Monster Hunter World is now Capcom's best selling game ever
Over 7,5 million copies.
So much for all the children who kept going on and on about how Capcom made a mistake and there was no market for it on the west before the release.

RIP good MH games.

So what does this mean for future Resident Evil games?

How ironic that the worst game in the franchise is the one that sells the most.

I was skeptical of its potential success since MH never had a home console entry sell well, so congrats.

Probably nothing since completely different teams work on those games I am pretty sure.

Faggots Unite aspies seething

Oh there goes one.

>tfw you realize Monster Hunter was only decremented by Nintendo's low-life/end hardware and lack of aiming at a proper audience
Really activates my almonds.

But that's MHp3rd

I want every person who says shit like this to be forced to go back and play the original Monster Hunter.

We did it!

>All monster hunter games will be multiplat from now on.



I'd like to thank Destiny 2 for being such a failure that so much of it's player base flocked to MHW upon release.

But i liked that game :(

Won't happen again tho. Casuals got their dosage of dinosaurs for next 10 years minimum.

Go back and play MH1 or Freedom 1 and say that again

So no new Dino Crisis ?

Tri is worse than P3rd.

Really? I figured it would mostly be Soulsfags who were hungry for another action game with oversized swords.

Fucking release it on PC already you shits.

It was the perfect storm. No competiton for February and most of March, Destiny 2 fucking up and losing players, and DBFZ not retaining most players except people from the FGC really helped it

didnt buy it yet

And PC version later this year.
They're going to have some good numbers, too bad it happened for this casualized version of the game.

You kids fucking serious? Neither of those comes close to the shitfest that was cross.

Hopefully a new Dino Crisis.

>Won't happen again

Silly user, Capcom goes where the money is. If the game sold this well on ps4 and xbone alone, that's before pc, you can bet your ass Capcom doesn't care anymore about exclusivity.

Karma at its finest. It's just so cathartic seeing Karma gruesomely tearing apart and mutilating a certain fanbase's asshole, after years of tolerating

>yfw you enjoy world and are glad that it is successful

I will never forgive 3 for charm tables and underwater battles.


Oh shit! The game got popular! Now I have to stop liking it!

>This thread
Enjoy it while it lasts, it'll eventually come back onto the Switch after its soaked up that Sonybro change


>tfw waiting for PC

Wait your turn bitch, PC fags are eagerly waiting.

>MonHun will never leave nintendo
>World isn't mainline
>World will bomb
>Japan won't buy World
Aren't you tired of being wrong?


>Leaves the shitty nintendo handhelds
>Best selling game since their last non nintendo MH
really makes you think

>wont buy monhun

nobody ever said this, right? you're just asking to be wrong

>being this salty

As a switch owner I don't care to see World released on it

They said Japan won't buy World because it isn't handheld.

Stay strong, PCbros.

>shovelware setting the example for the future
call of duty and the modern military shooter all over again, eh?


It isnt even canon and is basically a spin off to the series like the one with underwater battles

Also it would have bombed if Nintendo didn't make it as successful as it was beforehand

This smug nerg image is amazing.

The only reason it switched to Nintendo was because Tri was cheaper to make on the Wii than for the PS3 for obvious reasons. Plus they didn't want to do trophies and a bunch of other shit Sony wanted for it to be on PS3 and online. Instead Sony got Portable 3rd which also had a PS3 port.

After Tri the choice wasn't there to make another Wii game as the console was dying (2011) and the Wii u wasn't out yet. As they were doing a sequel of sorts to Tri (mh3u) and the 3DS was popular as fuck it naturally went onto there. We're also mainly focusing on Japan here as it was still primarily made as a nip game for everyone to play on the train etc.

Now development is easy as hell due to current architecture and not having to deal with THE POWER OF THE CORE it's now back to Sony but also MS/PC. And once again these have the biggest install base.

Capcom have never been loyal to one system, they go for one thats cheapest and easiest to produce for with the biggest install base.

got one loud laugh outta me
you're right, and i'm not trying to represent nintendo. i just passionately hate shovelware

Anyone got a hi-res of this?

>making MonHun successful
That's a funny joke.

It's the POWER OF THE CELL user, get it right

>tfw you have fun playing monster hunter world
>tfw youve been waiting years for a current gen non handheld mhunt
>tfw happy its multiplat so everyone can enjoy (glad they held off on pc. Pirates would rob so many of the games sales)
>tfw proud of capcom

I'm so sorry

>7.5m shipped
>On two consoles with 100m install base

Yeah, it sold better because they released it on two platforms. The 3DS games sold better than either individual version of this one.

So you've hated MonHun since Tri?


Don't bully the Khezu, he's best boi

>So successful that sony did everything they could to steal the franchise and casualise it

I hate every monster hunter, cause i got a broader definition that's more in-depth and autistic

If Nintendo had just made a good console instead of another underpowered bing bing machine we wouldn't have to have these threads every 45 minutes. It sucks.

Yeah, this series is never going Nintendo exclusive ever again. Holy shit. It fucking outsold Resident Evil.

Capcom needs to keep pumping out the areas and monsters for this game for YEARS.

>Big Capcom fan
>Like Mega Man, SF, Resident Evil, and some of their other (dead) series
>Think MH is just okay
>MHW brings in the money hard for Capcom
>Know that Capcom has ridiculous standards for "success"
>Know that these numbers might kill off Mega Man, SF, and Resident Evil in the near future because their sales don't compete

>So successful not a single Nintendo entry of Monster Hunter sold more than Portable 3rd

Fuck, now I'm sad.
Thank you.

No one is going to want to go back to low res 20 fps garbage on Nintendo's shitty controllers after this.

I hate Khezu but if I ever had to have a monster buddy it'd be that thing.

Why don't Switch owners just buy the game on PC instead of being salty? Don't they have a PC, or is PC x Switch actually just a one-sided meme started by the drones and they actually don't have one? Switch is just too weak to run the game. But PC can run it, so what's the deal really?

Also I think people are daft to think that Capcom won't continue to chase those portable bucks, and there's really only one viable portable in the market right now.

there is no market for it in the west
thats why they watered it down to ship all those copies
do you honestly think if they ported XX to PS4 is would sell even a tenth as much as world?

I love seeing people play the original game. Watching their fingers snap themselves in protest of playing any further is always fun.

We are now entering the timeline where "huntlike" becomes the new hot genre.

How is he crying?

Capcom already said why World isn't on the Switch and it has nothing to do with its power.

You'd better be

>He thinks Sales = Success

They built the brand way better then Sony ever will, you will see. Give it 9 months and they'll announce the Switch version

just dont forget, hunters are the real monster

So get out of this thread and never come back, retard.

Xbox would have had to have sold 3.5 million copies for your statement to be true.

That's saliva, user. He's imagining eating that tasty hun later.

Its already happening
There's a Korean studio working on a new "Monster hunter" style game

Also theres Tokiden Kawawawa but its fucking shiet

I want my alternate monster hunter sequel capcom

>no rajang in world

feels fucking awful. Heres hoping for MHWU

Xbone would've had to be at least half the sales somehow when it didn't even release in Japan because the Xbone barely even fucking exists in Japan. And even outside of Japan the PS4 is the more popular system this gen isn't it?

It was probably like 70/30 PS4/Xbone at best and that's probably a generous guess. We won't know for sure unless some official sales data is released.

That's already been the case in Japan. See: God Eater, Tsudukoienanki, Peace Walker and a bunch of other shit I'm forgetting. Don't forget that Souls actually borrowed a lot of concepts form MH's combat.

Would have sold 20 million if it was on the switch only.

>Capcom announces MHW reaches another sales milestone
>Switchfags perform mental gymnastics to argue why it doesn't matter and the game's sales are actually unimpressive
>Capcom announces another sales milestone for MHW a week later
Like clockwork

so would they turn him waaay down or would they crank it up and rip the knob off?

Japan was doing it for years on the Vita while MH was on Nintendo systems. Toukiden, God Eater, Soul Sacrifice, etc. Even fucking Metal Gear got into it with a similar format with Peace Walker.

As great as it would be it's just not compatible.

Japanese sales for World crossed 2.5 million so on top of Xbox needing to sell 3.5 million minimum the PS4 international version would have to only sell 2 million which would still put the PS4 version only 100k behind 4.

>do you honestly think if they ported one of the worst games in the series to PS4 it would sell even a tenth as much as world?
Gee I dunno user lol

Khezus are hermaphrodites. Put two together and they'll impregnate each other and inject the whelps into a suitable host afterwards.

Every other monster in the game got neutered; I don't see why Rajang would be any different.


Not like high res 20 fps on consoles is any better. But crapcum had to go and delay the pc version.

Nah, it won't kill them off. It WILL, however, recontextualize their approach to their future releases. Megaman might get a higher budget as they're now aware presentation really matters. Resident Evil will likely continue on from VII's example rather than reverting to form, more MH-like titles will potentially be greenlit.


They've been even better to use now knowing how well MHW did

Crank him the absolute fuck up. In fact Rajang should be the first Elder Beast so that way shitters dont rely on traps just to deal with him.