Try to come up with a new gaming genre or at least sub-genre, like metroidvania or souls-like

Try to come up with a new gaming genre or at least sub-genre, like metroidvania or souls-like
You can't

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Real time battle commander where you only have direct control over the commander himself, and have to give all orders by word of mouth.



FPS farming game?
Shit this is harder than I thought.

>like metroidvania or souls-like
not subgenres. metroidvania only describes the castlevania games that are like metroid games. souls-like is dumb, unless you think bayonetta is a dmc-like, and okami is a zelda-like. in that case it's extra dumb


Damn, I have put hours into that.
Very addictive.

There's this one game on google play store that is exactly this, forgot the name right now though.

Is it ride zero?

Don't be like that, I know exactly what I meant

First Person Airdasher


Yeah, that was it

Vehiclar combat 2d fighting game

Jrpg racing game. Its not hard to mash 2 genres into each other and call it a new genre


whats so good about this loli anyways?

All lolis are good.

Second person RTS

Second-Person Shooter.
Natural Disaster Simulator where you play as the Natural Disaster.
Games where if you die in the game, you die in real life too.

So mario kart but you can level up your items?

>Second-Person Shooter.
There is one on Kongregate

Need for speed underground 2 but you make friends with your car and gian affinity and spend a ton of time min maxing and battling other cars


Second Person Shooter. You see your character through another player's camera ( and vice versa ) but other than that, it's standard FPS gameplay.;

a multi-person RTS game, I remember in Shogun 2 you can see through the eyes of one of your soldiers.

Turn based farming simulator.

>metroidvania only describes the castlevania games that are like metroid games.
fucking how wrong can you be.

Investigation MMO: You are tasked with proving that the holocaust never occurred while normies in their history class try to find evidence that it did. Tons of Myst style click on picture stuff, like click on the smokestack to reveal it was added to the picture after the fact and never existed originally. Game has a set start and end date and on the end date whichever side has found the most evidence wins and the game ends.


Psychological horror game but instead of being limited in your movement and your actions as you clumsily try to defend yourself or run away, you are actually powerful and can build skill and kick ass, but the game instills fear in you regardless and it's a surreal feeling

there was a ps2 game with a gimmick like that. You could control your character through a mic. Can't remember the name at all.

Real Time With Pause FPS

Something like End War?

Check out battlezone 1 and 2.

There have been some weird ass mic games. Odama was a RTS pinball game where you barked orders at soldiers using the gamecube mic.

DIABLO loot system
Path of Exile/Final Fantasy VII Materia skill system

>Path of Exile/Final Fantasy VII Materia skill system

When will they bring back PoE's cutthroat leagues?

Shop 'em up.
You got a pool of money to buy shopping and a list to follow. And you buy stuff of the list, or the nearest thing to it. Sometimes you got a time limit, sometimes you got rival shoppers and limited stock.

Sands of Destruction I think its called. On DS.
You play as a storm and you go around wrecking shit.

I remember now its called: Elements of Destruction.

Loli beat 'em up.

turn based tetris

VR Interactive Waifu Porn with Vagina and breast / cock adapter to simulate intercourse.
theyll be first person dating simulators that can end in you banging whoever you want if you’re smooth enough. You can bang your favorite lolis or traps and it wouldn’t be gay