Anybody here was watching VNN stream? There was something about HL3
Anybody here was watching VNN stream? There was something about HL3
Any screenshots? Details? What?
Fuck off
I don't watch streams
A person related to Valve said that it was being developed. I would like to find someone who was watching the Stream to bear with me
some plebbitor posted it but took it down due to peer pressure lmao
But could you watch it?
I watched his newest video of him streaming that new meme game with a facecam.
My god, what a fucking autist.
Ok, so, Tyler was streaming while editing His next video on TF2. Suddenly someone tips him and says that Half Life 3 was on development since October. Tyler says that there is no evidence and this annon tips again and says that he has no proof, but he wants to talk to him, so Tyler gives him His discord and they start a voice call. The guy says he doesn't works at Valve but Tyler apparently recognises him and asks "does your wife work at Valve?" The annon says "yes." Then Tyler asks "Is your wife's work related to Cats?" Again he says yes. He insists about not having proof, but he said that HL3 development started in October. Apparently Tyler kinda believes him and announces that he was going to delete the Stream. The Stream was deleted and I can't find any clips yet.
some dude just jumped onto the Discord I was on screaming about this, going full autist about it.
youtube posting should be bannable
oh and half life is shit by the way :^ )
post proof faggot
VNN is shit, pure autism and he thinks only him knows things. Valvetime is way better content.
Reporting on a company that does literally nothing new, must be a sad hobby
I am trying to find it. Someone must have watch that crap too!
who cares lol
>"Is your wife's work related to Cats?" Again he says yes.
he's talking about it on stream
basically said tough tits to anyone who didn't hear the leak. he didn't specify what "it" was exactly but i don't see what else would have him all zipper mouthed. guess OP wasn't a faggot for once after all.
i don't know why he wants to keep it under wraps though. probably so he can be the first to make a shitty video on it, the fucker
THANK YOU! I am watching it too
big if true
something to do with valve people getting in trouble and fucking up the project if it goes public
Its not true. There is no info about this event anywhere but here. All these anons are lying
you fucks never give up
there will never, EVER, be a half life 3
hunt down the freeman was the last nail in the rotten coffin
Is there a more obvious attempt at getting people to watch your shit stream? Jesus fucking christ.
You disgusting fuck, kill yourself.
and it sounds like fucking bullshit but i'm serious, i tuned into his stream while he was damage controlling telling people not to say anything about it. now his subs are playing it off like it was a skit or some other irrelevant bullshit like dota 2 hero leaks
I semi agree.
There probably will be some new official Half Life game in the future, but people are in denial if they think valve will ever let that shit leak since the meme surrounding HL3 is this big.
I believe there will be a Half Life game once the VR team Valve has deems their work on VR finished (and probably the Source 2 team as well, or whatever the fuck the engine is going to be once it's done as well).
Because having a new Half Life game to promote their finished VR tech is a no-brainer.
Actually, Ricochet 2
>retards unironically linking Sup Forums in twitch chat
kill yourselves
I jumped in the middle of the call, OP. It was pretty vague and out of context for me. I thought he was talking to getawhile since it sounded like him
this is what happened. his discord then freaked and is trying to censor the news, taking down vods and clips on youtube.
so they'll be finished by 2149, then?
face it, it's not gonna happen, if valve doesn't care enough that a horrible fanmade game is using their ip, why would they care about the series itself?
>watched this like 20 minutes ago ( it was a video of )
>now it's taken down
what the fuck is going on?
this is some freaky shit
Video games aren't their main priority.
If it gets released eventually, cool.
If it doesn't, whatever, we have the old games and other shit.
That said, I would like to see this supposed leak.
I pray if Valve is actually going through this, they focus on making some fun enemies and AI to fight, and less cutscenes, and have it compatible with non VR.
Half-Life 2 base didn't have nearly enough enemy variety and the gameplay itself didn't become interesting until episode 2 where they added in a bunch of middle tier enemies with AI that was actually pretty interesting.
Actually someone re-posted a MP4 file of the clip in the Half Life Discord server, it's pretty shitty. It's just VNN finishing talking to that guy and freaking out.
It's basically audio only version of
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd it's gone
At this point, the resistance will have failed or succeeded, no thanks to me. Old friends have been silenced, or fallen by the wayside. I no longer know or recognize most members of the research team, though I believe the spirit of rebellion still persists. I expect you know better than I the appropriate course of action, and I leave you to it. Except no further correspondence from me regarding these matters; this is my final episode.
Yours in infinite finality,
Gordon Freeman, Ph.D.
if anyone wants a recording of his discord freaking out here is an audio file link
Got ya back buddie
dude what
why would he do this?
thanks. still seems fake tho
chirst, what a bunch of autists.
Stream mod for VNN here, AMA
How much did he pay you to call him?
I don't get it
Good work user
Its going to be shown at E3
HL3 has been "in development" forever.
prove it fag
Let's just say I don't have to worry about bills for this month
inb4 his discord cronies report the video
Burden of proof falls on you. Find a way to prove it or no one cares.
>it worked guys, the thread has some traction and the stream is picking up, come back to the discord and let it happen on its own.
>we need to do this more often lol
>The annon says "yes"
>Give free bait to the caller
>He replies yes every time
>Don't bother to lay a question trap for him
timestamped dick pic with his stream in the background.
This is the ending of the call, VNN investigates further the source's "possible wife" and finds out its a legit connection. It's later addressed that the source sounded like the announcer from a Dota 2 pack or some shit. That's why everyone freaked out about this clip, it all about the guy's voice.
>all the damage control on the half life sub
nice to see the mods on that shithole do it for free too, for a piece of shit company that hasn't made anything good since l4d2.
god damn it
Welp since no one could keep their mouths shut and this is all public knowledge now, figure I should weigh in.
According to what's been talked about, the caller was confirmed to be Joe Michaels (going under the Twitch name CoolGuy, a day old Twitch account, sending several bits saying that Half-Life 3 was to be expected in October and to be announced at E3 2018. Everyone had though it was bait until Tyler said he wanted to bring him into the call after CoolGuy offered to prove it with his voice.
Nobody knew what the hell he meant until he spoke, and even the stream mods caught wise of it. Eventually, everything went into damage control, talks of them being under NDA happened and permabans for anybody who sent out the links (which I guess that's shot straight to the wind now since it got leaked onto the HL Discord and now onto Sup Forums).
Eventually Tyler came back on to the stream and made this last piece, all but confirming what happened, quoting it as a mistake and now it's up to the community to see where this project goes.
Your move, Sup Forums.
The ball's in your fucking court now.
just let it die who cares
its not like valve's been making gold lately
why is a guy who calls himself a news network not breaking the news
and also
>hl3 news
my fucking ass
0:19 oh look it's me
Because he's a fanboy first and foremost.
fuck off VNN shill
the dude who called fucked up, not us
What the fucks he even saying in this video he just talks in really vague sentences that drag on
>The ball's in your fucking court now.
What the fuck is happening in this thread.
What's all of this cryptic bullshit.
he doesn't want to get blamed for his fuck up and is trying to spin it into it'll be the community's fault if the shit hits the fan and explodes.
Dumbass should've just said that it wasn't real and it was just some troll.
In a nutshell:
Autists who are trying to hide a supposed Half Life 3 leak. There is no proof in this thread right now by the way.
>"valve news network"
>doesn't actually break any news and goes to bat against fans
what a world
Leaked footage of HL3
t. Tyler
>HL3 is """happening""" every few months for fucking years
>Oh but this time it's legit, because some nobody said so!!!!!
>All of this after the epistle stating that NOBODY gives a shit about half life at valve anymore
Half Life 3 will never happen. Just accept it.
This Is all I needed from this thread. Thank you
ITT: larping faggots pretending valve still cares about anything that isn't DOTA or VR related
it was just a ruse to get laidlaw out of the game so they can do whatever the fuck they want with his baby
its gonna have hats 100%
don't care
Marc Laidlaw doesn't work there anymore, and the two other good writers left.
Also lol fake leak for fake channel hype to get more viewers. Streamers are cancer who deserve to die.
After the glorious shitshow that was HTDF , I’d be ok with this.
Also I’m suprised he didnt kill himself after playing that garbage, poor bastard was fucking done.
Why. What did we ever do? Do we really deserve all this suffering? We just wanted a game. That's all they had to do. Make a episode 3 so we could finally end this. I'm too tired of all of this.
Laidlaw leaving and leaking his story makes absolutely no sense if Hl3 was in development you cunts. There's no way this is legit.
Apparently this new build started development in October last year. After he left and after he posted the story
is this the yearly "HL3 CONFIRMED FOR REAL THIS TIME I SWEAR" thread?
just let go you faggots. all the people that made half-life the games it was are gone now.
That's even worse. It would mean that they backstabbed Laidlaw, threw him out the window and started fresh.
So Valve is going to announce a release at E3 that has only been worked on for 9 months. That doesn't sound like Valve at all.
why is nobody responding to my post
Valvetime barely updates tho
>e-celeb shit
The game will be released in October this year, from what the guy said. Not that it was a build from there. Unless it's something as short as Episode 3 which after 10 years would be absolutely stupid.
Although then again, he said "it would be hl3-related but not in the way you expect" in the donation.