Is this the black sheep of resident evil games?

is this the black sheep of resident evil games?

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no. why?

The black sheep is 4, then it's just pure shit from there on, with 4 included.

Luckily they saved the franchise with 7.

RE3 is the first RE i ever finished so I love it.
I beat RE1 after but never played RE2.
I played code veronica half way until the game fucked me in the FUCKING ASSHOLE with a BITCH ASS save spot on the cargo plane.

Im waiting for REMAKE2 before I play re2

because nobody ever talks about it


It was fucking popular when i was a kid and the game got released over here (not as much as 4, but almost there). If something, that title goes to 5 and later. Literally no one talked about those here and the few people i knew who bought 5, 6 or 7 just stopped caring about them.

5 thru 7 sold more than 3 tho

I played it for the first time about 2 weeks ago, it was alright

This is why I replay RE3 over the years:

>sales = quality
Yeah naw. People bought those expecting the games were getting better (which wasn't the case). Just check internet and you might find lots of comments of people claiming "this new entry is going to be good". Those sales were most because of the brand and fans hoping a good game.

nope that would be 7

That's not CVX or Zero.

>RE5 is the most hated game in the RE franchise
I'm still confused about how this game was Capcom's best-selling game until MHW.

its code veronica x different than the original I played the original on a burnt cd-r for dreamcast many lifetimes ago and it was really great

we are talking about popularity here m8 people still talk about 5-7 regardless if its a positive or negative reception.

They fleshed out the parts with chris a lot more with cut scenes and dialogue between him and wesker.

re3 is my favorite classic style RE and im a HUGE REfag

Alhough i recognize its not objectively the best, its still the one i like the most

>second best game in the series
>black sheep

Replay code veronica
Play re2

Dont be a fucking retard

im curious user, how do you rank them?

based outsideposter

notice how re3 is the only mainline game to not be remastered/remade onto current gen consoles? just saying...

it was "remastered" for 6th gen consoles but I know what you mean

REmake > 3 > 2 > the rest

I can respect this opinion

re1 and 2 havent got remasters either
And no, a REmake is not the same game, nor does it make the original game redundant.

None of the original trilogy has been remastered for current gen consoles, REmake is a completely diferent game from 1 and >implying REmake2 will ever come out

>REmake2 will play like RE4

>notice how re3 is the only mainline game to not be remastered/remade onto current gen consoles?
Are you talking about REmake 2:Vaporware Edition?

>remake2 will not have pre-rendered backgrounds with 3d objects ala REmakeHD
>even if REmake2 has camera angles it will an afterthought option in the main menu without thought or reason and it will suck like in Lost in nightmares

I would say no. If you included all re games it would be the outbreak ones. If you only include the main numbered ones then zero.

love how you ignored the part where i said remade

I wouldn't say 3 > 2 i'd say they are pretty equal even though I like 3 better.

because it makes no sense, RE1 never got into newer consoles because REmake is not RE1 and is not a substitute for it, theyre completely diferent games

You are being fucking retarded

4 is the black sheep and ruined the franchise

wouldn't that be Survivor?

survivor is legit KINO
It takes a refined taste to apreciate the genius of Survivor 1

As someone who considers resident evil 3 his favorite game of all time there really is no need to worry about ammo in it. They throw enough ammo at you to kill everything in the game 3 times over. Then again its been a very long time since my first playthrough.

yeah but 4 is more fun

Disliking RE3 is the epitome of having shit taste.

Agreed. Atmosphere is top notch, replayability is there, OST is also decent. Plus ist a short game.

Not really.

try killing every optional Nemesis encounter (aka even in Restaurant and Clock Tower 2nd Floor, no cheaping out with decisions) and you'll be running out of ammo in no time
though it's very hard to run out of ammo once you get to Dead Factory I admit, since it throws 3 As and 3 Bs all at once at you, allowing you to either make a shitton of shotgun ammo or opt out of some Magnum rounds

a man of wealth and taste

>tfw kid me discovering the super shotgun rounds

>black sheep
>when it's vastly superior to 2 in every way imaginable

to this day the best intro in the hostory of gaming
>that music crescendo

This game doesn't have enough save ribbons in it. What the fuck, dude? I liked Resident Evil 1 and 2, but this game is terrible. Too many random enemies, what's the point of that?

>Too many random enemies, what's the point of that?
replay value

RE3 is probably my favorite old RE, because it takes place mostly in Raccoon City. RE2 just gave you a small taste of the chaos in the city, then you were in the police station and underground labs for the rest of the game.

>Concern in RE3 about conserving ammo
>Game begins with an ammo mixer in your item box

what you just said makes zero fucking sense you dumb faggot.

It's basically an expansion pack for a RE2, I can dig it in that framework.

What I don't dig is nuking Raccoon City, Leon's final end scene promised me a brutal MOUT reconquista, and Capcom did not deliver. Goddamn the disappointment was so palpable I can still feel it18 years later.