Umihara kawase

just stumbled across this game and spent the last few hours playing it. I'm a shitter but finally beat the first boss. Why is this game so comfy, Sup Forums? Is it the visuals? Is it the music? Is it the gameplay? Why isn't this game a bigger thing than it currently is? You'd think with movement/swinging games like Getting Over It being a big hit for some reason shit like umihara would get more love too.

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it's not a bigger thing because culturally it is VERY different presentation wise than most everything outside of japan

How so? I haven't played too many Japanese games of the same era. Was it just not a big hit over there when released initially?

The game is amazing, minus its unimaginably shitty bosses. I've played the PS1 sequel, but the level design is nowhere near as good, even though the game is bigger (also I dislike the graphics of the PS1 game, the SNES version is much better with its simple look and much more comfy).

>Why is this game so comfy, Sup Forums? Is it the visuals? Is it the music? Is it the gameplay?
In my opinion, it's a combination of the 80s style music with the abstract but grounded setting. What I mean by that is, the setting is very unique, but you can still tell its stuff like a Japanese street, bathhouse, school yard, etc. It gives me the vibe of something like the old Sailor Moon anime.

The game also is fine being exactly what it is. Cute and fun.

>Why isn't this game a bigger thing than it currently is?
The first couple games didn't even get released outside Japan. When the west finally did get the game, it was a download only port with no marketing.

>minus its unimaginably shitty bosses

Yeah, the first boss threw me for a complete loop. Had no idea what I was supposed to do for the first few deaths, didn't know that the tadpole would leave the platform eventually. I haven't played Shun or Sayonara yet but picked up the whole trilogy, planning on trying them all out once I finish up the first.

>It gives me the vibe of something like the old Sailor Moon anime.

Definitely is reminiscent of similar aesthetics to older anime. Also, forgot to mention in the OP- I keep getting surprised by how tight the controls feel in a game of this age. Has anyone played the famicom version that can weigh in if it was the same in the original as it is in the port? Or are the port's controls just tightened up?

It's a hidden gem of a series. The game was published by a TV company of all things, one of those games you find at the back of a store in limited supply compered to everything else.

It's a game you just pick up and play. Arcade-style/speedrun-autistic games are the best.

The first game was on Super Famicom. And the major thing the game was known for back then was how precise the controls were. Later sequels did improve the controls. But for a SNES game, they were pretty amazing. Sometimes too precise, as you would miss a ramp by just one pixel.

I really enjoy the game but I've been stuck on the first fish boss on the 3DS version since the game came out. I try it out every few months and add about 20 more deaths to my counter.

This though I prefer Shun's physics and Kawase's sprite more then the original. Sayonara was the weakest game in the series, but it was still alright. Hope the new upcoming Umihara Kawase game gets ported over to PC.

she's a good girl

It looks like she's saying "Oppai!" every time she jumps.

I got Sayonara Umihara Kawase+ and I'm looking forward to the ++ version coming out later this year on the Vita. It's an incredibly relaxing game despite it also being infuriating

>Why isn't this game a bigger thing than it currently is?
Its an old, very niche series that never had much exposure outside of Japan. Most people probably don't even know that they all dropped on Steam a few years ago.

I imported the DS game awhile ago. It's definitely one of the funnest platformers I've played. Reminder that there is a game announced for the switch.

Is it a port of the 3DS/PSP game? Because the creator claimed he won't make any more. But then he also said that before the last game...

It's a shining example of gameplay first and everything else a distant second, including presentation. The games are fun as hell but between their lower end visuals and outlandishly surreal/Japanese artstyle it does a poor job of selling itself despite Umihara being 90s anime girl cute as all fuck. Still, I personally wouldn't change a thing about them, I think they're charming and I wish this series got localized sooner. Would've loved this shit in my childhood.

games that let you fiddle with momentum are always satisfying. it's partly why tribes ascend was so great

Big boobs for a small girl

Short Stacks are love. Short Stacks are life.
