Debating with a friend. Would you consider Dark Souls a multiplayer focused game?
In the same vein I would consider Animal Crossing a multiplayer focused game. It can certainly be done alone, but friends heighten the experience.
No because the game was designed with single player in mind first and multiplayer second.
A lot of cool features around multiplayer, and the ideas behind leaving death spots and certain little easter eggs, such as the bell ringing everytime someone online beats the gargoyle boss, I wouldn't say so.
Multiplayer is a huge component of the game. Seeing the messages on the ground, the ghosts at bonfires and blood stains on the ground adds a sense of community to the game, not to mention the sense of community just surrounding the game online, like people who were discovering secrets about the game and it's lore after it's launch. It's something magical that someone playing the game today would never be able to experience again.
Multiplayer is important but it's not the focus.
It's one of the most memorable aspects of the game, but completely optional and necessary so no.
Multiplayer focused? No. It adds to the experience, but the single player content is what defines the game. Multiplayer adds some twists to the gameplay (a potential new friend or foe at any given moment) but the game isn't dependent on the multiplayer in order for you to progress/get enjoyment out of it
Right on the money
It secretly is a pvp game
No, the multiplayer does make playing a little more interesting but it's not reliant on it
of course not
dark souls 2 might be close
I still remember how badly designed some parts were, but the pvp was tight as fuck
Obviously not. If you are the person debating that it is then you're wrong and a moron.
Yes, because many of the bosses are designed with the expectation of you summoning other players to help. All of the covenants are designed for multiplayer interactions, the yellow soapstone exists solely for multiplayer interaction. So much of the Souls games are entwined with multiplayer playing them exclusively single player is an entirely different experience
>going from ds2 pvp to ds3 pvp
holy fuck
what went so horribly wrong
no, most of the game you dont interact with other players, therefore it is not a multiplayer focused game
And demon's souls feels a bit more multiplayer focused too with the world tendency.
I found DS to be most enjoyable when played entirely with a friend.
It trivializes difficulty of course, but it's a great time. I wish that it had been designed with 2 player Co-op in mind, so you could just bind to your friend and play through the entire thing as a party, with added mechanics on bosses to keep both people busy.
So, it is if you play it that way.
Glad I'm not the only one like this
fuck DS3's PvP
Dark Souls 2 should have been named Dark Souls: Online since it's the only thing they got right
Depends on the player. Personally I prefer playing Souls in single player and think it's strength is as a single player RPG, but alot of people play it for the MP experience.
Honestly I've always found the PvP shallow and unbalanced so I've never really understood the people who play it for the PvP.
Bullshit, boss AI completely breaks when fighitng more than 1 player.
Allowing invasions during bosses proportional to your summons would be cool
Multiplayer focused? No. Multiplayer enhanced? Yes.
Nope, it's just like the opening for Demon's Souls.
- The last tiny bit of it depicts multiplayer, because it isn't integral to gameplay. Just something extra.
Gael does really well against multiple opponents, but hes an exception
No, since multiplayer stuff is optional and not required for finishing the game
>fuck DS3's PvP
And fuck the single player too. Remember all those fun builds that were viable in the past two games, well fuck you enjoy your straight sword faggot.
Bloodborne stamina consumption and regeneration, near unpunishable chugging
Ds3 is my first ds game, I have defeated all bosses by myself so far(except abyss watchers), and still i see a lot of messages written by others that read "praise the friend" or whatever.
The challenge of bosses is what I think is fun in this game and people are just willing to summon two geared boys to help?
Coop is fun and after the first playthrough most of the bosses are probably gonna be pretty easy to you so why not?
Hidetaka Miyazaki (the guy that invented the Dark Souls series) came up with the idea for PVP backstab fishing fight clubs so he tried to wrap a lore and world around it, so yeah it's 100% multiplayer.
Ive only ever played dark souls cooperatively with my irl friends so yes. it's hard out there for people who enjoy co-op, devs hate making those type of games nowadays, unless you count those gross horde wave based games that are "co-op" but really arent.
Miyazaki is actually the worst at playing Dark Souls on the From Soft dev team according to himself (according to EpicNameBro who worked with him at one point)
It depends on how you play the game. I play the game as a darkwraith, so i see it as a multiplayer focused game.