Get me DMC but worse in every way gameplay-wise and with a shit soundtrack

>Get me DMC but worse in every way gameplay-wise and with a shit soundtrack
>Say no more, I have just the thing

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Spring break must have arrived early. Shitposting is rampant lately.


Bayo thread?
Only thing I really dislike about it is to backtrack every time something happens to see if there's a hidden verse.

And the fucking claw angels in the first game that appear all the time in Hard.

>shit soundtrack

At least try to make shitposts that at least one person will get behind

They're really fun enemies

Weakest b8 I’ve seen in awhile tbqh

Not after fighting them in half of the verses on Hard.

git gud

After fighting them for half of the game you can bet I got gud against them

then why complain

>DMC is getting HD releases
>Bayo got some and is getting a sequel
>still shitposting
I feel like this is forced drama. Why can't we be friends? This is Ubisoft level of forcing e-conflicts to generate discussion.

Is Bayo 2 easier than 1? I'm not getting as many stone awards in my playthrough of 2

I don't know how anybody could like only DMC or only Bayo, they're both among my all time favorites

I'm getting a strange smell from OP's pic... *S-sniffffff*

>mfw Bayonetta 3's prologue is her wedding with Jeanne

same character action games are niche everyone needs to support them.

Because they used them way too much

I started right on 3rd Climax and so far the difficulty just seems like previous game's Normal despite it's supposed to be the Hard equivalent.

delete this
Bayo is straight

In terms of awards, it's way easier since it doesn't penalize you for item usage and the challenge missions are really easy.
As for the normal combat, it varies. The combat is much more focused on witch time, with hardest difficulty enemies mostly no selling any attack made outside of it.
The enemies are generally more aggressive than bayo 1, but witch time is easier to trigger, so it ends up being easier if your good at dodging and countering.

>Bayo settling down with anyone

I have never ever seen Bayonetta's gameplay or anything for that matter, how different is it from DMC? Is the game mission based? Is there Bloody Palace?

>Bayo is pure

I think it's worth mentioning that you have a new use for your magic gauge that is way better than just torture attacks.

What a shitty bait.
Are you mad that Dante died with his white hair and you will never play another sequel?
It seems so

It's got a lot of similarities and holdovers from DMC, it's chapter by chapter and basically the exact same as DMC's missions, and yes there's a BP in 1 called Angel Slayer you unlock from doing all the Secret Mission equivalents, 2 has Witch Trials that are like Angel Slayer but broken into roughly 5 different 10 or so fights per

You use tetsuzankos, heel stomps, umbran spear, and the bracelet of time a lot more in 1 than 2, and the Torture Attacks serve several purposes that they're basically useless for in 2

Structure is very similar to DMC, but with dial-a-combo combat.

I've seen people use this term for some fighting games but I'm still not sure what it means.

So is it common once you play as Rosa to never touch Bayo and Jeanne again? Their damage is so pitiful

>she spends half of the first game talking about how much she loves fucking dicks and having sex in general
>She’s actually a lesbian and hates dicks

What Sup Forums wants me to believe

Beware here comes the redpill
She's bisexual

Fuck this meme and disney. Somebody kill Nomura already.

>One is exclusive to Switch.
>Other is exclusive to everything else.

Do the math.

If you like it, you're [company] fanboy

If you don't, you're [company] fanboy

>exclusive to everything else.

Think about your words user


Hes right about the soundtrack being shit. Gayest soundtrack I've ever listened to in a videogame. Would not replay

You have to press buttons (like light attack button, hard attack button) in exact sequence to execute the move.
I mean theoretically in DMC you also have Rebellion combo 1 and 2, but it's limited to one button and like 3 or 4 inputs. It's more focused on instant moves by moving analog instead.
While Bayo is focused on inputing some longer inputs in combination of two attack buttons, it honestly feels bloated and unintuitive.

>give me another butthurt DMC fanboy
>say no more

That's stupid because you have every single move you need at your immediate access, but you can get stronger versions of those if you do longer combos first

>it honestly feels bloated and unintuitive

The point is to get to the end of the combos without dropping them, which is why dodge offset exists. Bayonetta also has loads of instant moves and shortcuts.

Fanboys geniunely think like that. Doesn't matter if Y also gets the game as long as X doesn't.

>It's 2058

>Bayonetta 8 announced as Nintendo Switch 4 exclusive

>DMC5 still not announced

>after 3 games
>DMC is a perfect series

>after 8 games
>Platinum still shits them out because they're all mediocre

Pretty accurate. Platinum are second rate hacks and MGR is their only good game.

I was under the impression that MGR's gameplay is nothing to write home about? The game as a whole is great though that much I agree

The parry system is fantastic. The game left a better impression on me than both Bayo games.

The only Platinum games of poor quality were the licensed Activision ones, and Star Fox. Every other game they've made is Good to Perfect

Fuck those claw fucks

MGR is among their worst actually.

Feels much easier I got my ass handed to me in 1 on normal. Dying 2-3 times most chapters past the third a couple 5 times where as I've only died twice on one chapter in 2 halfway through it. One time was because I thought it had the one hit safe from the first one where you can go to zero health and survive.

oh god, are DMC fags are actually pretending their glad the series died now? Just to shit talk bayo? how petty can you get?

>He dosen't like moon fucking river

>bayo 1 bracelet of time
>bleeds magic like crazy but you can use it so long as you have magic
>can't use items to replenish your magic without ruining your rank

>bayo 2 bracelet of time
>can pure platinum any boss in the game with less than 6 (six) orbs of magic with shuraba/chainchomp
>can get as much magic as you want anyway because items don't do anything to your rank


Someone's worried they won't be seeing DMC5 at E3.

>items don't do anything to your rank
Is that true?

in 2 yeah, invincibility lollipops make your combo go up super slowly though

Wow, never knew that since I never needed to use items in 2.
Did 2's hard mode remix enemy placements like 1's?

Yeah, i haven't played easy/1st climax but the enemy placements between normal, hard, and IC have been slightly different

That's good to hear. I was wondering since 1 only gave you hard once you finished normal it could then throw endgame enemies at you from the beginning, but 2's hard is available from the start so they'd have to hold back until the enemies are introduced in the story you know?

2 is definitely weaker than 1 in most areas. The flying fights, enemies stagger to easily and can have their attacks interrupted by normals instead of justcwicked weaves, being able to use Umbran Climax which is infinitely better than torture attacks, etc. Still a solid action game.


He’s obviously baiting. MGR is one of Platinum’s most shallow games.

it's ridiculous how much easier 2 is than 1. I haven't died once in 2 and only healed one time.

Bayo 2 hard mode is only slightly changed from normal mode. I think there are a few tougher fights, but it's not like they're throwing Sloths and G&Gs at you like in Bayo 1 hard.

Being this fucking insecure

All they really did was remove very easy and shift the difficulties down one, so VE became E, E became N, N became H.

>People act like Im supposed to hate Bayonetta if Im a DMC fan or vice versa.
>I like both series equally and dont understand why people want nitpick between the series in a genre that's already spread thin.

I guess people are going to fight for the top even if the hill is really really small. The only game so far in this very tiny subgenre I've felt wasted my time was DMC2

I think the character design is shit

>legs are 90 miles long

the proportions are awful.


no she looks like a fucking spider

it's bad design

no it's not

compare her to trish or lady from dmc

it's shit


>tall things scare me
We got it the first time, Napoleon.

But Bayo 1 is kinda shittier than DMC3. Like, a fair bit. It's like if Kamiya just remade the original DMC for the next generation keeping the filler that came with it almost being RE and doubled down. All those longwinded puzzles. The quicktime events. The riding level. Escorting Cereza, the fucking turret section... It's awful and such a pace breaker. Even most of the bosses (mostly the angels) are repetitive slogs nowhere near as fun as any in DMC 1 or 3. Like, the core combat is great and the flavour and character design are sleek but, you can't just overlook those flaws. They bog down the game a lot for me.

If 2 is supposed to be even worse, like, I don't knoe if I should even play it. I mean, I'm gonns, but still.

no, it's because her design is 90% legs.

also she's flat.

yes and no. It is just that they renamed the difficulty more so than anything else.
Think of it this way.
Easy=very easy
So yeah they just renamed shit to make casual ass nerds feel better about being shit but then again with experience shit can get easier overall as well.

But the combat feels much smoother and you have more options too. The weapon selection is more varied as well.

>also she's flat.
factually incorrect

It's common that once you beat bayo 2 and touch bayo 1, you never return to 2 again.

So since both bayo games have dealt with time travel past changing shenanigans. Think they will do that again for a third fucking time or actually go in a slightly different direction with shit and not include time travel at all this time around?

But I already said the combat is great. Which should be a given taking into account it was made next gen. It's just everything else. Except the flavour.

Like Sonic Chaotix. The level design is utter shit despite the movement being so intrincate and innovative. It doesn't save the game alone. Bayo's case is not as extreme, yes. But similar.

The level design in the DMC games is utter shit as well.

1's is good

So this is the power of Sup Forums. I almost thought this was a serious conversation. Almost fooled me.

>worse in every way gameplay-wise
You are a fucking idiot
>shit soundtrack
I cannot agree or disagree, it definitely does not resonate with me.

Bayo is assblasted by demons and it's canon

>a soundtrack being gay is bad now

>game overs are canon

i don't even understand why half the fucking internet has the opposite experience
I honestly started to get a bit of Buyer's remorse for Bayo 2 on Wii U after playing a bit of Bayo 1 on PS3 which I bought for £5

>i've only watched a lets play of mgr

What's with these cucks.

>ps3 bayo 1
fucking disgusting

Bayonetta 1 always struck me as a game that tries way too hard to out-do DMC.

It starts being excessive in a way that stops being fun and starts feeling forced and annoying. Kamiya really just needs to drive home how much BIGGER AND BETTER Bayonetta is. I liked Bayonetta 2 better for that reason, it felt less like it was trying to prove something and more focused on just being its own thing.

so you let like this imaginary impression thing you have going on dictate which is the better game instead of which has more substance that's really cool user do you win a lot of internet fanwars

It's a great design, her model is built around the gameplay. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>imaginary impression

What's a real impression?