Bump computer

>bump computer
>it beeps

Other urls found in this thread:


>computer makes light buzzing sound
>knock on the side and it stops

>static electricity when I touch my mouse
>screeching sound from speakers and computer turns off
Scariest day of my life.

>pc starts rattling loud as shit
The side panel was just loose

>throw controller against wall
>it stops working

>hit desk with my fist cause I'm mad at videogames
>computer freezes

>PS4 just sitting there, turned off
>It starts clicking

>Home alone
>TV randomly turns on when the remote is on the other side of the room
>Take that as a sign to play video-games

What was that warehouse image from the recently deleted filename thread all about? People linked it with degeneracy and such.

It was the legendary cp warehouse. Of course its degenerate

>plug USB into computer
>it moans

Do you have any more context? Is it just an implied shock image like the various iterations of “thanks doc,” or is it malicious like the araki donut?

the USB or the computer?

the dog moans

>Doing nothing of particular interest on my computer
>Command window pops up

>loud noise coming from computer
>lightly touch it
>back to normal

>pc makes extremely loud grating noise when turned on but goes away after a while

>computer starts acting up
>give it five across the case
>starts working again
that's what i fucking thought

Never mind, did some reading up on fireden archives and it’s related to kink.com. Considering how you mentioned it’s the “ceepee warehouse,” pic is probably related

>kick pc by accident

>phone in pocket
>suddenly it starts getting extremely hot

>PC riddled with viruses
>takes centuries to boot up
>gotta exit out of a million pop-up when I open Microsoft Edge
>mfw still able to shitpost on Sup Forums

>Turn on computer
>Turn on monitor
>No signal detected

Jesus christ, user. How many slides did you have to go down on a sunny day to do that?

Jesus christ

Happened when I built my first rig. It wasn't until I called my CE friend that he laughing asked me "You didn't plug the monitor into the motherboard, did you?"


>PC is being very loud
>kick it
>It goes silent

>turn on computer
>nothing happens
>no sound
>motherboard is fried

probably a case fan dying, same shit was happening to me so I replaced the fans and have had no issues since

just like my childhood

>plug monitor in with the speakers' power cord
>wonder why monitor keeps powering off

>turn on ps4

>finish building pc
>turn on
>extremely loud rattling noise
>cable was touching the cpu fan

>Open too many porn tabs
>Cpu hits 87 and the PC turns off

>computer getting hotter than usual
>clean off filters and get can o' air for inside

>roommates pc across the house dies

>circa 2008
>hear a loud bang from PC
>PC turns off and smells of burning
>grab dog and bolt out of the room

I was really scared of electricity and shortings

ok no shit sherlock. A wire was touching a fan.

>leave pc on as i'm sleeping
>makes clicking noises throughout the night


>put computer in sleep mode
>half way through the night it wakes up
