Literally nothing to fucking play

literally nothing to fucking play

Show me you favorite games.
We will figure something to play for you.

There are an infinite number of games out there to play, dude

deus ex, dxhr, dxmd, new vegas, mass effect 1-2, dragon age origins, xcom 1-2, divinity original sin 1-2, binding of isaac, wc3

there's always Mount and Blade, user

Have you tried Disgaea

What's "north" in relation to Sup Forums?

slavs don't get to experience japanese games when children, and i think it's too late now. everything just turns me off

Shadow run.
Satellite reign
Shadow tactics.
Xanadu next.
The y's series.

for this post you are an idiot. you are ignoring trillion of games. here your recommendation.

What about Underrail


Try stepping out of your comfort zone. Maybe it will reinvigorate you. Play some classic FPS or retro games. Try mega man or some shit. It seems like you play a lot of methodical rpg's or turn based stuff. Maybe something fast paced will click with you

Jagged Alliance 2
Etherlords II
Silent Storm

The original X-COM, Laser Squad Nemesis, Jagged Alliance 2, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Planescape Torment, System Shock, System Shock 2.

play the Witcher games
they shit on dragon age and mass effect

try Pillars of Eternity as well

Can someone give me a recommendation for mechanically challenging games.

I liked dark souls, and even that weird getting over it game was fun.

Finish BATTLETOADS for NES, user.
This one will give you so much fun...

thank you Sup Forumsbros, you're my favorite people

there isn’t ever “nothing to play” unless you’re being a picky faggot. if anything there’s literally not enough time to play everything.

Surprisingly pleasant thread

Parasite eve 1 because mentioned xcom and new vegas. Far stretch but i enjoyed it. Otherwise
NiOh and metal gear survive I am enjoying currently

Play with yourself.

Arcade games in general.
They are all around simple but complex to master gameplay.
When you begin aiming for 1cc that when the game begin to shine.

on console
Contra shattered soldier(PS2) have multiple mechanics to master and finishing the game with the right grade will take you some time.
Alien soldiers is a boss rush mode game with multiple mechanics and patterns the game has also only to difficulty level supereasy or superhard.
Kurushi and Kurushi final are one of my favorite puzzle game with a harsh learning curve and with the best soundtrack ever creating in the history of soundtracks.

>Contra shattered soldier(PS2)

I love this game.


>to many games to play and not enough time
OP is a neet isn't he

Of course you do user.
only pussies don't love Shattred soldier.
A shame contra the hard corps is stuck on PS3 forever. and amazing game with a rush button to speed up the scrolling speed.

What are the shmups you think about ? chose wisely .