better get started

Soul Hackers was pretty cool

seems like a synthol abuser

look at that right tricep, it's deformed as fuck

>get afflicted with small pox debuff
>die because there's no cure available

I'm sure the next assassin's creed is researching into which underrepresented culture they can exploit.

hopefully never since in todays day and age it could only turn out to be
>muh proud and refined pre-colonial society
>muh advanced KANGZ tech
>ebil white intruders

la abomiacion de atrocidad...


>weakness: blankets

Sounds like a true hero.

OP you and I both know this is going to become yet another Sup Forums thread.

>have to sacrifice virgins to level up

>survival and stealth elements vs spaniards. imagine having the most human and relatable things in the game be the absolute worst nightmare to deal with

>final level takes place during a full eclipse, the gods abandoned

>here's your final boss

>race of people too stupid to survive
Good call

All the Sup Forums threads about the Mayan, Aztecs and Incan are pretty based desu

>can be nice to the natives
>can massacre them all
>can steal everything not nailed down
>can sell out your allies in the end
>get an underage native wife
>get with an amazon
It has something for everyone.

>MGS in the jungle except instead of fultoning, you carry nigs off their villages to be sacrificed on an altar
>if you don't meet the quotas the sun will go out

There is so many things wrong with that picture.

sounds dope as hell

Now we're getting somewhere.

not meso but i was going to post this.

I was just thinking about this the other day... Something really good could come of it especially as it's not as well known throughout the world like the romans/Egyptians/Vikings/etc

>>final level takes place during a full eclipse, the gods abandoned
That sounds so metal

Expeditions: Conquistador

also Amazon of all things is working on a central american MMORPG

Game that lets me kill human sacrificing subhuman savages when?

imagine being as cucked as this poster

I really want a game about Amerindians and I would love more games about Persians, Arabs and Indians too. Maybe something about Africa.
It's really amazing how they talk so much about inclusion and diversity while ignoring the history of these people.

He makes a point... Only AA developers could make something good of this type of game

Those cultures are perfect for an RPG, The aztec are the warrior race that only uses violence, the Incas are the race of commerce that live in luxury and the Mayans are the religious folks that actually know a lot about scienece and math. Even the Olmecs are like the anciente and misterius race that disapeared long ago.

good joke

What the fuck are you going on about?
You have millennia of pre-colonial history to work with.

>warcraft lore has a ton of aztec/mayan reference with trolls
>they speak with a disgusting DUDE WEED meme accent.

Why does blizzard have such a hardon for nigger dialects. If it's not an exaggerated version of the Jamaican accent, it's another episode of every female sounds like a Ugandan refugee. I'm still mad with how much they ruined Tyrande in WoW.

Hmm, sweetie...

that feel when no games set in pre-islam arabia

i want wear bbboooonneeesss while i am bbbbooooneessss

It would be fucking trash user. Especially if it was remotely realistic.

Jesus fucking christ here come the infographics posters
Nu-Sup Forums is a fucking disgrace

Just play D&D you dumb fuck.

Wait 6 month and 3 more.

easier just to throw more blacks in western historical games than actually make games based on their history

nigga what
do you even know a single fucking thing about central american history?
it's metal as fuck long, long before any Europeans arrived

This seems like the worst route to go with this.
>meso-american RPG with mythology being real, can summon the power of the gods
>temples are already shaped like a classic crawling dungeon
>make your own base on a lake


How about something like Nidhogg where your objective is being sacrifice in the altar?

I know Soul Hackers too
but when did it became Mesoamerican

I mean... Name a single AA That risked it's company for a game that pandered to sjws

This, imagine an RPG set during the height of the Babylonian empire with all sorts of crazy Zoroastrian rituals. Instead we get WE WUZ EGYPTIANS N' SHIET and 'le strong female' meme.

Why does he have cum all over his tusks?

Name a single post of yours that makes any sense and isn't typed like someone who came here straight from Facebook groups to be on the cool secret club.

>wait 6 months for World of Kikecraft where you get a mismatch of tribal nigger memes and aztec/mayan architecture.

Nah, plus WoW has been shit for years.

>tfw no peruvian games

stop replying to poltards and maybe we can have a comfy on-topic thread once

>tfw no Peruvian theme Cooking Mama spin-off

Who's dick do I have to suck to get this done?

Shadowrun has that.

>You're a commander Jaguar warrior in charge of defending Tenochtitlán against the invading spanish, you control a fairly big group of lesser Aztec warriors to fight the european invaders
>The spanish, while not as numeric, wear shiny armor, fire spitting weapons, long spears, and four legged beasts, and are way better on inflicting casualties than your warriors
>You must fight the spanish, while you, as a strong, experiencied Jaguar warrior are very fierce combatant, you're not match for guns, a few gunshots can quickly take you down, and healing is very scarce. You must outwit and outmanevour the spaniards in the maze like mesoamerican city and make out the best use of your warriors, defenses and resources
>You must control your loyal warriors, boost their morale with fierce speeches, battlecries and bloodletting from your own blade. Organize them and empower to kill as many spaniards as you possibly can before running out of manpower
>Every night you get to rest, repair defenses, resupply men and weapons, a long with other special actions, like spying on the enemy, seek the favour of the gods, rallying allies, bolster the city infracestructure, study and learn from the spanish weapons and tactics
>War will be waged during 5 days, both sides will rest during 2 days to reorganize; while not in battle and not during a siege, you can wander around Tenochtitlán, like a RPG, interacting with the inhabitants, doing quests and etc

I could continue, but I need to gather my thoughs more

Half of the things on the Popol Vuh sounds like design documents for a videogame.


>top rated food on the planet two years running
>still no peruvian food video game

Where would you set it? Aztecs seems like a fairly logical pick for this simply because you can have a lot of warring factions, city-states, and locations, as well as cool mythology, right? I don't know particularly much about their history.


>You're a commander Jaguar warrior
Fun fact the graduation ceremony for a jaguar warrior was going to the jungle and hunting a jaguar for the uniform.
That could be your tutorial.



>XCOM 2, but against the Spanish
What's your PayPal so I can give you all my money


I mean, probably, but it's a baller set of civilizations and giving up on talking about something because racists exists would be stupid as fuck.

Tyrande always had a weird accent, and all races in WoW were always a mishmash of various cultures, with Trolls taking from Western African/Carribean/Mesoamerican/South East Asia. Spoiler: it's not real history.

You either use the aztec on a tactical game fighting different kingdoms with the Montezuma or Cortes as your main enemy.

Or use Mayans and make it more fantastical with the different creatures and gods.

Why haven't you seen Apocalypto yet, Sup Forums?

>rip and tear mechanics a la DOOM where eating dead enemies hearts recovers some health and also gives you a temporary damage boost

Sengoku Rance with Aztecs? I could see it.

Damn i was watching this movie last night

Because the protagonist looks like south American jerry seinfeld.


>minorities are still minorities after becoming the majority

Is this what retardation feels like?

>alternate timeline where Aztecs develop high tech spaceships

it's just a shmup but it's cool

Age of Empires 3 was pretty much an rpg.

>Make a film set during the Mayan Collapse
>Have time traveling conquistadors show up

spanish literally allied with them lol

This was Mel Gibson's best film

they'll still be the plurality and the oppressive devils they always were.

That's actually a pretty good idea
I dont have a PayPal

>Every day survived and every Spaniard you kill will grant tiny amounts of Experiencie points, in which after a lot of hard fought battles, you get to level up different aspects of your character
>Physical and fighting skills, commanding and buffing your warriors skills, stealth and incognito skills, diplomatic and charming skills, etc.
>You can also use your night time to scavenge and go to spy and night raid the spies, but it will be risky since you and all warriors are exhausted
>There will be 'boss rounds' for every end of the week, implying there will be another challenge factor in the battle:
>European diseases struck Tenochtitlán, weaking you and your warriors
>The Europeans bringing a massive iron contraction that spits fire and huge black hard projectiles that decimates entire formation of warriors (Cannons)
>Squads of very armored four legged beasts, wielding long spears and guns, charging down your men, inflicting heavy casualties, hard to fight back
>Bad Omens demoralizing, weakining and turning your men cowardly during the siege
>Riots within Tenochtitlán, have to fight off and kill different spots of rebel activity within the city before it turns out to full blown civil riot
>Fellow mesoamericans adding their own warriors to the ranks of spaniards, now you have to fight more than double their original number of enemies


Oh Shit... I can see a NES Controller... They were visionaries

>can leak memory and destroy your save and load times, corrupting your file halfway through

This would've been my 2010 game of the decade if it didn't betray me.

good popcorn movie, shit historical representation

Far Cry Primal

Oh boy, I can't wait to wear wooden armor and hit people with stone swords.

Add to this
>randomized spaniard goals, units, powers, etc
>brief period where each side feels the other out to learn of what they can do, can be anything from a mild cultural exchange before tensions erupt to an early skirmish on the coast by scouting parties

This type of aesthetic is so unappealing. I hate the fucking tribal tattoo dumb ass clothing and weapons and literally all of it. I'm glad their civilization died.

Leather was advanced as cotton, wool, leather, and hide. Weaponry was wood, obsidian, and in some regions copper. There's enough variation.

Shit taste.

too historically brutal for today's world.

wouldnt be interesting in the slightest

Damn, what happened?

This movie sucked.

While I was on highschool a long time ago my history teacher handed me some documents about how the mayans really were for our assingments.
Fuck when the movie came out I was baffled how everything was so historically incorrect, I'll give them this they knew how the mayans built their stuff.
>For starters mayans didn't sacrificed like Aztecs, they choose the best of the best with a sport games I forgot the name of and/or they chose virgins to sacrifice to cenotes
>They had more clothing
>Time travelling Spaniards (which it's funny because the only expedition that went close by those regions got fucked over and it took until the 1800's to truly Defeat the natives)


>implying it wasn't like that

> Spanish
> White.

Yes indeed, and I was to add, and I'm going to stray away from history

>In game, there will be four different European rivals
>The Spanish, the main antagonists, hard to have diplomatic relationships with them, their main goal to take over the city. Can however turn their interests if you're luck and skillfull enough.
>The Portuguese, more relying on guns and fire than physical close combat, easy to take them down, but hard to get close to them. Easily demoralized if manage to break their formation and deorganize them. However they have huge interests on trading goods, you can pacify them by providing fair trading opportunities, and even having them as allies against the Spanish if you're a good enough diplomat
>The French, more relying on cavalry than the other Europeans, and harder to beat provide of their increased Elan in combat. The French may be one of the fiercest europeans to fight, though they lack on numbers, even lesser than the Spaniards. The French will rely on diplomacy mostly, not being outright hostile, but if you forget to keep your diplomatic relationships skills, the other european rivals might convinced the French to aid them against you
>The English, organization and discipline is their strenght, slow and methodical, hard to break their formation, hard to fight them due their rigious training, hard to spy on, otherwise they are as strong as your average European. Can be pacified if you allow colonizers, traders and priests within your city, adopting a 'Tolerant' stance towards them.
>All different europeans start by default hostile between eachother, although their loyalties can change as the game progresses.
>Every different europeans have different tactics, units, commanders, and set of bonuses to always keep in mind

I came to this thread only to learn from aztecanon