I have always wondered this for Doom, when you die you lose your inventory, so I always reload last save to get it back. Is this considered cheap and avoiding the way the game is meant to be played, or does everyone do it?
I have always wondered this for Doom, when you die you lose your inventory, so I always reload last save to get it back...
Play it however you want but if you're curious, the cool kids do ultra-violence with pistol start on every level. Doesn't matter, really.
I mean I play ultra violence regardless but I think ill try a clean inventory when I die from now on
I'm not a cool kid so I usually just reload the save I had from the beginning of the level.
Play however you want. It's single-player, what are you trying to prove?
actually the cool kids play memorial.wad with hideous destructor on nightmare and anything else is for casual faggots
The manuals advocate it. Play however you want.
Real players intentionally reset their items at the start of every level.
Pistol Start
Final Destination
Hideous Destructor sounds like it would eat my balls for breakfast. Is it as hard as it sounds?
How to get into programming or understanding it through older games like these? Quake engine, Source, id Tech, Build engine
I'll read any recommendations or pointers on how to start
And feel free to call me dumb if I am
>buy ultimate doom
>default keybinds are arrow keys
how did 1993fags even do it
Nothing wrong with playing however you prefer, however it's true that all the maps were balanced from a pistol start. There's even an interview where Sandy Petersen laments that they balanced for a way that wasn't how most people played.
No one should be shamed for carrying over stuff, but I encourage OP to try pistol starting. It really helps you appreciate the careful item/monster placement and makes secrets a lot more rewarding.
>Is this considered cheap
youre intentionally doing so ofc it is retard, but the relevance this "considered" has is next to none, if youre not playing for yourself it doesnt matter
there is no point in starving yourself in a game at all, only full autismo enjoys playing like this, when having fun leave starving for africa
Is it cheap to load a save state in an emulator instead of using a continue and doing the level all over again?
We didn't know any better.
Yes. It seems like more of a meme to me but it's fun to play in short bursts.
False equivalence.
Yes. You can do whatever you want. The fact is the levels are designed so if you DO die you have the chance to beat it anyway.
Arrow keys for movement, left control to shoot, hold left alt and an arrow key to strafe, and press Caps Lock to make sure you run, because your old keyboard is shit and can't allow you to hold too many buttons at once.
John Romero himself played DOOM with WSAD+mouselook (you just can't look up and down) from the start.
Ask on /vr/, they'll be happy to help you get into modding. If you want to learn about the actual code side of it, google fabien sanglard game engine. He discusses a lot of how these older game engines work. You can also check out the Doom source code (its open source) and read/understand it.
By knowing how to use the setup program to change the defaults.
t. savescum
Sandy was shit at designing levels so I'll always go against his opinion
The source code is literally one Google search away dude.
Retro FPS thread?
What are the major differences between the DOOM engine and Build engine? They seem so similar to me.
It's not his "opinion", it's the way all the mappers did it. It would also be pretty dumb to even allow pistol restarts (upon death) if there wasn't enough ammo and health in the level to beat it, yeah? I know you just wanted to throw a little shit at Sandy though, so whatever, you did.
Yes, considering those games weren't made with the ability to save anywhere at anytime in mind, unlike Doom.
Build engine came later--has verticality, dynamic environments, etc.
Studying game code isn't a good way to get into programming unless the game easily allows small edits (e.g., using a built-in scripting language to add stuff to your maps). Even if you just want to change a couple damage variables or something, you'd have to compile the entire source to run and test it, and no beginner should have to worry about compiling an entire game.
Don't use games as a start unless they have a simple scripting language. I believe the old Unreal games have UnrealScript, but don't know any others off the top of my head.
I played with arrow keys up until about 4 years ago. Was an old habit
A major difference is how the renderer determines what it has to render. In other words, the technique they used to make sure you only see (and render) a small piece of the map at once time. Doom uses bsps (basically a graph that you can use to look up the answer, based on the player's position), but Build is portal-based (treat each side of a sector as a window, asking "what can I see (and render) through this side over here?"). Aside from being a technical bit of trivia, the portal rendering is what allows Build to fake room-over-room. The renderer doesn't care about a vertical dimension, it's just asking "What can I see through this door?" At long as you don't try to look at both at once, the renderer doesn't care about where they "should" be in physical space.
Why did the designers allow you to carry your weapons over between the levels if pistol start was their preferred by them?
I find pistol start a mixed bag, on some levels it's really fun (like 4-1, probably my favourite Doom level of all time) on others it's really tedious.
How was that new level Romero made a year or so ago? Never got around to playing it
>Finally do a pistol start playthrough of Doom 2
>Get to Tricks & Traps
I now understand why people hate this level.
Oh my, what a crazy time expenditure would it be for you to play something that's designed to take like 30 minutes to beat.
It's pretty fun.
That's literally how PC games work, you retarded fuckstain.
He did two, actually. They're fun and unpretentious with some creative layout stuff. About what you'd expect--feels like a Romero map on steroids since he had more tools and could detail the levels more. If a nobody released it, it'd just be "eh, solid simple map, some good bits, you've got talent kid". Still can't compare to the best the community has refined over the years.
Is it cheap to use an emulator to save state old games so you dont have to start over once you get back home/wake up?
Thanks user. I've always found it interesting how believable the illusion of 3D spaces is in the old idtech/build engine games.
>Is this considered cheap and avoiding the way the game is meant to be played,
> does everyone do it?
Also sort of yes. I encourage you not to do it on the vanilla levels, they're balanced to be easy enough to kill every monster with just the ammo and weapons on the map but fucked if I'm gonna sacrifice my extra ammo on super hard usermaps. If there are monsters left alive at the end I don't feel like I've done a good enough job. And making them all kill each other is very tedious.
By changing the controls like an enlightened being.
>and press Caps Lock to make sure you run
Sorry, Duke. Not in the Doom engine. Autorun was a bug only usable by setting 'joyb_speed 21' in DEFAULT.CFG. 31 worked too.
>mouselook (you just can't look up and down)
If you cannot look up and down it is not called mouselook.
this was also how i played it in 93
holding alt to strafe
>Sorry, Duke. Not in the Doom engine
Either I confused it with Chocolate Doom functionality or maybe it was available in Doom95? I don't know.
Every level is designed to be beaten after starting with just a pistol.
Git Gud.
eltists might tell you to pistol start every level and you can do so if you want to but honestly, it makes little difference, there's weapon pickups in every map
Pistols runs are try hard and retarded, literaly artficial difficulty, many sourceports just spawn you with whatever weapons you had at the start of the map for a reasoin.
When developing and testing their levels they would test the maps on their own, so they would start with a blank inventory slate. The levels were only arranged in order when they were all done
>getting tricked and/or trapped
Is there a mod that let's you recover your weapons from where you died similar to Shovel Knight?
Listen to this user. If you want to learn programming pay hackerrank a visit.
Doom 2 maps are mostly meme maps. Get ready for more
levels arent designed to be resumed after you die
tinkering with game code is a way more practical way to learn than programming competitions
You literally only need to go through 3 doors to get to the end of the level. T&T can only be difficult if you're either a beginner or going for 100%.