So I'm going for the True End path on Hard mode in Agarest: Generations of War but I'm getting my ass whopped by him

So I'm going for the True End path on Hard mode in Agarest: Generations of War but I'm getting my ass whopped by him.
What do before I quit the game forever so close to the end?

Also, Agarest thread I guess.

I only have Zero is worth getting the others?

Don't know, I think the first Agarest (only one I've played) is pretty mediocre for a JRPG.

Grind forever. True ending rewire shitloads of boring grind.

my question also. I like the genre but dont know anything about this series

What's the best place to grind? What level should I grind to?

No. The tbs this game uses is horrible.
Also its insanely grundy that would be somewhat fine if combat wasn't shit.
There are much better games with tbs out there.

>There are much better games with tbs out there.
name a few please

if my dad who is mid 50s can beat that shit in agarest, you can do it too. i believe in you user

Thank you!

how long did it take to get there ? is he the final boss ? i have 1, 2 and zero

According to Steam, I have played 78 hours of the game (though I have all the DLCs).
I read he's the final boss but I think there are some more foes to beat in the True End but I'm not sure.

hmm. i have 1 and zero on 360, and 2 on ps3.

what do you think ? is it a good game ?

what made you want to play this ?

I think it's not very good. I played it because I love JRPGs and anime-styled games and got baited with the idea to romance different waifus each generation and play as their offspring in the next one.

Unfortunately, the gameplay is really repetitive and gets boring after a while. Same goes for the plot, it's not that good and the characters are mostly shallow stereotypes - and it gets repetitive the longer you play.

Even worse that the romance part was really lame.
Pretty much slaps a cg of her in a wedding dress and some text, and then its over to the next chapter.

Yes, exactly! And the CGs aren't even that good - the wonky anatomy looks off at most times and it's not even that nice to look at.

I just want some good games with romance done well.
It doesnt even have to be main focus or multiple waifus.
The ending of Trails in the sky SC felt cute and nice even if it was just a really short bit, but the situation made it actually good.

I feel you, user. Maybe some day~...

So, anyone can give me tips on where to grind best and what level I should have to face Summerill?

I dumped the game mid chapter 3 because I got so insanely bored with the combat and mediocre story and characters.
Played the game on hard and followed a guide for true ending but it still where a complete chore to play since there where nothing to keep me going.

its probably easier to contend with on pc. on console, its very mundance coz you're holding a controller and the focus on the game is not easy.

>having trouble with a j"RPG"

Probably because the game is 99% stats and 1 % actual strategy.
