Install pic related because Sup Forums keeps praising it

>install pic related because Sup Forums keeps praising it
>jesus fucking christ those graphics
>almost vomit
>quit the game

You expect me to play this? there's no fucking way i'm bearing through these diarrhea graphics lmao

>lul bad graphix ima go back to playing Overwatch xD lol

Quality thread, my friend.

>spot the underage
Go play Calof duddy kiddo

Ignoring OP, man that is such a fun game

Graphics suck, animations suck, the game is literally unplayable without a PLAYER made patch, the combat is inherently awful and no mods fix it, the roleplaying aspect is the only good thing and that can't save the game. Sup Forums is just a bunch of contrarian retards who only care about LE AESTHETIC xDDD dude NIGHTtime SO COMFY omg!!! prove me wrong

Maybe you should learn how to use a computer first berfore trying to play games older than yourself.

stop bumping shit threads brainlets

Hey man, if it's not your thing that's okay. You just do you, bro. I hope you have fun in the next game you play.

>nobody said anything about overwatch except you
rent free

Graphics are the least of this games problems

What is this videogame?

I wonder

>muh graphics
neck yourself you reddit nigger.

Is this overwatch?

If it looks like shit you probably aren't using the patch corectly. Had the same problem

Does the GoG version include the patch?

Then dont play it, why should anyone here care?
Its a VtMB thread now I guess.
There was some mod which allowed you to have pretty much every friendly NPC as a side kick, somebody know its name?

looks very fake and video gamey

Go back


Crawl up my ass and unlodge the turd stuck in there fagboy.

I'm playing it for the first time right now, and the graphics and art style look great. I know this is bait, but fuck off your taste is shit.

amazing. finished it first time a month ago.

Yeah it does, but its the basic version afaik.


Does the basic version include the graphic enhancements?

Still has the better facial and character animations during dialogue than any current generation trash.

>putting those textures on flat surfaces
yikes. people unironically praise this, huh?

I guess it does, I did not play anything else though so take it with a grain of salt.

please i need games with the same perfect atmosphere

what can you recommend?

There are no graphic enhancements.
Use the tools avalible to you on the PC.
reshade, nvidia inspector, sweetfx.
No those things don't exist to cause eye cancer with overbloom , saturation, depth of field and chromatic abberation.
They can greatly enhance the image quality of literally any game with the right tweaks.

What's the most fun clan to play out of the mods? TFN or Antitribu

I've beat it twice

What if I'm rocking an AMD card?

Companion mod I think

do you want specifically a vampire atmosphere or just very thick atmosphere

if you're looking for any atmosphere that's good then STALKER and Gothic 1 and 2

Your only drawback will be not being able to force HBAO+ but instead use a different method.

Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Human Revolution obviously. Despite the shit Mass Effect gets, the first part was great in terms of atmosphere and general worldbuilding.

Yeah I think it was the one, thanks.

Sup Forums has a nostalgic thing for trash crpgs, it's really weird. People on Sup Forums genuinely think crazy shit like Deus Ex or Torment are worth playing today, or that shit like M&B, Dark Messiah, Chivalry, etc, have good combat.
I never played Bloodlines, but it is one of those PC games Sup Forums loves to praise despite likely horrific flaws.

>he thinks chivalry is an RPG because it has swords

>there's no fucking way i'm bearing through these diarrhea graphics
smart user. it saved you from the soft serve shit gameplay and massively railroaded story

>mfw this is Sup Forums now

>opinion on game I haven't played
okie dokie

>>jesus fucking christ those graphics

>I like shitty games.
Be nostalgic all you want.
It just plays like shit.
I had no opinion on Bloodlines other than it's probably flawed, because it just looks like another antiquated piece of PC shit that everyone sucks off on Sup Forums

yeah god forbid Sup Forums agrees on a game's quality right

Well, the main thing that people like about the game is that it's one of those games that easy to get immersed in. The RPG aspects of it are where it really shines. The gameplay is passable, but it had a lot of bugs in its original release, and that's why it's not super popular despite Sup Forums saying it's a good game with patches that fix those bugs.

>jesus fucking christ those graphics
The facial animation was superb. Show me more boner inducing vidya girls.

You know I just realized this, but as far as malks go she was pretty damn normal

Show me another game where the developer console has a console command that increases boobsize.
I'll wait patiently.

it matters notif you win or not, only that you bought the game

A sure way to trigger Sup Forums, easy bait OP
Mind you everything triggers Sup Forums these days

The bloodrain games had cheat codes to make her books bigger.

i want to put a pencil between her titties

>>jesus fucking christ those graphics

>Game is released in 2004 complains about graphics in comparison to modern day games.
>Let's play spot the underage /v

someone post the infographic. i never finished the game and will reinstall it


is this bait? the only game with better facial animations to this day is arguably Witcher 3

Can you still bang Jeanette if you don't give her the pendant?


What this one?

good, that's what it is

is there a good spanish patch? it's not for me it's for my friend that doesnt know english

Saldy TW3 Vampires are retarded spergs with godmode.

yeah. did anything change from this or is there a mega with everything now?

No we don't expect plebs to play it

>boner why?

Tremere master race



>no seduction option
Doing it wrong.

Fuck off back to your multiplayer game of choice, and stay there


>tfw first time I installed the patch I unticked the plus content so my first run could be vanilla
>forget that I did that
>been wondering for ages why I couldn't bang Jeanette or tell heather to stay indoors

>tfw almost 30 and all those games you listed are some of my faves
>tfw kids would rather have photorealistic graphics and shit gameplay

It's people like you that helped usher in the era EA/Activision/Ubisoft spending way too much money on shit games so they can make them look nice.

I hope you choke on your next meal.