Name a more disappointing sequel

Name a more disappointing sequel.

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not even in the same ballpark as dragon age 2.

i can't. it's not only an awful sequel it's also one of the worst games of all time

Fucking easy m8


m8 it got a 9.1 though

Valkyria Chronicles 2
Alundra 2
Diablo 3

Wasn't da2 on like 98 for critic score for a while?


hoooooo shit, i hope not.

Mafia 3
Fallout 4
Dragon Age: Origins
Duke Nukem Forever
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Sims 4
Red Faction: Armageddon
Postal 3
Every Paper Mario after Super Paper Mario
The Turok game from 2008
Maplestory 2
Every Call of Duty game after World at War
Every Assassin's Creed after Revelations

>Dragon Age: Origins


It's fine when you consider they only had like a year to make it. Hawke, Varric and Merrill are fun characters. The small scale story with a focus on a single city is a great idea, as are the time skips to cover a longer time. The problem is the repetitive ass dungeons and the lame encounter design with enemies that drop out of thin air, because it makes tactical positioning impossible.

As a game it's pretty disappointing and frustrating, but as a story sequel to the story of Origins, it's a worthy successor and even an improvement in some ways.

Dragon Age 2 was made in 10 months. When you put that into perspective it's really not that bad.

There’s literally no hole deep enough for Bioware.

It shouldn't have been called Dragon Age 2.

People would have been less negative if it had been presented as some sort of world-building side story and called it Dragon Age: Kirkwall

that's just one of the problems you stupid faggot. it completely butchered the lore with red lyrium and the writing was god awful lifetime for women tier garbage

Wolf TNC
Halo 5
F3AR (multiplayer was alright, though)
Mafia III
The Force Unleashed 2
Crysis sequels, beautiful, but dumbed down
Battlefield 4

Motherfucker, forgot this travesty.
Also Empire Earth 3

>New Colossus
>Mafia 3

Those games were both amazing, though.


took them 10 months to permanently ruin the lore with red lyrium? wow. there was nothing good about that shit game. 10 months or 10 years. it would have always been trash


Mass Effect Andromeda

[insert comment about phytoestrogens here]

>It shouldn't have been called Dragon Age 2.
It was meant to be another small xpac for Origins, like Awakening. EA made Bioware turn it into a sequel.
You sure sound like a reasonable human being.

New Colossus was shit
Mafia 3 had garbo gameplay

>Game with good gunplay that is overshadowed by cringey cutscenes as long as the gameplay segments
>Couldn't beat Mafia I, couldn't even be better than Mafia II

Compared to your older brother user youre pretty disappointing

err, was red lyrium that bad? and say what you will about inquisition, but 2 didn't really have excessive social justice stuff, unless you count Anders.

Guild Wars 2



Mw2 (too many killstreak rewards)

Xenosaga 2

But yes, dragon age 2 was an abomination and ushered in the new bioware Era.

Mass effect 1 was their last great game. Dragon age 1 was the the final gasp of a once great king

That's not cisquisition.


Soul Reaver 2.

Killing Floor 2

Still mad.

It was Inquisition that abused the red lyrium. In DA2 I always thought it was just a one-time thing.

IW was a good game.

What the actual fuck? Brah you are really making me uninstall that piece of shit game...




i remember buying GW2 the day it came out and stop playing after a month.

thats how i knew the MMO gene is dead.

Are video games gonna get better?

"No." You are delusional

Apart from oblivion does a myriad of things better than Morrowind

yes it was. there was a complex moral dilemma between mages and templars and the butthurt faggots got upset that their beliefs were challenged in such a way. templars were objectively the most sane choice and it triggered a lot of people. enter red lyrium. HURR DURR NOW THEY ARE EQUALLY AS BAD. YOU CAN'T MAKE THE WRONG CHOICE IF EVERY CHOICE IS THE CORRECT ONE. fuck bioware and fuck bioware fans

i am reasonable. the only delusional fuck heads are faggots like you who infested the bioware forums

no, da2 completely ruined the mage vs templar conflict

>Alundra 2
who thought this shit was okay?

>complex moral dilemma
>objectively the most sane
Anyway, they basically made both sides look terrible; every mage in Kirkwall other than you and Bethany is a fucking blood mage, and there are honestly more reasonable templars if you take into account Cullen and the other couple of guys. Their point was more that Kirkwall was a terrible place, and that Hawke is a failure. I think the game succeeded on both coounts

you say much but make little sense.

Nah man, people were expecting nothing from the sequel to a disappointing game, and a relative to the increasingly less great mass effect games, and bioware delivered according to their expectations, in stark contrast to DA2.

Dawn of War 3 really tried, didn't it?

can't be disappointing when you have 0 expectations

More than a disappointment, it was a betrayal. In the demo, the moment a character started doing flips and jumps, I quit, uninstalled and I have never played a Bioware game again

DA2 is everything wrong with the game industry. First game was an old style rpg with lots of choice and sold really well, then they shit out DA2 and "streamlined" it and it was barely recognizable.

and then they made inquisition an open world mmo

DAI and ME3 may not have been great, and ME3 may have ruined the ending of the trilogy, but they were definitely not as bad as DA2. The only thing Bioware has done to top DA2 is Andromeda.