Will we see new content/sequels in the near future?

Will we see new content/sequels in the near future?

Also discuss this game.

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I'm at 93 hours, I'm at my wits ends.
The game is good but definitely overstay its welcome, I just want it to end already, make it stop.

They really should. It was easily GotY last year and had some of the best gameplay ever in a crpg.

Play a real CRPG like Pillars of Eternity or Tyranny instead.

Oh Eder-kun, I can't even recognize you anymore

I really wish those games were good man
Why obsidian cant into combat? Why are they so retarded in that aspect?


I wish I was a girl around 5'2" or so so the Red Prince could breed me.

Is there any other game like this that also has multiplayer? Me and my game groups haven't had this fun in a long, long time.

Console port when?

Yes, Divinity Original Sin 1.

gay same 2bh famalam

they ruined the combat. im not sure what it was exactly but it was just boring compared to the original. i got mostly through chapter 2 before i gave up on it.

I especially like the idea of the size / height difference, that's always a good thing.

I find myself rather annoyed at the overly zany writing of this game.

you can find RPGs that are prettier, more accessible, or less busy, but very few are as dedicated to the true spirit of role-playing as divinity is

b-but that one only supports 2 players

Is it as good as 2 though?

t. casual who can't handle armor.

Overall I liked it but there's a lot of problems in the game, and it's very perfectible yet.
I feel like this game is kinda a mess when you look at it, mechanically speaking it works, but everything is wobbly and counter-intuitive.

Wrong, you can get a 4 player mod.



and yes, it's great.

the fact that he has 2 dicks is also a point in is favour

I hope so, I want to see what happens with Malady. Also

Reaper's Coast > Arx > Fort Joy >>> Nameless Isle but I still like the Isle since it's short

My favourite game of 2017, and the one I most want an expansion for. If I remember right Larian also had at least one other game they were developing as well, I wonder if we'll hear anything about that anytime soon.

I had to rush through Nameless isle cause I found it dull as fuck, literally almost killed the game for me
Arx was great though, I couldn't have dealt with another shitty chapter

Armor system is retarded. Once you blow through armor with ease, then every enemy can just be stunned infinitely, fight's over once you break armor. What a boring, awful system.


Thank you very much user.

I don't care what a casual idiot like you thinks. Most games like this don't have armor at all and everything can be cheesed.

that's also great too, but i'd only ever worship them both with great fervor if i was a cute, supple girl worthy of that honor

This system was made for the casual player though. That's why it sucks.

t. idiot with no arguments.

>Once you blow through armor with ease
Which isn't all that easy in fights when you're outnumbered which is most of them. Also, you run the risk of having your armor blown through first.

>every enemy can just be stunned infinitely
Skill cooldowns prevent that.

>fight's over once you break armor.
Did you really play the game?

You haven't said anything contrary to what I have already stated, except name calling.

>Which isn't all that easy in fights when you're outnumbered which is most of them. Also, you run the risk of having your armor blown through first.
You might have some trouble in Fort Joy with numbers but after that you have so many consumable items, skills, and arrows, that controlling a fight is never a challenge. If that's not enough, you can summon on top of that.

>Skill cooldowns prevent that
Let me guess, you never increased your memory slots for skills?

>Did you really play the game?
Yes unfortunately, can't refund this meme game. Got it since the first one was so enjoyable, but this one you can really tell they went for the reddit crowd.

>You haven't said anything contrary to what I have already stated, except name calling.
Because you've stated nothing but stupidity. You haven't made any actual arguments.

>Yes unfortunately, can't refund this meme game. Got it since the first one was so enjoyable, but this one you can really tell they went for the reddit crowd.
>likes the first game
>adding armor, making the game more difficult, "was made for the casual player"

>armor system made the game more difficult

>you have so many consumable items, skills, and arrows, that controlling a fight is never a challenge.
Except when you don't have the opportunity to use them, since you have limited action points per turn, and skills require positioning. You can also have 100 resurrection scrolls in your inventory, but they mean nothing if you don't get the opportunity to use them during a fight.

>Let me guess, you never increased your memory slots for skills?
See above. You can have several stun skills on you, but positioning is required to use any of them. Without the opportunity it doesn't matter. Cooldowns don't let you spam one effective skill.

>Got it since the first one was so enjoyable,
Somehow I doubt you really think this considering this game is so much better than the previous and almost everyone who played both agrees on this.

Not that user but the armor system is particularly interesting in group battles, you are usually outnumbered and not all your characters will necessarily have stun moves. In the party i am running with, only two have.

Honestly, combat system is one of the best thing in the game and its usually pretty challenging and specially diverse with the quantity of options for a build.

It sounds like you really, really want to cheese this game. That might be the issue. Either way, increasing memory slots does not means you get much more stun skills either there is a finite amount and is not that big unless your characters all role with the same ones and you will be sacrificing other stats and getting wrecked.

I want more origin options, like a prostitute choice!

I've played through the game on whatever the non-hardcore difficulty is with a friend, and joined other friends and messed around in various modes, and im only at 60 hours.

I cannot play with my friends with this game, they always pick the dumb options.

Nice bait

It was really enjoyable.
Especially the combat system. Aero + Hyrdo was godlike

I'm at the last chapter.
Gameplay is great, but the game is severely lacking a lot of quality of life stuff, and the quest systems is regularly fucked, you can easily get locked out of a quest or glitch it.

Overall I think I preferred the first one.
The last combats in the final chapter are a complete and utter chore, CC over CC over CC over whole fucking ground being curser over CC over everybody teleporting everywhere so much positioning doesn't mean anything anymore.

Thats part of the fun. Seeing them screw up

fuck you. go to /vg/

Take this shit to the faggot mods, not to innocent people

Which one is which game? I am guessing left one is Divinity?

Left is Swen Vincke, the founder of Larian and Divinity director. He's like one big ball of fun and enthusiasm.


Right is Josh Sawyer, a guy who's always been a favorite of the hipsters of Sup Forums. Doesn't actually understand how to make fun gameplay, and prioritizes balance above all else. Is also a massive SJW.

sounds like a very unbiased post thank you anonymous poster

It's also factual, and further proven by the lack of counterarguments.


Oh right divinity isnt a real CRPG because its fun