the high ranking marines have a ton of armor everywhere but on their heads?
Because thats just how fiction works. Also Iron Halos, look them up.

>Why do they occasionally wield swords and axes to battle instead of projectile weapons?
That's the joke. It's medieval fantasy in space.

The shoulderpad rests on the shoulder and isn't part of the torso armor. When he lifts his arm, it goes from resting on the shoulder to being lifted by the bicep, and since it's magnetically attached to the shoulder, it wraps around to the new underside of the arm. The shoulderpad isn't static.

>no helmets
Also plot armour is best armour, having a face significantly reduces your chance of dying

Badab > Horus Heresy

Heresy should be like the star wars prequels except not shit, establish 40k then explore the past.

>How do they lift up their arms without the shoulder pads cutting their heads off?
They don't. In all seriousness the emperor probably told the power armor designers that the paldrons shouldn't ever be allowed to allow the marine to throw up their arms in surrender.

>Why do the high ranking marines have a ton of armor everywhere but on their heads?
High ranking members have personal force fields around their faces. Other marines are just dumb or lost their helmets.

>Why do they occasionally wield swords and axes to battle instead of projectile weapons?
Swords and axes don't run out of ammo which is a problem when dealing with races that use wave attacks.

>throw up their arms in surrender.
So the Big E makes genetically engineered super soldiers that regularly undergo hypnotherapy and training to the point where they will know no fear, but still thinks the only way to surrender is throw your arms in the air?

Well yes. It's not the most absurd thing to take into consideration.

Cringe, you might say.
Even for a longtime fan like me.

It is poor quality cringe-tier writing, but in all fairness it is an apt description of a warp-jump. Shit can go wrong at the drop of a hat and if a ship's Gellar field fails daemons will slaughter or possess everyone on-board.

My favorite lore bit is when an orc captain attempted a warp jump and ended up actually going back in time shortly before he actually made the warp-jump, so he hunted himself down to kill himself just so he could have a spare of his favorite gun.

>I have bioengineered a weapon, I have designed ways to forge their minds into something that will not give up the fight, I have developed weapons for them to use and armour to protect them. But I will purposely fuck with their mobility because I obviously can't trust my own work and I know these goons will surrender at the drop of a hat.

If the Emperor didn't act just as stupid as this in all the Horus Heresy books I wouldn't agree with you. I miss the days when he was just a broken shell on the throne instead of the stupidest being walking the galaxy.

>How do they lift up their arms without the shoulder pads cutting their heads off?
lifting your arms is heresy
>Why do the high ranking marines have a ton of armor everywhere but on their heads?
they headbutt incoming bullets
>Why do they occasionally wield swords and axes to battle instead of projectile weapons?
because they are always moving towards the enemy, they dont wait at range like pussies

well that was fast

Rule of cool, fag.
Also, a simple lever arm that pushes the top of the pauldron away, like so.