Is Kerillian really that OP?

And if so does it really matter? Since its a coop game, isn't good that the hero ia OP so you can win easier? Why are other careerfags jealous?

No, it's not good. It gives the shitters a false sense of superiority which prevents them from ever getting better because they think they're naturally good at the game.

While everyone else progresses and learns tactics, elf players at the highest level will still play exactly like someone who's playing for the first time. Not helping allies, not getting grims or tomes, wasting all their ammo on trash, running off and getting raped to inconvenience the team.

But since they still automatically top the charts, they think this is how they're supposed to play.

Kerillian isn't that OP through.

Kruber and Saltzpyre are both better, and both of her advanced careers are useless.

bounty hunters shit on everything that forms a threat and i love it

wow that is pretty bad.

People who cry about elves haven't played Champion.

You should be complaining about Hunter/Bounty deleting bosses in under a second.

Not that it matters, since no class being OP will carry a terrible player through Champ/Lord

Just wait till you get that one Sienna who dominates everything before whinging about the current "meta"

imagine being this mad about a specific character in a specific videogame for reasons that dont even affect you directly in any way whatsoever

>Why are other careerfags jealous?
Shut up stupid weeb. You elf fags ruin the game for everyone, because 90% of you are shit and you only get shit done on recruit. That slot you hold hostage could be used for an actually good character.

You fags think that you are hot shit topping scoreboards on recruit, but you ruin every game on champion because you never had the need to git gud.
They should nerf your stupid cancerous rat fucker to hell, so you finally can learn the game.

Except a good Elf in Champion will be saving your ass from every single special before you even see them.

Unless you really want to be that group who wipe under a Chaos Spawn/Gunner/Brapmancer because nobody has the range to kill them

She's not that much of a problem, 9/10 times you see people shitting on her, or elves in general, it's a dwarf-fag that can't stop RPing his race of shortstack Jews.

Kruber already does all that and most people who play him arent as smug as Elf players.

Dont believe elf apologists like There no good elf players. All of them are trash that need to be culled.

I'd rather have a Waywatcher than a Slayer desu

At least the Waywatchers active will almost always do something useful

as pyromancer I've found that I can delete entire waves of rats in two conflagration hits then swap to melee and clean up any I missed/didn't kill
I also laugh super hard when I manage to one shot a chaos champ in one go with the special.
Though I get hit by one of those motherfuckers with the big axe and I'll lose 3/4 of my hp.

>I still play recruit at level 25

So there's no guarantee we'll keep our level and gear in the full version then? Well see you on Thursday.

Funny fantasy you have there. It's a shame elf players always use all their ammunition on trash and never take out specials.
A pure cancer on any group, should be kicked if you're actually serious about champ difficulty.

I haven't played this game but out of interest followed some threads. And the complaints just remind me of how some people here can be exceptionally butthurt about pointy ears and will exaggerate or lie for really no good reason. That is all I have to say.

Champ since lv 16 bucko. And no, all Elf players are shitters with anime profile pics. It's not the problem with balance itself it's just in every fucking game, no matter what genre, all the retards flock to the Elf.

I play handmaiden because it confuses the hell out of shitters who can't decide between

>elves are OP REEEE
>handmaiden is shit REEEE

>it's another "Elf stands in front of the shadow bridge to unload all her remaining arrows to score more kills while the rest of the team waits" episode

Elf is elf no matter the class, you retarded faggot.

I don't think she's op. I just think she does jobs that are more flashy then other characters and can bump a few extra numbers. While she's doing this, other characters have more use with say, burning armoured units more or being more beefy.
With that said, it's co-op. Why complain if someone on your team is doing good?

Why is it that western devs cant seem to write likable female characters unlike based Japanese devs? Was it too much soy?

Fuck off newfag

>With that said, it's co-op. Why complain if someone on your team is doing good?
Most Sup Forumsirgins are DPS kiddies who cry whenever they're not at the top of the leaderboards.

Pathetic isn't it.

This is you right now.

Says the Elf, since the Elf is the only one who ever cares about green circles, regardless if the team gets the objective or not.

>Hur dur soy
Fuck off newfag

Elf is for children.
Saltzpyre is for men.


which is funny since it doesn't even matter, loots are not based on damage.

>Elf is OP
ITT: People that haven't gotten to Champion
Regen fall off is hard

>being this much of a brainlet

Whats with the selfie spam?

>Rule 2 & 6

I just use a cheat engine

kys retard, I'm always best, you are fucking degenerate faggot

>levelled Kerillian to 12 because I wanted to play a Delf
>it's shit

>implying it's about the regen
>implying it's not about the players that use her
>implying it's not her low tier bants

Why did they make such shit characters except the elf/dwarf? Other characters look so fucking shit and I'm not talking about abilities/weapons, just character design. I'd play the fucking fire mage if she werent a fucking used up slut, or the big fucking guy with a short as fucking toyshotgun. WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING?

Naw other characters can delete bosses and sienna who people said is the weakest is great at clearing mobs.
Its actually to balanced in everything which makes it great at nothing besides special clearing which is boring desu.

It's a shit game, don't bother. SCP will BTFO this soygame.

SCP is soygame.


t. jackass Sup Forums mod

Welcome to warhammer, enjoy your gritty and dark fantasy.

I feel super underwhelming when I play Booty hunter. How do you soys play him? What weapons, strats and talents are they why to fly?

She’s balanced the higher difficulty you go. Huntsman and bounty hunter are not balanced at the higher difficulties. They completely trivialize the boss encounters.

Nobody cares about your shitty setting. The game is just a poorman's L4D but with elves.

Bounty Hunter
Foot Knight
>Decent guy tier
Witch Hunter
>Meh Tier
Ranger Veteran
Battle Wizard
>faggot tier

>elffag gets triggered this badly

No (You) are.

But Fantasy is dead and Age of Sigmar > Fantasy

Feels like they made veteran harder last update. It is way too frequent that a chaos spawn encounter gets drowned in specials and hordes at the same time. Challenge is one thing, wiping by being overwhelmed is another (and not very fun or exciting).
Don't think I'll ever be able to play champion, because the randoms who sign up for it definitely aren't geared or prepared for it.

Feels like the actual difficulty tiers should have been:

Instead of going straight from baby's first co-op to brutal anal torture.

>b-b-ut why isn't she a generic sameface anime moeblob?

You people need to go back to your shitty jap games.

Did I fucking hear bitches mention ELVES?

Contrary to popular belief, all heroes are perfectly viable but some are better than others. Elf will pubstomp (is there even such a thing in a co-op game?) early on, on Recruit difficulty. Inquisitor and Kruber are definitely the most versatile on higher difficulties. Kerillian's Waystalker career is great at sniping specials which is good, but mediocre against hordes and poor against bosses. Shade and Handmaiden are highly situational and will find themselves in a lot of situations where a different pick would simply have been better. Ultimately, play what you enjoy and get good in your role.

I love when my inhouse group member plays hand maiden because of the dodge boost to party. I have never seen a pubber play hm though. Hm is being bad is a meme

>that one fapfic where the elf gets gangbanged hard by skaven and rat ogres

Elffags don't make meme-lists like

>play ironbreaker
>get the drakefire cannon
>join a random game
>Enter the Warcamp
>I keep clearing hordes like it's Vietnam '64
>elf desperately flailing around inside the fire
>all the enemies are dead and she can't hit shit
>thin nasaly voice breaks over voice
>"yo stop with the fucking fire I can't kill anything!!"

Are you kidding? Everybody looks like a badass. Kruber's the spitting image of a German Landsknecht which the Empire aesthetics draws heavily upon, Saltzspyre looks menacing with his dark robes and hat (Bounty Hunter is a bit silly though) and Sienna is the party's auntie.

>You should be complaining about Hunter/Bounty deleting bosses in under a second.
It's only carrying tradition over from VT1.

>Banter makes Kerrillian pissed at BH Saltz when he gets headshots and tsuntsun at Hunstman Kruber when he gets headshots

Are there any more different banter dialouge for the other classes?

>Since its a coop game, isn't good that the hero ia OP so you can win easier?
I absolutely cannot wrap my head around this logic
please never make a video game

Get more levels/gear score

Veteran is completely trivial by the time you hit level 15, assuming you understand the game mechanics.

nah, Recruit got nerfed to be ridiculously easy, veteran is right where it should be but feels much harder because of how easy Recruit is currently.


I can't stand my friend he just started using elf and he literally gets 1 special kill a game and I have to kill all the specials as salt. I wouldn't care that much if he wasn't perfectly fine when he was BH salt and always killed specials but now that he's an elf he is always out of ammo and never can save anyone from specials and never has ammo for bosses. Does playing elf like mentally handicap players or something?

when this current beta came up recruit was perfect but it looks like they ninja nerfed it since its such a joke now

>the virgin dwarf vs the chad elf

It had patrol/special/horde numbers nerfed by 20% 2 patches in a row.

I can only assume they're trying to get as many people through the maps successfully as possible to test stuff

>likes the basic bitch elf
>complains about boring character design
quit watching so much anime you fucking ape

they already made one with great success. Fat Shark just knows its way. You are literally a shitter.

I don't understand even if you are out of ammo you can always use the trueshot voley to take out specials, Elfs running out of ammo is the dumbest thing i usually keep between 15-20 arrows just in case. The character is not the problem, people are just completly stupid moslty people who never played Vermintide 1

i hope they push it back up a bit right now its just w+m1 barely any threat unless your team is really bad

>used up fire cunt with annoying voice
>tall lanklet with toyweapons

LOL West can't design characters for shit

I play Kerillian because I think she's hot. I wanna fuck her and be her lumberfoot husband

Saltzpyre has the best banter

I really want them to bring back the damage taken stat at the end. As Ironbreaker I'm constantly in the middle of packs pushing, shield slamming, and taunting when shit gets hairy and/or I need to go pick somebody up. Meanwhile, buddy that plays elf boasts about all the damage he dealt to trash enemies at the end of the game.

there should be damage taken and hits blocked

So how do I git gud at Vermintide? If I wanna play Witch Hunter what should I be doing for my team?

You're just being carried, so you think it's easy.
I see kids like you every day.

tag enemies and press F when shit gets real

her default kit is too forgiving for new players, which prevents them from improving as fast as other players

the class itself is perfectly fine, they just need to remove the passive health regeneration from her default kit, you get it back at level 15 anyway so it doesn't matter in the end

If you're going bounty hunter use a rapier and a repeater, kill trash with your sword to get the free crit then pop a dude in the head with the alt fire pistol.



is this really the best you shitposters can do

I don't think there is a single tooltip telling you that she blows up from overcharge

God I hope whatever they're updating includes the elf talking fucking less. She never shuts up, it's almost constant.

or maybe you are getting carried, since you think its hard. only a shitter that gets down constantly would say that vet is hard.

tfw im an elf fag who gets the top score for everything when the game ends

>pop a dude in the head with the alt fire pistol

Isnt the repeater alt fire just a weaker shotgun blast?

>giant red fucking meter
>slower rate of fire
>extremely audible sizzling noises and pained grunts from both sienna and bardin
>fucking red skull when youre in the danger zone
fucking retards play actual warhammer

there isn't a tooltip for 90% of the game tbqh

Rapier altfire

>character that was good in the first game is good in the second game


That's the main reason I dislike her. Having to listen to her shit constantly is a chore. She doesn't have a single good voice line either, it's all "Yer dumb cus yer not an elf" or "Did I mention I'm an elf, we're jes' naturally bettah than everyone else"

i would expect most people playing this game to have at least played vermintide 1 or have an idea about what brought wizards do in warhammer lore. but i guess you are right, it should specify somewhere how that mechanic works.