For years, straight white males were ridiculed and beat up for being comic geeks

>for years, straight white males were ridiculed and beat up for being comic geeks
>they decided to build comic con to bring other fans together
>let literal faggots and whores steal our hobby and cast us out of it
>this inclusiveness ultimately led to us being excluded and blamed for everything


is that way faggot

Who gives a fuck. Don't act like they're banned from all parties, they were excluded from the LGBTIA324FRW3 thing

Con girls are made for black weeb cock

Yeah but now i can watch cosplaying girls pee.

I was never ridiculed or beat up for liking nerd shit. It was you not the stuff you liked.

I think we're going backwards in progress.

>Party exclusively for lgbtsrfggthbraaap+
Honestly id rather hit up the rave. Or a bar. Or a better con.

when will mentally ill leftists leave video games?

>Go to Anime Boston that one time years ago
>Talk with some cosplay sluts
>Take some photos
>Browse some vendors
>Go home

Feels like I missed out on all the crazies desu

The answer is to just stop being straight.


Wait, you forgot the +$&&

>posts about "segregation"
>image is literally "everyone is welcome here"
I don't think you thought this through, OP.

I'm sure if you go back to Sup Forums you'll find plenty of people to circlejerk with over your imaginary white genocide

They were banned from all industry mixers because they only had LQBTQPOCAGHNTEAAHHDVUKMDETGHUFUCKDRUMPFLPJGDSABRAAAAAP mixers available. No plain standard mixers.

>No straight white male
Woman do you even read?

user understands the real victors

Kys tumblrcuck

Yeah, it's almost as if there are a remarkably tiny number of people on either side of the argument and they amplify each other so that the can play up their own victimhood.

But hey, the notion that most people couldn't give a fuck about who you are or what you do unless you're hurting them is crazy!

Don't care it's a shitty con anyway.

Wow, I'm surprised Megan Fox got into Journalism after being let go from Transormers.

Whatever I can just show up as a white dude and say I love cock. If anyone doubts my gayness I'll just say I use Sup Forums and see an average of half a dozen new dicks every day. Checkmate atheists

>if minorities want to be represented, why don't they just create their own schools/games/holidays/parties/movies/etc ?!!?!??
>minorities proceed to do that

Make up your mind


>going to cons anymore

>If anyone doubts my gayness
No one does, user. No one.

>make their own
but they didnt do that
they just took someone elses and changed it
then kicked out all the people that made the original thing that they appropriated

Maybe they're different people?
And maybe these aren't the same scenario?

>actually going to a comic con

Just like cumskins took over the North American continent ;^)

we have to pretend to be straight, just pretend to be gay.

The best way to redpill anyone is to let them experience this

Got a friend that's STILL mad about Occupy Wallstreet Course I found out later it's because he's a filthy fucking communist

So make a standard mixer?

>all gender restrooms
so a regular fucking toilet
these have existed for thousands of years

>blatant made up bait picture
>no source
>Sup Forums will autistically screech in this thread for 999 replies 150 images omitted regardless

I fucking hate all of you

Well you never know. Normally its OP whose the faggot but I just cant help staring at cocks. But not in a gay way.

And ban anyone who isn't a straight white male except women? You and everyone else would find this completely fine?

>walk in as cis male
>just lie and say im gay
the fuck can they even do about that

Tell that to the Americans who hate the idea of this.

As usual, SJW-ism has an effect of demonetization and loss of trust from the normal majority consumers, leading to loss.
- Hasbro for example managed to bankrupt the GI Joe brand by employing SJW writers into their comic, ruining the brand value.
- Marvel keeps losing money over the new female "muh womyn power" Captain Marvel, who keeps being rehashed and forced in apparent desperation yet keeps failing and not making returns.
- Disney's Star Wars has now lost trust among prop sellers, a first in the brand's history. Shelves are filled with unsold TLJ "womyn powa" toys which are going to be written off as a major financial loss for both the sellers and Disney. Now sellers have no alternative but to scrutinize all future Disney's Bolshevik marketing projections and force increased costs on Disney as a risk tax. Disney even lost a potential market of 1.3 billion people in China which cites "Baizuo" and "Low IQ (SJW) writing" as critiques.
- Video Game developers appealing to a vocal minority of SJW's who don't even pay for games but rather gather around a single "representative" professional critic/influencer via bubbled social contacts to engage in mob criticism/coercion, who are merely there to support that one career critic against products they don't even care about; resulting in a loss of the core majority of consumers and a net loss in revenue due to appeal to vocal minority over majority.
It's like the religious preachers who exist to preach against products they don't use with fellow church member mobs, yet who are mistaken in ignorance by the object of criticism as consumers.
- FreeBSD suddenly forcibly coercing/demanding from users to become political "ambassadors" by a Code of Conduct copy pasted from some feminist wiki, completely unrelated to the object of the community or their initial interests in becoming part of it. Result? Skilled staff loss.
- SJW publications such as Salon forced into adwall.
Examples keep on appearing exponentially with each day.
