Why is Japanese character design superior to the Western one in every aspect through all genres of art like pic related?

Why is Japanese character design superior to the Western one in every aspect through all genres of art like pic related?

Was thinking about getting automata on ps4, what would be a good price ?

>99% no children
>100% cuck
>no future
>total collapse
>fag anime

>growing population
>only world power
>dominating everyone
>no fag anime

Overwatch BLOWS THE FUCK OUT of everything japan has made ever. It's the truth, even nips agree.

dont get it on PC unless you dont have a decent PC then good luck I think Neir is still pricey and will be for a long time since thats the rip off nature of console companies.

You mean that pale imitation of whatever Japanese college students can easily draw in their CGI class?

fact is, nothing japan has made comes even close to overwatch in terms of style, creativity and notoriety. but keeping posting bullshit arguments with no evidence to back it up weebcucks.

Play OG Nier first. There is genuinely a lot of stuff in Automata that wont make sense if you dont know the context.

>a growing population
of spics and mongrels

Like what?

I had my gfexplain Drakengard and Nier to me, what exactly would I not know?

63% of US is white. Next would be the largest minority black Americans, you're wrong



>hispanics and asians grow faster than blacks

What's happening there?

The Gestalt project, who Devola and Popila are and several other things.

blacks kill enough of each other that their population has remained the same percentage for like a century


...There are more Hispanic's than blacks in the US

weebs are psychologically inferior. imagine being so much of a cuck that you actively worship a foreign race that doesn't give two damp shits about you.

>Putting FFXV next to games that aren't complete pieces of shit
You've got me mad now.

I think it's due to several factors. I don't believe that all western developers are inherently inferior to Japanese ones, but I also feel that western devs are comparatively more stifled. That's not to say that Japanese devs aren't, but I feel that western devs are just not as free to really pursue, moreso than in Japan. I feel like the roadblocks to creativity in the west, especially in America, are just plain higher in general.

For instance, EA is probably the biggest video game company in America. Let that sink in for a second.

but they dont have victim cards and cry mistreatment/reparations every chance they get

No, they just took all our jerbs.