Are you ready for the SWITCH version?
Are you ready for the SWITCH version?
Looks like a shitty flash game tbqh. The game assets lend themselves to the low resolution of the DS. Increasing the resolution just makes it look cheap. I'll play the definitive version, thank you
Unironically yes. I liked the game when I was a kid but lost the cartridge. I actually found it again 2 years ago, but it didn't work. If my only choices are this or the smart phone version, I'm naturally gonna play it on the Switch. I wonder how they'll do the who top/bottom screen combat though? Plus some stuff like the piggybank noise relied on you closing the DS and stuff.
Another port for the switch. Yay.
What the FUCK is your excuse
Wasn't this game dual screen where combat happened simultaneously on both screens? How will that work on one screen? I pirated TWEWY and dropped it in 5 minutes because of emo fag MC
>100% games without trophies
you were filtered and didnt deserve the experience
I want a new TWEWY where your threads actually change how your character looks.
That way I'll finally be able to dress Shiki in a Santa dress and Joshua as a maid.
I didn't want it. You are confused.
You're stupid as fuck
That's a weird looking dick
>didnt want it
>played it anyways
He's actually spot on
Shit, that's a bone isn't it.
It's obvious that his arm got cut off or something because of the scar at the top, but what the fuck is that thumb-like appendage?
What fucking appendage is that? I thought it was a dick at first, I genuinely thought it was a dick. What is that weird growth coming out from under the head of the not-dick? is THAT a dick?!
>caring about something no one even looks at
things like this make me wish i didnt sell my switch for crack
What does crack feel like?
If I hadn’t recently played on DS I’d be all over this, but will wait a while before double dipping. If I hear the new content is something special I might cave early.
you know that feeling when you fap its like that but for longer
How does this work on a single, horizontal screen?
>original DS sprites with some shitty upscaling filter
watch it be exactly like the phone version
I just wanna know how the joycon controls will work
Oh christ, you weren't dropped on your head as a kid, you were thrown
fapping is free though
>Switch version announced literally an hour after I finished 100%ing the original game.
This isn't a good tactic for shilling your port.
Nah, you were filtered because you are retarded.
I love games with pleb filters, it's the only way to ensure quality discussion on places like Sup Forums.
It looks like blurry garbage.
I played the DS version ages ago. If I have an urge to replay it, the DS version hasn't fucking gone anywhere.
my DS got stolen before I could finish it.
switch version has more content
I mean, I did all of that, but I never got all of the pins, including evolved ones, since I lost my savedata in an unfortunate mishap.
Yes. Only because you because faggots hype it up. Ill probably play it for 6 hours and drop it just like Nier Automata.
It's not shilling, those people are genuinely very stupid
got it and played it on ds but will buy so they knew that it is still wanted.
Does it have twice the content of the DS version? Because it costs twice as much despite being 11 years old.
No it doesn't. The price hasn't been confirmed. It's shocking how many people on gaming forums don't understand something as simple as placeholder prices
The only thing you're telling publishers you want is more fucking rehashes.
>costs twice as much
You got a source for that? Or is your source just the amazon listing which is just a stock price anyways. Or did you not know that?
The game will probably cost 40$
we don't know how much it costs or how much new content it has, dumdum
No it doesn't. The gameplay looks crisp as fuck
>cynical retardation
The port will have a whole new scenario, so they clearly think this IP has potential for a future
don't tell me how to spend my money, fuck off.
>60 USD
citation needed
My excuse is that ti's a shit game so I dropped it after about an hour.
I'm so glad I lent the DS version to a friend, cause I would've been replaying it before the announcement
looks almost as insult as the Chrono Trigger port
Your post looks almost as compose as your thought
I like starting the game from the top too much and only one save file.
But for real though...what exactly am I looking at here
>Not interested in new Kirb anymore
>Yoshi looks boring
>lol mario sports
>still know nothing about FE16
Fuck this game better come out soon or my switch’ll be covered in dust.
I'm in a similar spot to you, but luckily I never played Dong Freeze. And if Mario Tennis is as good as the gamecube version, I'll be amped. I still have hope for Kirby, though not much.
I wonder when they'll release this game. Nintnendo is publishing it, so they should be able to guarantee it a timeframe where it will shine. But honestly, anytime in the past two months would have worked
Yeah. Tbh I’ve never played a Mario Sports game before since I don’t think my friends would want to play them and I’ve never been a fan of the genre in the first place. I already played Dong Freeze because I was a dumb kid who bought a Wii U so I’ve got nothing to play on my Switch. I haven’t beaten Yakuza 0 yet so I might go play that.
This. f the switch. Should've been remade for ps4
The gamecube sports games were fantastic, but they went to shit afterwards. Great fun with friends when i was a kid. Hopeully this will be a return to form, and if it gets positive reviews, you should give it some consideration, especially since it'll have singleplayer. I was dumb enough to have a Wii U too, but I wasn't playing a ton of games, so I missed the Kongs. All of that said, if I wasn't incredibly excited for twewy, this Switch drought would be pissing me off.
can't wait. the best DS game.
Dude doesn't have his hand, and that's a proto thumb
Why the fuck does it look like its made out of plastic? It looks like the fucking arm joint of a Barbie doll or something
reminder that Sho was never erased and WILL appear in a sequel
Based math weirdo. I hope he has a significant role, cause he was super enetertaining, and it would be really cool to see how they would flesh out his character
>Dropped it after an hour
It’s okay to admit that you have shit taste, user
Will it allow us to play it in TRUE mode?
Still hyped.
God I hate this place.
Words cannot describe how genuinely happy I am to see this game get a second chance. This game actually helped me out at a dark period of my life and for that, I’m eternally grateful for it.
Tell me Sup Forums
Were you an edgy teenager while playing it for the first time?
I wasn't exactly edgy, but I was a teen and it definitely had a positive influence on me
Name a better shopkeeper
Protip: you can’t
>Another sequel hook
See you in 2028!
god I wish this were me
What the fuck was his problem?
which one should i get Sup Forums?
My excuse is that I have working human arms.
3D its a bad meme
>sixty dollars
>for a game i can LITERALLY buy on amazon right now brand new for $20-25 with Prime
It doesn't even look different. At least Radiant Historia has a new art style.
>”Shibuya sucks, lul.”
They're all great choices.
Great budget option if you just want something cheap to play your games. Price is killer, being almost half the price as the others.
But you can't play a HANDFUL of games exclusive to New 3DS.
>New 3DS / New 3DS XL
3DS looks sharper because a smaller screen -- the XL will look *worse* because each pixel is physically bigger. But, hey, a bigger screen might be just what you want anyway.
That said, there's also a comfort factor here.
3DS is a bit lighter, which IMO makes it takes the cake for comfort during long play sessions -- the heavier weight adds up over time and can make hands cramp.
That said, some people's hands just can't deal with smaller consoles, and the small one will make their hands cramp, making the XL actually more comfortable.
>New 2DS XL
If you like the bigger size, but maybe want a lighter, console, or don't care about the 3D so want a cheaper console.
Yep, most of my switch owning friends never played it apparently.
It seems he had some outside help in his resurrection
>spends time on a videogame forum
>doesn't know what a placeholder price is
Kys yourself, kid
PS: I love the 3D. Actually makes it look like a higher resolution than it really is (as you get *two* renderings, and your eyes blend the two). It's also way more immersive. Some games really take advantage of it or look better with it, for example, 3D Land, or even Monster Hunter.
Yeah, but the game actually helped me get over my autism with dealing with other people
I always loved the NPCs in this game
thanks user!!
What the fuck was her problem, Sup Forums?
It did great on following up with what was basically a side, non-essential gameplay feature that was in line with the themes of the game of empathy and connecting with people.
It was also basically a better version of Persona 5 (that's my inflammatory comment of the day)
Post your favorite pin combinations and explain why
Never played that game before.
What's good about it. Gameplay looks like some boring Beat'em up. Aesthetics are not to my liking. As far as I can tell it is focused around gimmick of two displays.
Is that the only appeal?
Am I misding something?
Do you remember?
>Genuinely compelling story that had the MC evolve from complete jackass into genuinely likable person
>Tons of gameplay customization that allow you to mix and match any set of attacks and combat styles in anyway you want.
>Game allows you to retry any battle you lost on your current difficulty or easy mode
>Leveling down system that encourages risk vs reward by making it so that the more you lower your level, the more drops will appear
>Game even rewards you for taking a few days off by giving you experience points for your attack pins
>Nomura’s character designs actually fucking work for this game.
>Aesthetics off the fucking wall
>Awesome ass soundtrack in the vein of Jet Set Radio that varies and fits the game’s world
>It’s fun
It just works, user.
>TWEWY is 10 years old
I want to go back.
I will never forget the pain